Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

okay so here is what i've decided in the past few minutes...

1. I've decided that MS needed a new entry. Therefore, you all get to read about the other things I've decided.
2. I've decided to format this entry in a form I don't typically use and cut down on the ellipses.
3. Parents should make kids do their chores when they are little. Therefore they will be accostomed to doing chores when they go off to college and would theoretically not have to do chores with the exception of their psycho ass neat freak room mates that have an obsession with sterilization. I in fact, think they should remember this when they can't have children in ten years. Too much bleach my good friends, too much bleach.
4. You know you do the rubix cube too much when 3 of the sides are rubbed off to such an extent that you can't distinguish the colors and can therefore no longer solve it.
4 7/12. Every Spanish paper should end with the sentence: Cualquiera lo significa. Which basically translates to "Whatever that means".
5. I need to get a job.
6. A job where I will get paid a decent wage for 20-30 hours of work per week where I will sit at a desk in a chair listening to music, studying, and reading a book while doing minimum labor such as answering the occasional phone call or answer the occasional question does not exist. But wouldn't that be sweet.
7. Colorado Harley Davidson dealerships suck motor balls. Big, hairy ones with a distinct odor that you just can't place but is slightly remeniscent of fried skunk urine chunks on a soggy hamburger bun. If you aren't hiring you should just tell me. I will give you an application to keep on file. Please give me a call if you need anything. If I have no chance at any job with you ever then tell me that and I won't bother acknowledging your presence on this earth any longer. However when you say "Oh sure we'll take your application and resume, review it, and discuss it. Please call back next Wednesday between the hours of 11 and 3 and ask to speak to Bill Nelson in Human Resources." Then guess what, lady. I'm going to call back next Wednesday between the hours of 11 and 3 and I'm going to ask to speak to Bill Nelson in Human Resources. And I'm going to bet that it will really piss me off when you tell me he is out of the office and not expecting phone calls all day and no you can't tell me when he'll be next available but sure you can leave a voice mail message for him. But more than that it will piss me off when you transfer me to the wrong department's voicemail and I can't get back through to your line because you are "busy".
8. I do not want to watch your children for money.
9. I do not want to work in food service.
10. I do not want to file papers.
11. I do not want to enter data into a database or spreadsheet.
12. I do not want to paint your house or mow your lawn for a measley $5.
12 1/2. Girls beds should not smell like boys.
13. I do not want to flip your burgers or fry your potatoes.
14. I do not want to try to get by on $27.56 for food each week for the rest of the semester as my budget is now calling for.
15. I do not want a cold.
16. Monkey bread should be a staple in every household.
17. I am coming home for Thanksgiving break, ironically enough, as long as I don't get a job between now and then which requires me to work that week. Hopefully I'll be able to put in 40-50 hours at Gateway and pay for the plane ticket.
18. I want a puppy.
19. I think its time I dropped out of Spanish. I've come to the conclusion that I kind of suck at it. And the 59 on my quiz covering things I "should have known since your sophmore year in high school" kind of confirmed it.
20. Wolf Creek is the most obnoxiously disturbing movie. I say no to creepy ass Austrailian stalker hunter guys.

Okay so that is all I decided. By the way, I wrote this an hour after taking a double dose of NyQuil. I've been feeling like absolute shit all day and now, not so much. Hope you enjoyed this. It has been brought to you by your nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, couching, aching, fever, sleep better to feel better medicine.


Blogger pipsqueak said...

I'm coming home for Thanksgiving, too! $585 out my pocket, but c'est la vie. Good luck with shitty Coloradoan jobs.

8:08 AM  
Blogger maggotsparklepow said...

i'm starving myself to save money.

8:52 AM  
Blogger justsuckit said...

i love monkey bread!!

2:54 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

carolyn, you made a really crappy day about 1000x better with just that entry!

4:34 PM  
Blogger Cajackster said...

pip- c'est la vie indeed
marge- i hear you there...i figure if i get by with just peanut butter sandwhiches i'll be coming home for christmas too
stu-they don't like my plasma how fucked up is that
amanda-none of my room mates have heard of it and i hate them for it...
steph-i'm really made me feel better too...

6:54 PM  
Blogger matty said...

if you want a cheaper way to come home for thanksgiving, i could maybe come get you and drive you home...and then you could either just fly back ($166 one way to denver on priceline), or i could drive you back too...i don't have class until 1230 on that gimme a call :)

7:39 PM  
Blogger etepetete said...

I can't come home for thanksgiving - buffalo of course. Carolyn, I agree with the chores thing and monkey bread is a godsend.

8:51 PM  

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