Marker Splotches
Ramblings of the markers
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
so i bought this ring today called a 'kamasutra ring', and it's silver and it's got this guy and girl twisted together naked and they're on rings that are joined but can seperate. i bought it at this stand set up at school this week where this couple is selling crafts from around the world to benefit these children in guatemala. i also bought this tapestry thing that's on my bed right now (it's all sorts of pretty colors, and it has the tree of life on it, with animals and stuff) and this other ring. i also made friends with the couple. what's funny is that i've had an easier and funner time talking to them than i have most of the people i know at school--is that funny, or sad? cause they're like, in their forties.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Roomies (Sorry For Posting Twice In A Row)
Ok so let me just say my roommate situation is not good. I miss Rachel we got along really well. This year is much different. Although I am grateful I even got a room because I applied like three weeks before school started and wasn't actually assigned until less than a week before school started. I also managed to get one of the nicest dorms on campus (they are like apartment dorms).
Well let me describe my roomie for you. An ugly nerdy beached whale. Ok that sounds really mean, but you guys know me, right? I would never say anything mean about anyone unless it was totally justified...RIGHT. So I'm not the nicest person but in this case it is totally justified to say mean things.
Lets start with the ugly thing. It's always unfortunate to have a really pretty roomie. Then a lot of the times you might get a roomie who brings lots of guys back and you get sexiled a lot. Or if you are not pretty (which is the case with me) and you have a pretty roomie and you guys go hang out together then you will feel that much worse about yourself cause everyone is looking at your roommate and ignoring you. However, I think it is just as bad to have an ugly roommate. While you look pretty in comparison, the amount of ugliness standing next to you will automatically ruin any chance of ever getting flirty looks or anything. And on top of it, every day you have to see an ugly face.
Next lets move on to the whale portion. She is soooo huge. Mean, but totally true. The nastiest part is she wears low cut pants because no pants will fit over her obnoxiously large stomach. So she wears the low cut pants and everytime she sits down her crack and rolls of fat hang out. I always hate seeing crack when girls sit down its so nasty and unattractive. But at least normal or skinny girls don't have the nast fat hanging out to make it that much worse. Plus, I could never borrow her clothes unless I found six other people my approximate size willing to share an outfit with me.
And the nerd part. She is such a fucking nerd. Every day her nasty nerdy friends come over and stay for like 8 hours working on homework. I really hate nerds. I don't mind losers (being one myself) but I can't stand nerdy people. They are the most annoying people ever. I want to shoot myself in the head instead of sit an be with them. So when they are in the room basically I'm not allowed to listen to music or watch tv or anything. I've taken to hanging out in Tom's room but yesterday decided I wouldn't let her control the room just cause she is fatter than I am. From now on I am going to turn on the tv whenever I want and listen to music whenever I want.
Which brings me to my next point. Music. I usually start classes a good hour after her and get back a good hour before her. So I was listening to music. I always thought it was the unwritten rule that whoever came into the room second either didn't listen to music or listened to music on the headphones. I have had to use my headphones on a daily basis because I've gotten into the room second. Well today she came in and turned her music up louder than mine. So I turned mine up louder. Got to the point where literally both our laptops had the music as loud as they could go. Mine was luckily louder so I won and she turned her music off, made tons of food for her fat ass, and went on the balcony (which I'm surprised didn't fall to the ground, we are only allowed to have four people on the balcony at a time and shes as big as at least four normal people).
She also sheds hair like crazy. The shower clogs up every time I go in there and there are massive hairballs everywhere. She thinks she is so fucking smart and thats pretty annoyiing. Just everything about her drives me crazy. She said last year her roomie walked all over her and I am pretty sure this year she thinks she can walk all over me. Well I was letting her for a little but I decided to fight back. I'll keep you updated not becuase you are interested but because I am proud my music kicked her musics ass today. I hope to have many more victories and eventually win dominance over the room.
Ok, I need some help with an education project I have. I just was wondering if you all could help. It will only take like two minutes, literally.
I need to interview people to find out who their favorite/most memorable teacher is. I need to know who he/she is, what subject they teach, what grade they teach (or what grade you were in when you had them for a teacher), and a reason why he/she is your favorite/most memorable teacher.
Love you all
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
my hands smell like developer
Warning: This post is really random, i just felt like posting.
