Marker Splotches
Ramblings of the markers
Monday, October 31, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
a poem about a cellular device...
cellular phones, cellular phones
to the use of you many of use are prone
for lack of one i was not, however
(prone that is)
and so i decided upon an endeavor
to forge for myself a new future, filled with ring tones and chargers
so tonight, i bought my first phone, and it is not larger
than most.
now i'm just trying to rhyme.
okay, this is stupid. i have my first phone though! that part is true. my number is 660-1753. however, i am asking people to not use it if they're looking to chat with me, because it's one of those pay as you go phones, and right now i'm basically using it when i really need to reach someone, you know? like if i get seperated from someone and i'm like, gee, where are you, instead of wandering. if you would like to converse with me, my room phone is 762-4985, so you can use that. however, incoming texts are free with my phone, and it's pretty cheap for me to send them, so you can also do that. anywho, yay technology. but i hope i don't become addicted to it....

Hey!!! These are some pictures from this weekend! We had so much fun dressing up for halloween! I went as Gogo Yubari from kill bill (i hear sarah was the same thing?). wicked awesome. haha. anyway, meghan went as a cowgirl (even though she had a really cute fairy costume to wear), and Jacquelyn just wore whatever the heck she wanted to and could get away with (yeah halloween)!!!! I miss the days of trick or treating, but this year I'm actaully passing out candy myself!! little kids come to the dorms, so meg and i signed up!! yay!!
My Weekend
Friday we had a slumber party in the lounge. It was awesome we watched scary movies. I feel bad because I accidentally punched Mikey in the balls. Oops. Mikey is my favorite person to be with when I am scared because...well I don't know he just is. So last night before I went out to parties I went to a Haunted Corn Maze (cause we are in Kirksville there are no Haunted Houses). It was pretty sweet. I was definately scared but it didn't help that Kevin and Jeremy and the other guys were going out of their way to scare me. Again I feel bad because I kept like jumping on Bono and squeezing him the whole time. It was awesome because we fit 9 people into John Stutte's car. So I was in the front sitting on Drew's lap and then there were four people squeezed in the back seat with two people just shoved in. It was a lot of fun.
Ok so then I went to a couple parties last night. They were fun. I have never in my entire life woken up one morning after a night of drinking and still been drunk, but this morning I woke up at 8 and was still drunk. On that note, I have never gotten sick from drinking. I have never thrown up from drinking and I have never had a hangover (sorry you did Merge). It's a pretty sweet deal I think. Usually I just forget things and pass out. So far today I have done nothing except sleep and help plan a haunted house for tomorrow night. Planning and making haunted houses is a lot of fun. Anyway, guess thats about all I did this weekend. It was soooooo much fun. I had a really cute/sexy cowgirl outfit...I'll post pictures when they get developed. Whee!
Saturday, October 29, 2005
everybody shake your earlobe
so it's saturday afternoon. last night, i got drunk. for the first time in my life. today, i am hungover. what a sucky feeling this is. how is this fun? like, whatever fun i had last was definitely not worth what i'm feeling right now, and especially what i felt this morning. i've had way more fun than the fun i had last night, and i could still function the next day. but i was thinking, while hugging the toilet in some guy's apartment and this wonderful girl anne marie was holding my hair back and i was hoping to throw up just for some relief, why do people do this? how is it fun to feel this way multiple times? i have concluded that i will never again let myeslf get drunk, unless i'm out with people who are my friends or something, you know? like, when we get married and we have a bachelorette's party, and it's the girls all hanging out, then i'd consider having more than i can handle or something, you know? but no more frat parties for me. god i feel shitty.
Friday, October 28, 2005
ok, this is mainly for Amanda, but everyone else is welcome to share my horror and delight...Amanda, do you remember at good ol' St. Mary Magdalen when Ms. Greschener played us all those weird songs on Halloween? Like "Eat It" and such? Well, I found the "Dead Puppies" song and downloaded it. hahahaha and just to jog your memory and to make others laugh and horrified, here are the lyrics (they're like a good dead baby joke):
Dead puppies, Dead puppies,
Dead puppies aren't much fun.
