Ok, so I don't know why this is underlined...but I can't get it to go away. Sorry. You will just have to ignore it.
Now, to the point. I want to know which picture everyone thinks I should use for my Facebook picture. So, um leave me comments and let me know. OR ELSE!
Now, to the point. I want to know which picture everyone thinks I should use for my Facebook picture. So, um leave me comments and let me know. OR ELSE!
1. My picture now

2. Me Licking Pip

3. Me Sucking a Straw

i vote for the ice cream one. :)
the first one. if you put the one of the two of us up, people won't know which one is you.
i'd go with you licking mrm...but that's just me ;)
i like the ice cream one too...its sexy...and its in affton...therefor it's doubly cool
on the other hand i think i bought you that snow cone that you are eating with a straw in the other pic (i could be wrong...but i recognize the hogoboom snow cone straw and i don't remember but i doubt you bought that thing for yourslef...lol)... so either of those are cool with me...wasn't that the pic you used for the program for much ado?
i like the straw one the best. it will always be my favorite. and i agree with mrm, the second is definitely out b/c no one will know which is you.
is that ice cream cone the random one that's outside of some middle school?!?!
yes, it is. while i was taking that picture, a certain bitch who shall rename nameless (she drives a motorcycle and a station wagon)drove off without me after one of my shoes had been thrown out the window, forcing me to jog alongside the car for at least 30 minutes. roar. i'm a tiger.
that was a good night
so vote is sucking the straw?
that was a good night...cept for the awkward marquette boy in the backseat of my car...if i remember correctly he was absolutely baffled by what the fuck we were doing...good times...and yes steph...that would be affton hoosierdom at its peak...
i think the straw one looks most like you.
affton hoosierdom? don't tell that to the lemay girl! affton is pretty bad.. but haha... lemay, enough said
man i miss all those area stereotypes. they have em here too, but i have no idea what the hell they mean. same with schools. they are all like "oooo you went to mount notre dame?? ooooooo" and i sit there and go "what??"
its confusing.
i know what you mean...apparently creek is like chesterfield but not as bad as bad as town n country...and aurora is a lot like the city attitude without grand but feels more like the county but its really all ghetto with the largest number of black people per capita...i don't know...berthod is like lemay...laporte is like affton...longmont is like sedalia...i dont' know...of course in co they are cities and in stl they are only neighborhoods or counties...its pretty crazy...oh well...screw that...
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