My hands smell like developer (faintly). Its kinda gross really. I have washed them twice and put lotion on, and yet they still smell like developer. Developer is the chemical that makes pictures show up on paper. I developed some prints today, so my hands smell. If you are wondering what they smell like, ummm smell some negatives after they have been developed or something - or just imagine a chemical smell with a twist? I am basically in love with photography. Its a lot of fun. The whole taking pictures part is fun, except when I feel creey and stalkerish and moms give me funny looks for taking pictures of their cute children when they are playing on the sidelines at a soccer game. Whoops. Developing the pictures is a ton of fun, because it is so cool to watch this seemingly blank piece of paper turn into this amazing black and white photo. Black and white photos are amazing by the way, they make everything romantic and beautiful, or more stark and I think it adds much more meaning to the pictures. So.... basic summary... I am in love with photography.
To go along the lines of the past 3 posts, I am also thinking of going abroad this summer. The art program has a three week art class. We stay just outside of rome, and every day we ride in on a bus, and go to the museums or historic sites etc, and draw etc... So basically learning and drawing from the masters of art and their amazing works. I am still not sure if I am going to go, becuase of money stuff, but I really want to because this is a once in a lifetime chance (i know - that is soooo sterotypical and WAY overused) but at the same time true.
Another thing - living with people is weird. Especially when you know that you chose to live with these people. The girl that is actually my roomie is awesome (Caitlin if some of you guys remember meeting her this summer). We get along really well. We have similar outlooks on life and senses of humor. The other two (Jenna and Erin) are sometimes fun as well, but at the same time aggravating. As you guys know, I get in random weird moods, where I basically do all kinds of random stuff that doesn''t make sense, and I just sit there giggling. Cait joins in and laughs at me. Jenna and Erin just kinda look at me funny. Oh well, I kinda like scaring them sometimes, hoping that one day they will actually laugh.
la la la. I am bored (which is why I am posting). Jenna and Erin are sleeping, and Cait is studying O.Chem. Poo. I have decided that I hate O.Chem because it ruins lives and turns some of my favorite people into unhappy study freaks who stress out and either rip limbs off of mascot stuffed animals (Nick) or babble about something or other (Cait). I am glad that I will never have to take that damn class.
Ok. I am done rambling now.
Love ya guys!!
Monday, September 25, 2006
Alright so first of all I wanted to clear something up. Nanglim, the only time your grade was changed based on your exam grade is if your exam grade was higher than your grade in the class. Sorry for the confusion.
Next thing I wanted to say is that I am torn between studying in Australia and China. Both would be cool. China would be a huge culture shock and would be so pretty and unlike anything I've ever experienced. However it would be hard to get around because although the classes are in English I don't know how I would handle shopping or anything like that.
I have been dying to go to Australia since I was little. Basically because of Steve Irwin, even though hes dead now. I even came so close to winning a trip through the video game (if I haven't already told everyone this story basically I tied in first place with the highest score on Pokemon Snap in America). In Australia my school would be about two blocks off the beach. I think I want to go to Australia more than I want to go to China however Tom is going to China. I know many of you will blow that off as a reason not to go to Australia but I've been talking to a couple senior girls I met and they all said that they don't really know anyone who has been able to keep a relationship after being separated from studying abroad. Any ideas on what to do?
The next problem. I really miss Truman. Well, let me explain. At Truman like I said we had free dance lessons for any kind of dance (at SLU there are NO dance lessons or anything) and we had free classes in the Rec and we had a nicer Rec Center than SLU has and the Equestrian Team at Truman was 15 dollars per semester. At SLU it will be 30 dollars per lesson and we are required to go to one lesson a month and I would have liked to go to more. There are other things too. I know I gave all these things up to come to SLU and I know you all had to hear me bitch about how much I hated Truman. I'm still glad I came to SLU but I still really do miss a lot about Truman.
I miss Bono like crazy. I didn't realize how shy I really was until I started college and was terrified to talk to anyone. But Mikey lived in 3 North too and we spent a lot of time together and I'm pretty sure he was my best friend at Truman. Also I miss Rachel. I realize now how lucky I was to have such a cool roommate. I miss all the Nerinx girls who are down at Truman also and I really miss Allyson.
I am having a really hard time making new friends at SLU. Because I came as a sophomore most people already have their group of friends so when I try and meet new people they basically blow me off. I guess they don't want new friends. I've been spending everyday with Tom. Not that I don't like being with Tom but the more time I spend with him the more he's mean and cranky to me. I hate feeling like I'm annoying him but I also hate being alone in my room. I have been really lonely recently and it's depressing. Sorry for ranting I figured since I haven't complained to Splotches yet maybe I can waste all your time talking about feeling lonely and not really fitting in or having friends.