They don't come when you call.
They don't chase squirrels at all.
Dead puppies aren't much fun.
My puppy died late last fall.
He's still rotting in the hall.
Dead puppies aren't much fun.
Mom says puppy's days are through,
She's gonna throw him in the stew.
Dead puppies aren't much fun.
Dead puppies, Dead puppies,
Dead puppies aren't much fun.
HAHAHAHA happy halloween everyone (well shortly you know) this is sick...
oh dear
there is now officially a facebook group about people wanting me to give a blow job to my friend Rafi (Rafael). what has this world come to? it started out as a joke about a month ago and now people that i don't even know want me to give him one. does anyone else find this odd? i don't think i ever expected this from college, but hey, whatever. its a good story to tell to the children. well, i'm off to find the rest of my halloween costume. later babes
Update on The Shaming
It took 7 of us girls to get Emily's key from Caleb. Then we gave Caleb his key back. Denis, Gary, Caleb, Emily, and I made a pact that only the five of us would pull pranks, and we wouldn't prank anybody else. No more collateral. We made a couple more rules: no peanut butter, no destruction of property, no bodily fluids/solids, and we have to keep our doors unlocked at all times.
Denis also told us that last night, after we left, and I had switched the light on, that Gary went to turn the light out, and Denis was like "Gary? Help." He seriously could not move. I was so afraid that he was going to be able to just slide out, but he said the way his arms were positioned, he couldn't move at all!! Yay! Then Gary said that if we hadn't left the light on and he hadn't had to go turn it off, he would have just left Denis tied up til morning! Sooooooo yeah......
Thursday, October 27, 2005
ok so we get to decorate our hall for halloween and our hall chose to decorate ours like the movie "signs". I made aliens for the doors and helped crinkle paper for the walls. They asked me to do the aliens because i am the art major, and somehow that makes me really good at drawing aliens (its kinda funny, i get asked to do a lot shit....)
anyway here is our hall.
the beginning of the hall is the living room - with the cups of water from the little girl, the hat they make, and a chair etc.... then its cornfields with aliens peeking around the doors (note the hands and heads....). then the end is the barn. it is pretty awesome. :)
judges are coming through all the dorms and picking the hall they like the best. if we win we get $100 worth of pizza and wings and soda. mmmmmm i am quite hopeful cause i love pizza. :)

it's been a while

hello lovely ladies (and gents)--i saw all of the pics everyone kept posting from what feels like forever ago to me, and i was inspired to post a few myself. the only pics i actually have on my comp start from this summer. hope you enjoy! just wanted to say that it's nice to have such good memories of being crazy, exhausted, happy, or whatever with all you folks. :) (really big goofy smile!)
spring break pic needed
does anyone have a picture of me in my curtain/blanket/spoon/chocolate icing/etc. outfit? cuase i kinda want a pick of that. and missy: i think you gave me the spring break dvd without actually burning the video onto it. thanks bitch :) when i see you next your gonna have to do that for me so i hope you still have it.
Details about The Shaming (I have no idea why we call it that)
Alright, this will be long, but I think it's worth reading.
I wasn't expecting at all to do it, but around 10pm, my roommate, Emily, came back to our room from Caleb and Denis' room and said we could probably pull it off cause they were drinking. So Emily and I hung out and watched them (Caleb, Denis, Gary, and this guy Brendan who has nothing to do with The Shaming) play beer pong for a while, deciding that if they didn't go to bed by 2am, we would do it another time, cause we both had to get up early this morning.