Anyway sorry for the long kinda sad post.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
don't bake your dirty socks...don't leave your ketchup unattended....don't leave me with string and duct tape....
steph thats fuckin awesome...italy would be amazing... so i was originally thinking i would like to go to spain... maybe study there junior year? i mean how fucking awesome would that be? and how many oppourtunities would i have to do something as kickass as that? honestly? but i'm kinda sucking ass at spanish...not to mention that would require me to have some money saved up which would theoretically require me to get a job during the school year which has proved to be impossible in a smallass college town such as the fort...unless i want to of course be wiping people's asses...or jacking off horses...but i'm not a big fan of either of those things at this point in my life...not to mention i'd have to find some classes to not take here that would be easy to take there so that i wouldn't fuck up the whole 4-year-graduation-plan....i'm a little too broke and not so eager to be a super duper what do you all think? spain? how kickass would that be? it would also be a motivation to keep taking spanish classes...butcher through them....unless of course i fail the one i'm in now...which is not at all beyond the realm of me...specially after the last essay i wrote where a golden alien stole a kid's shoes cause he was hungry...i don't even know so don't ask...its don't have to comment on this part of my post...the rest of it is a lot more entertaining anyway...lets all have a laugh at my insanity shall we? it shall pass the time i promise...
ps. now on to the reason behind the i was shall we say a little upset on friday for whatever reason (ahem) boys are assholes (ahem) and decided to consume shall we say a fair amount of alcohol...and i decided that my feet were hot so i took my socks off...and i put them in my back pocket...well then everyone was making fun of me which was pissing me off to such an extent cause i saw absolutely nothing wrong with my socks in my back i threw my socks into the oven...and told the nearest person that i was sick of being pissed off...and i was going to make sure someone else was pissed....that was my logic anyway...well i completely forgot about that...cause who actually remembers shit like that when your head is buried in your own dinner in a tall glass of porcelin....well it all snapped back into recollection this evening when i heard that my room mate was making cookies and was so confused cause they all smelled funny...well they WOULD smell funny if you mixed in a hint of baked dirty sock...apparently she didn't see the humor of the situation...specially when i told her next time to double check to make sure i hadn't thrown any other articles of my clothing into our appliances...but at least my socks are all kinds of crispy browned and crunchy now (pictured below)...

travel the friendly skies....
I'M GOING TO ITALY!!!!!!!!!!
first two weeks of May... yay!!!!
ps- being an RA (or SA for you trumanites) is hard shit
that is it.
An email from my supervisor....
Hey all,
Okay, so there are some things I have to tell all of you:
First: Wall Street Journals. Keep these for 2 days. After the third day, recycle them. The residents know they are supposed to get them, and if they don't come to pick them up, that's their problem.
Second: Kris, our AS for Dobbs/SWCH, wanted me to inform all of you that she's in the process of coming out as transgender. From now on, if you could refer to her as "he," that would be awesome. It'll take awhile to get used to it, but please do it. It's important to her...and it's who she is. Maybe I should say, "it's who he is." See? It'll take a bit.
We got a stamp pad now, so those of you who stamp your timesheet can use that now. Also, there's a mailbox for me in the back (in the plastic tray), so if you can put anything for me in there, that would be nice.
I think that's all I have for now! Have a good weekend!
I just thought this was hysterical, the way she worded it. Fantastically funny. Anywho, hope everyone had a good weekend!
I just thought this was hysterical, the way she worded it. Fantastically funny. Anywho, hope everyone had a good weekend!
i beg to differ, keegs...boys suck...
"Bacchus hath drowned more men than Neptune."
Dr. Thomas Fuller Gnomologia, 1732
"Idealism is what precedes experience; cynicism is what follows."
David T. Wolf, 1943
"Reality is a crutch for people who can't cope with drugs."
Lily Tomlin, 1939
"My father taught me how to be a man - and not by instilling in me a sense of machismo or an agenda of dominance. He taught me that a real man doesn't take, he gives; he doesn't use force, he uses logic; doesn't play the role of trouble-maker, but rather, trouble-shooter; and most importantly, a real man is defined by what's in his heart, not his pants."
Kevin Smith, My Boring Ass Life
"Age is no guarantee of maturity."
Lawana Blackwell
"When you close your doors, and make darkness within, remember never to say that you are alone, for you are not alone; nay, God is within, and your genius is within. And what need have they of light to see what you are doing?"