At about 1am, they called it quits on the beer pong and started playing Halo. After one round, Denis said he hated Halo, and suggested they go on a drunk walk. I cleverly persuaded them not to do so by saying that security had been walking around all night. So then Caleb said, "Let's watch an episode of 'Lost'." Denis vetoed that, so they started getting red for bed. I left, and Emily stayed, pretending that she was just going to sleep with Caleb, and she told me she would come get me and Mallory when they were asleep. At 1:22am, Emily came back and told us that they had, in fact, started watching "Lost". Since an episode sans commercials is about 40 minutes, I said if they fell asleep within 15 minutes of the episode being over, we would still do it.
Around 2:15, Emily still wasn't back, so Mallory and I went to listen at their door. We heard nothing, so I started opening the door. That door is such a noisy, squeaky, stuck bitch. Growl. I heard someone coming to the door from inside, so Mallory and I sprinted back to my room. Emily came in a minute later; turns out it was her stirring inside. She said Gary was snoring, Denis was out, but Caleb was still kind of awake. So she went back to the room to persuade Caleb to come sleep with her in her bed. At first, he refused, but she started crying, saying she would explain in the morning, and would he please come sleep with her. So he stumbled into our room and got into Emily's bed and went to sleep. Mallory, Emily, and I then went back to the boys' room with two rolls of duct tape and scissors. We were ripping strips of tape in the hall, since it was so loud, and their RA opened the door. We were like, "Fuck". Luckily, he thought it was hilarious, so he let us carry on. I decided I wanted my camera, so I started to run back to my room and as I turned the corner, I saw Caleb coming at me with a huge grin on his face. I tried to yell-whisper to Mallory that he was coming, but he saw, and was like "What are you guys doing?" Emily told him, and he actually decided to help us!
We went into the room, leaving the door propped a bit for light. Gary was on the top bunk, Dennis on the bottom. I climbed over the desk at the foot of the bed so I could get between the wall and the bed to pass the tape back and forth. I accidentally kicked Denis' printer, and Gary sort of woke up and said "What's goin' on guys?" We all became absolutely still and silent, and he went back to sleep. We started taping Denis first, beginning with his legs and working our way up. As I was pulling the tape under the bed, it made a particularly loud noise, and Denis turned over and said, "Take it easy guys!" I was like "Fuck" and I crouched down and hid my head in my hands (like when the guys hide in Life of Brian, anyone? anyone?) and tried to suppress my laughter. Luckily, he was also so drunk that he just fell right back asleep.
While we were still working on Denis, Caleb started working on Gary. After only one strip of tape, however, he started moving around, so we decided he would wake too easily. We also thought we might not have enough tape for the both of them. Once we finished Denis, I took a spoonful of peanut butter and put it on his face. We tried to tape a beer to the wall, but we couldn't get it to stay. (We wanted to leave a note that said "We left you some snacks in case you can't get out and you get hungry".) We set the alarm for 3:27 and sat on the futon to watch as he struggled to get out when the alarm went off. 3:27 came, the country music came on, and........nothing. From either of them. Not a stir. So Emily went back to her room to get her really fuckin obnoxious alarm clock. 3:35, her alarm goes off, right next to Denis' head. No. Movement. So I got under the bed and started pushing up on it. Still nothing! Emily kicked him. Zilch. By this time, we were all laughing hysterically and snapping all sorts of pictures (with bright flashes, of course). I don't remember exactly what woke Gary up, but he leaned over the bed and saw Denis and started yelling and cursing. While we laughed, and took pictures of him. Denis finally stirred, but he simply moved some of the tape away from his head and fell back asleep. Since Gary was still yelling, we decided to leave. We switched the light on as we left, and banged on the door one last time. Gary yelled something horrid, although I couldn't really hear it. Then Emily attempted to fall asleep in her bed with Caleb trying to make out with her while I posted the pictures.
Today at lunch, I asked Denis what he thought when he woke up and he said he honestly didnt' remember. That was quite disappointing. He and Gary said that we had taken it to the next level, as if duct taping someone to their bed was worse than pooping in someone's room. So now he has threatened to poop straight on our carpet, and in Emily's shoes, which she left in their room. But. Emily is a genius, and she managed to steal Caleb's keys.
So I'm pretty much freaked out that I will step in doo some morning. I told him, however, that my mentrual blood would be grosser to him than his poo is to me, even if he poos twice a day and I only have my period once a month. I don't really know what to expect, since after the first poo Denis said that he was really sorry and he realized it was pretty disgusting. But I will most definitely keep you guys updated!
Tonight (or rather, very early this morning), The Shaming took place. Remember when Denis pooped on my floor? Well, the following pictures are from my revenge. I will tell more later, but right now it is 4am and I work in 4.5 hours, so I'm going to get some shut-eye. With my door locked, of course.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
a pic is worth a thousand words but its really just a bunch of pixels...
so i've decided that i have WAY too much time on my hands...and i've been thinkin...glancing over teh last couple of dozen posts i've decided that we are THE most random people of all time...honestly...the topics of these posts are about everything adn absolutely nothing...and then i was thinkin about all the crazy pictures i have on my comp and about how much extra time i have to facebook and i put two and two here's my vow...i'm going to try for as long as i can post one random picture a day on ms...we'll see how long this resolution lasts...
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
I have some bad news, everyone
Artemis, my hamster, died today. I went to say bye to him before going back to campus, and he wasn't breathing--he was just curled up under his little castle that my dad bought for him. i lifted it up and he was all stiff and cold. so i put some shavings in one of those purple, velvet Crown Royale bags that come with wine bottles, and then set him in it after holding him and crying for a while (he's so tiny!) and then buried him under this lilac bush in my backyard.
has anyone ever seen hamster boogers? i saw some on his chest. his head was curled up to his chest, and there were tiny green balls, about three or four, stuck to his fur right underneath his tiny little nose. even though it's kind of gross, it was really cute at the same time.
i just wanted everyone to know. he was a really great guy, i wish you all could've met him. ella was there when i adopted him, she knew him best.
i'll miss my little baby.
I'm Dreaming of a White..........Halloween?
Ahhhhhhhh, there's nothing like the first snow of the season......
AHHHHHHH guess what???
ok i got the lead in a one act!!! ahhhhhhhhhh i am beyond excited! its called the universal language and the performances are some time in early december i think... i'll keep you posted. im just way too excited!!!
The Grinch: It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes, or bags.
i dont know why i chose that quote... but hooray!!!
Monday, October 24, 2005
drumroll, please....
here is jessie's 1st boyfriend! 100% SLUH, with (according to jessie) absolutely gorgeous eyes. he sounds really nice... (and i think he looks a bit like John Heder...)

oh my gosh! sorry, i have some bad news on a completely unrelated subject. my mom just called and told me that my car was stolen!! ahhh! this is sooo sad. i miss my car and i will never see it again (probably) all this change...i simply don't know what to do....(here's my connecting sentence) sad for me, but yay for jessie and her nice SLUH boy!
Um, Help?!
K so I want to make my own blog. But I cannot come up with a good name. I wan't something personal, cute, and catchy. Margaret was full of awful ideas, she was looking around her room naming things. That makes me think of on Anchorman when the guys are asking Ron what love feels like and Brick starts naming things in the room and saying he loves them. He's like "I love lamp"...that should be my blog title. I love lamp. Anyway thats a funny part of the movie.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
egocentric? me?
Call me a bit egocentric, but shouldn't life at home just simply stop since I'm not there? well, apparently it just doesn't work that way because I got some news. I have some happy news. Jessie...that's right my little sophmore sister Jessie (some of you may know her as pain-in-the-ass Jessie (cough Amanda! cough)) has her first boyfriend! He's a SLUH boy of course. heehee. I'm so giddy for her. On their first meeting, he told my sister that she had cute dimples, and apparently, after a few sluh football games and late night calls, they are now going out. I personally think he looks a bit like John Heder from the picture she sent me (not with the fro though...with his normal hair). She likes his eyes. his name is eric...and that's all I know...oh I wish I was there!! oh, and my dad got a black lab puppy from AuctioNerinx!! her name is belle (nerinx musical after all...) and she looks sooooo cute! I, of course, have yet to see her which makes me sad, but she looks so adorable. Now all I have to worry about is my dad telling me that my cats ran away....he never did like them...
belle! soooo cute!