Epictetus, 130 AD
"Don't accept rides from strange men, and remember that all men are strange."
Robin Morgan
"Instead of fulfilling the promise of infinite orgasmic bliss, sex in the America of the feminine mystique is becoming a strangely joyless national compulsion, if not a contemptuous mockery."
Betty Friedan
"Not being able to sleep is terrible. You have the misery of having partied all night...without the satisfaction."
Lynn Johnston
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
Albert Einstein
Friday, September 22, 2006
People suck.
Okay, I hate girls here. I really do. It's both a blessing and curse that I was spoiled with you guys, since when you have a problem you're up front about it, and you're not flakey and girly and shit. Thanks for letting me know girls like that exist. All I wanna do is hang out with boy, and I can't cuz I promised a girl's night and now the girls are bailing and I already told boy to go ahead without me. Anywho, miss you guys, sorry for the snotty post. Cheers.
PS. I'm sick and I sound like a man.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Dun fergit, ye bauxom wenches, it be "Talk Like a Pirate Day". Prepare yeselves fer rapin' and plunderin' and gittin' some BOOTY.
Monday, September 18, 2006
sweet, sweet pulled beef
so i got up at like, 6:15 so i could shower and study before my test at eight. yay me, right? so i'm studying on the couch, eating cereal--i end up falling asleep on the couch, dream about acing the test, and then i wake up and i'm ten minutes late for the test. and i probably failed it anyway. GEEZ FUCKIN DAMN.
i want opinions
how good/bad of an idea would it be to try to major in bio and minor in chem and math? do you think my lazy ass can do it? would the minors be good back up for my major in case (or when) i don't get into med school?
i know this is all really random, but i've been studying for my chem test later today and the thought occurred to me that i should minor in math and chem (i had already thought about minoring in one or the other). sooooo, yeah. i think i'm gonna go to bed so i can get up at 7. toodles!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006
I have a date tonight. I'm about to have a heart attack. Too bad I can't discreetly chug Pepto Bismal throughout the whole night. Anywho, that's it. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Good Idea, Bad Idea--I want to know what you think
so should i participate in a herpes study? NO i do not have herpes (they want to study clean people anyway) and i get paid $40 per visit and it's 9 visits over the course of 20 months. i need to find out more info, but what do you think? i'm desperate for $$ so i'm seriously considering it.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
okay so here is what i've decided in the past few minutes...
1. I've decided that MS needed a new entry. Therefore, you all get to read about the other things I've decided.
2. I've decided to format this entry in a form I don't typically use and cut down on the ellipses.
3. Parents should make kids do their chores when they are little. Therefore they will be accostomed to doing chores when they go off to college and would theoretically not have to do chores with the exception of their psycho ass neat freak room mates that have an obsession with sterilization. I in fact, think they should remember this when they can't have children in ten years. Too much bleach my good friends, too much bleach.
4. You know you do the rubix cube too much when 3 of the sides are rubbed off to such an extent that you can't distinguish the colors and can therefore no longer solve it.
4 7/12. Every Spanish paper should end with the sentence: Cualquiera lo significa. Which basically translates to "Whatever that means".
5. I need to get a job.
6. A job where I will get paid a decent wage for 20-30 hours of work per week where I will sit at a desk in a chair listening to music, studying, and reading a book while doing minimum labor such as answering the occasional phone call or answer the occasional question does not exist. But wouldn't that be sweet.
7. Colorado Harley Davidson dealerships suck motor balls. Big, hairy ones with a distinct odor that you just can't place but is slightly remeniscent of fried skunk urine chunks on a soggy hamburger bun. If you aren't hiring you should just tell me. I will give you an application to keep on file. Please give me a call if you need anything. If I have no chance at any job with you ever then tell me that and I won't bother acknowledging your presence on this earth any longer. However when you say "Oh sure we'll take your application and resume, review it, and discuss it. Please call back next Wednesday between the hours of 11 and 3 and ask to speak to Bill Nelson in Human Resources." Then guess what, lady. I'm going to call back next Wednesday between the hours of 11 and 3 and I'm going to ask to speak to Bill Nelson in Human Resources. And I'm going to bet that it will really piss me off when you tell me he is out of the office and not expecting phone calls all day and no you can't tell me when he'll be next available but sure you can leave a voice mail message for him. But more than that it will piss me off when you transfer me to the wrong department's voicemail and I can't get back through to your line because you are "busy".