Saturday, October 22, 2005
has anyone else found themselves comparing everyone you meet to nerinx people?
so far i swear that i've met someone exactly like miryam, margaret, keegan, and angela.. but then other people that are down here that know of those people tell me i am beyond crazy....
Thursday, October 20, 2005
i'd like to thank the academy...
i'd like to thank you all for all those times that we watched porn...stephen flannigan's house, amanda's house, senior retreat, spanish seemed the goal of a few guys (ratio was 3:1) that i hung out with last night to "corrupt" me by "making" me watch girl on girl "porn" for the "first" time therefore causeing me to feel "uncomfortable" and "awkward"...i laughed at them...told them they didn't understand my lesbian catholic school ways....told them they should come to a catholic school retreat before they start making such lofty assumptions...
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
This shit is bananas.
Okay so I just thought this was really really funny. Too bad it grosses me out too much to actually wear. Shitty shirt!
flip a bitch and turn on the light switch...
i have absolutely no idea what inspired that title...but okay...
so i've realized why college is so god damn cool...i've got it...the its because we are all confronted with all the trials and tribulations of the adult life while living up the immaturities of when we were little...
examples: i don't know about you all but i'm constantly faced with decisions about drugs, alcohol, sex, relationships, jobs, furthuring my education, friends, distance, family, money, debt, food, living space, companionship, etc....hard shit to deal with...stuff that takes all my strength to face (especially when it comes all at once)....stuff that is rediculously hard to figure out...this being "the most exciting, defining and important time of our lives" its awesome and i'm havin a blast with it...its exciting i'll give ya that...
at the same time we get to be immature and its okay...a 30 yr old is looked down on as rediculously strange if they go jumpin around in puddles on a rainy day (my jeans are still soaked) and only a frosh can make a fort in thier room and its acceptable (currently typing this up in my fort behind my shroud of mystery) and whats better is now we have the sense (sometimes) to do these things right...(for example, i'm not making my fort out of unsturdy couch cushions anymore so that the heavy things i put on them to hold up the sheets fall on my head...instead i use the laws of physics and go to the hardware store for things that i need to make it last awhile)...collegers are expected to be in the process of growing up...but not completely there yet...we can be stupid and obnoxious and people overlook it for the most part...we can make soap in the dorm kitchen just because we idolize fight club and have no better excuse to get away from our homework...we can smash pumpkins in the street just cause we're pissed about a bad score we got on a test....we don't need a job cause; we'll pay it off later, or just do whithout, or find a boy to pay for it...we can eat cold pizza for breakfast, a candy bar for lunch, and then cocoa pebbles and beer for dinner...its acceptable...oh those rambunkious kids...they are just experimenting...finding thier limits...we can stay up all night goin to ihop and take a midterm the next day cause afterwards we'll just sleep until some hooligan knocks on our door inviting us to the next party...yet we can still be mature and that works as well...we can go to voluntary lectures and theatrical productions...we can learn other languages just cause we want to...we can take trips to see friends and family without our parent's permission...we can do whatever we want whenever we want...and it kicks ass...but we lose the ability to do all those immature crazy things as we grow up...its not just seen as a rogue act of teenage normalcy...getting stoned before going to work is definitely not seen as acceptable...building a fort in your apartment adn inviting the people down the hall to watch cartoons in it is not acceptable...if you went to a park and jumped in puddles you would probably get as long as we don't get too bogged down with the responsibility we have so much more freedom than we ever had and ever will have...and THAT is why college kicks ass...
we are the champs!!!
everybody better watch a the game tonight cause the cards are going to win. this isnt just me speaking as a fan. i know they will. they are going to win tonight and tomorrow so you need to watch!! missy, you're watching right? i mean especially you! watch all!! woohoo!!! im excited if you cant tell. and this is giving me a break from writing my paper. GO CARDS!!!