8. I do not want to watch your children for money.
9. I do not want to work in food service.
10. I do not want to file papers.
11. I do not want to enter data into a database or spreadsheet.
12. I do not want to paint your house or mow your lawn for a measley $5.
12 1/2. Girls beds should not smell like boys.
13. I do not want to flip your burgers or fry your potatoes.
14. I do not want to try to get by on $27.56 for food each week for the rest of the semester as my budget is now calling for.
15. I do not want a cold.
16. Monkey bread should be a staple in every household.
17. I am coming home for Thanksgiving break, ironically enough, as long as I don't get a job between now and then which requires me to work that week. Hopefully I'll be able to put in 40-50 hours at Gateway and pay for the plane ticket.
18. I want a puppy.
19. I think its time I dropped out of Spanish. I've come to the conclusion that I kind of suck at it. And the 59 on my quiz covering things I "should have known since your sophmore year in high school" kind of confirmed it.
20. Wolf Creek is the most obnoxiously disturbing movie. I say no to creepy ass Austrailian stalker hunter guys.
Okay so that is all I decided. By the way, I wrote this an hour after taking a double dose of NyQuil. I've been feeling like absolute shit all day and now, not so much. Hope you enjoyed this. It has been brought to you by your nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, couching, aching, fever, sleep better to feel better medicine.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Cheetah Girls
So my life was awful when Cheetah Girls 1 first came out. Michael and Margaret have every lyric to every song memorized, every move to every dance memorized, and even all the lines from the movie memorized. Finally they moved on to Balto.
But to my horror a few months ago they advertised a Cheetah Girls 2 coming out. The music in Cheetah Girls really isn't too bad unless you hear it all the time. Margaret and Michael spent hours (literally) on listen to 30 second clips of all the new songs and dancing to them. I always blocked out the sound as best as I could. But one night I was bored and watched them dance and video taped it. It is hilarious.
Well, I think it's funny. They still are obsessed with Cheetah Girls 2 but now I am at school so I don't have to deal with it anymore. They even filmed a video of Cheetah Girls (I was the cameraman) and Michael dressed up like a girl because his favorite character is Aqua while Margaret's is Dorinda. They fought over who had to be Galleria and Chanel (sp?) Anyway if I can figure out how to upload the video of my brother dressed as a girl dancing I will do that.
I just thought you all would enjoy this.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
I'm Going To Die
I am going to die because ever since I got to SLU the one thing I really have wanted to do is to join a sorority. But I don't have enough money right now so I was going to do semester rush. However I just found out there is no semester rush. I'M SO FUCKING PISSED!!!!!!!!!
I don't have really any friends at SLU (I have like four friends - Sarah Meyer, Merge, Andrew Conner, and Tom) and this would have been the perfect way for me to meet people. I also have found a sorority that I really like and I wanted to join really badly.
I could rush as a junior but even rushing as a sophomore I was older than all the other girls and as a junior I would even be older than some of the actives.
This may sound stupid to some people but this was a really big deal for me and I am so disappointed it has put me in the worst mood.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
soooo in like.... :)

so you know how when you are first falling for someone everything is just amazing... well that's happening and i'm soooo happy
damn, its been four years since this last happened... so i do believe i am long overdue.
anyway, happiness is good... very very good....
now just have to make this all work out right and we're good to go
pic: his name is austin and he's the one on the far right w/ brown shirt
Friday, September 08, 2006
you'd probably better look at this
this is the longest word i have ever seen AND it's in german!
that's about it.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
So yesterday was my one year anniversary with Tom. Wow. I honestly don't feel like a whole year has passed. Pretty crazy.
It was also the one year anniversary of my first car accident and the loss of my lovely Taurus.
Also, I got a new betta fish, I'll post pictures when I can find out how to take a decent picture with enough light and no reflections. He's really pretty. Anyway I need help naming him. And I don't know who Optimus Prime is so don't tell me that name. Thanks!
Monday, September 04, 2006
today is a very sad day. crocodile hunter stever irwin has died while filming a documentary on stingrays. crikey that sucks.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
...I got bored and looked at facebook for a good hour and a half. Alright, it was more like 2 or 3. Anyway, I was just looking at all of our old pictures with old friends from high school and breaks and it's freaky to see us all grow up. The evolution of hair color, piercings, make up application...I don't know, just miss you fuckers. Doesn't help that I've got some songs that are making me feel really reflective. I'm happy, and I hope everyone else is too...I'm smiling as I write this. Here's to a reunion that comes soon...