" ::gasp:: my spinach puffs!!!" Kronch
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
okay folks--it's ghosting time.
hey everyone! okay, i have a cool story. it's kind of long, so if you're not too interested in ghost stories on my campus, you should stop reading. anyways.
okay. so you all know about DuBourg Hall and how the exorcism happened (for those who don't, please refer to previous blogs. you'll probably want to check out september's...i think it's in that one). ANYWAYS! so last night (monday night) we had a ghost hunter come to SLU to take people around the fourth floor at night so they could ghost hunt, right? regrettably, i could not attend, because i was scheduled to work, which is actually quite strange because i haven't worked on a monday since, i've been exploring the fourth floor with tom and a couple others about three times now, and so i thought i knew it pretty well, even though there were some doors i couldn't get through because they were locked.
well, the ghost hunter took them to places that i hadn't been in yet. my friend ashley was among them. so she was telling me about how they had a thermometer and some electromagnetic reading thingy, and how they would go into a room in the dark, and he would speak to the "spirits" in the room, and announce why they were there. so then everyone would stand there waiting for something to happen. in some places, nothing happened. but then in one room the bulbs in the lights suddenly flashed and popped, and right before that happened the girl holding the thermometer announced that the temperature had dropped from 86 degress to 45 degrees. and then the elecrtomagnetic thing that had set up in the room that starts making noises when people move close to it started going off, even though no one had moved.
now, even though i was like, huh cool, ghosty stuff, part of me was skeptical because they were using equipmennt that he brought and maybe he had rigged stuff just to freak everyone, right? well, then i found out some even creepier stuff...
so when the lights flashed and popped, it happened between 9 pm and 9:20 pm. remember that. then, this girl that ashley was with had been taking pictures with her digital camera, and noticed these spots on the pictures that looked like rain drops. so she asked the guy about it, and he started talking about how they were called "ghost orbs" and showed them pictures that people had taken of ghosts, and the spots in those pictures looked exactly like the ones in this girl's pictures! ghost orbs are ghosts, but just in an orb shape.
so at this point i was like, wow, that's pretty creepy, but i was still a little skeptical. but just keep reading. it gets weirder.
so then ashley tells me about how she was telling our friend lindsey all about the ghosthunting later that night. lindsey is in a play here at slu, and she was at rehearsal at xavier hall, which is about a five minute walk from dubourg, while the people were ghosthunting. she had wanted to go, but was stuck in rehearsal. so lindsey was telling her all about the ghost orbs in the pictures, and lindsey looks at her and says, "shut the fuck up." and lindsey was like, "what??" in response, lindsey pulls out her camera and shows ashely pictures that she had been taking of the stage while at rehearsal, and covering the picture were ghost orbs. also, that night, three brand-new bulbs burst in the lights sometime between 9pm and 9:20.
how freaky is this??? but keep reading....!!!!
so this afternoon (tuesday) after hearing all of this from ashley, i run up to lindsey's room to see the pictures. and let me tell you, they were so eerie. we decide to go to dubourg and look around some more. so she takes her digital camera, and we creep up the fourth floor. the place i wanted to take her was locked, so we decided to go through this door into a set of rooms i hadn't been in yet. we explore one room, and then go into another. these rooms are not furnished, and are falling apart, and the floors are all ripped up, some of the ceilings are exposed, and all the crawl spaces leading into the attic are open. so we go into this really sunny room that has a table set up in it, and some curtains on the floor that construction workers had recently taken down. she's freaked out, and wants to leave, but i'm walking around the room and i hear her camera clicking. she had taken pictures in the other rooms we were in, but we saw nothing. as i'm walking around this room, i hear her breathe in sharply, and she goes, "margaret...." so i walk over to her. she points to the picture she just took of the room, and there are two of those ghost orbs. she starts saying she wants to leave again, but i grab her arm and tell her to just take more pictures, and that we're fine. so we keep exploring, and she keeps taking pictures, but no more orbs showed up.
aaaa!! how FREAKY and EERIE and HAIR RAISING is THAT???? the ghost hunter might come back, he said, because he sensed some definite vibes and he might make a documentary. i also took lots of pictures the other times i was up there, so i can't wait to get them developed!! maybe i'll see ghost orbs, too!!!
Monday, October 17, 2005
I took a quiz online to find out my pirate name, and look what my result was!!!
Often indecisive, you can't even choose a favorite color. You're apt to follow wherever the wind blows you, just like Calico Jack Rackham, your namesake. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!
sound familiar???
Sunday, October 16, 2005
im hooked on a feeling
i can't believe i am actually going to write this... it is amazing, but true. *deep breath* i am feeling... NOSTALGIC! holy crap the only thing i want to do right now is go ice skating at steinberg's with everyone under the sun. no talk of stupid drinking stories, drugs, ect. there will be no mention of us trying to impress one another with our college stories of "who did what" and such. just fun. just good old fashion stuff like dupo illinois, monster cookies, late night swimming, dressing up for dumb dances, and knowing that we were the koolest kids in skool. i want to see you all again. i miss you. and i can't wait to see the awesome people you are all becoming. rather, the awesomer people, because it goes without saying that you all were born amazing.
I am in dire need of your assistance.
Friday night, Jon slept on my floor in his sleeping bag because his roommates were gone and he was really drunk and didn't want to be by himself. At about 3:30am, I was awoken by the sound of Jon taking a piss on my floor. He must have been a dog in a previous life, because he at least managed to pee on some newspaper. Unfortunately, Jon and Denis think it is absolutely hilarious; Jon is even somewhat proud. So now they want to do it again. They even want to make a facebook group about it. I came back from dinner to find them in my room putting newspaper in the bottom of my trashcan. I will be keeping my door locked from now on, but if they do manage to pee (or poop) in my room, what should I do to get back at them? I need some good suggestions. I've already threatened them with menstruation. Gimme some more ideas, please!
i officially know all the words to the song My Humps, by the Black Eyed Peas. and they're the right words, too!! now i'm going to go moisturize.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
God Hates Shrimp
Tonight, I went to hear this mayor from New York talk about gay marriage and the legal marriage licenses (damn that word and its spelling) that he has given. He talked about people quoting the Bible to prove that homosexuality is wrong and a guy named Fred Phelps from Kansas who has a website called So then, he told us about passages saying that eating shellfish is an abomination, so somebody made a website called I find it quite humorous and I think you should check it out.
"When Jesus died for our sins he wore a crown of thorns, not a lobster bib!"
hey all you truman-ites!
so i just found out that i'm going to be coming up to truman!
i have all of thanksgiving week off so i'll be up there in kville
the saturday through monday (or tuesday) before thanksgiving
i know this is early notice
but i just found out.. so be sure to look for me then!
fall break
i'm coming home tomorrow (friday the 14th) and i'll be in town for a week. anyone else have a fall break that overlaps? anyone just going to be in town?
Ok, so I don't know why this is underlined...but I can't get it to go away. Sorry. You will just have to ignore it.
Now, to the point. I want to know which picture everyone thinks I should use for my Facebook picture. So, um leave me comments and let me know. OR ELSE!
Now, to the point. I want to know which picture everyone thinks I should use for my Facebook picture. So, um leave me comments and let me know. OR ELSE!
1. My picture now

2. Me Licking Pip

3. Me Sucking a Straw

i'm leavin on a jet plane!
i'm going to New York City on November third to visit paul! aaaaahhh! i'm so excited! and i come back on the sixth! ooh i can't wait!