don't bake your dirty socks...don't leave your ketchup unattended....don't leave me with string and duct tape....
steph thats fuckin awesome...italy would be amazing... so i was originally thinking i would like to go to spain... maybe study there junior year? i mean how fucking awesome would that be? and how many oppourtunities would i have to do something as kickass as that? honestly? but i'm kinda sucking ass at spanish...not to mention that would require me to have some money saved up which would theoretically require me to get a job during the school year which has proved to be impossible in a smallass college town such as the fort...unless i want to of course be wiping people's asses...or jacking off horses...but i'm not a big fan of either of those things at this point in my life...not to mention i'd have to find some classes to not take here that would be easy to take there so that i wouldn't fuck up the whole 4-year-graduation-plan....i'm a little too broke and not so eager to be a super duper what do you all think? spain? how kickass would that be? it would also be a motivation to keep taking spanish classes...butcher through them....unless of course i fail the one i'm in now...which is not at all beyond the realm of me...specially after the last essay i wrote where a golden alien stole a kid's shoes cause he was hungry...i don't even know so don't ask...its don't have to comment on this part of my post...the rest of it is a lot more entertaining anyway...lets all have a laugh at my insanity shall we? it shall pass the time i promise...
ps. now on to the reason behind the i was shall we say a little upset on friday for whatever reason (ahem) boys are assholes (ahem) and decided to consume shall we say a fair amount of alcohol...and i decided that my feet were hot so i took my socks off...and i put them in my back pocket...well then everyone was making fun of me which was pissing me off to such an extent cause i saw absolutely nothing wrong with my socks in my back i threw my socks into the oven...and told the nearest person that i was sick of being pissed off...and i was going to make sure someone else was pissed....that was my logic anyway...well i completely forgot about that...cause who actually remembers shit like that when your head is buried in your own dinner in a tall glass of porcelin....well it all snapped back into recollection this evening when i heard that my room mate was making cookies and was so confused cause they all smelled funny...well they WOULD smell funny if you mixed in a hint of baked dirty sock...apparently she didn't see the humor of the situation...specially when i told her next time to double check to make sure i hadn't thrown any other articles of my clothing into our appliances...but at least my socks are all kinds of crispy browned and crunchy now (pictured below)...

i've got some ideas...
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Our soldiers at the front lines are beginning to rain down Hell upon the enemy and early reports are looking good! Now, the real question is whether General Carolyn Jackson is planning to make this a swift, decisive victory that will drive the enemy to insanity in days or a knock-down-drag-out siege on their collective psyche. Only time will tell. Let's hope that if anything, it's entertaining for all of us back on the home front (or whereever you are)! This is Stu Condit, reporting for the Associated Splotch.
I don't see any tshirts being made, carolyn. ;)
stu, thanks i appreciate that...
katie, shut up and don't be greedy you'll get a tshirt eventually...we might be 80 but you'll get it adn it will be all the more funny...
keegs, part of the intrigue of this operation was that it was done without inconviencing them at all...i firmly believe that my point is that they are getting pissed at me for the stupidest putting my socks in the oven, hanging a ketchup condom in the fireplace, and spiderwebbing my door...theres no purpose for me doing these things...i'm bored...but they get so mad at me...and so confused...and that is what entertains me the most...that and doing sweet dives through the hole of sanity...
your doorway acts like a dreamcatcher - except instead of catching bad dreams, it catches annoying people that aren't any fun and just want to get mad at you for no reason.
did you end up filling it with pudding, or only ketchup? because i'd be mad if you used pudding. it's become a staple in my life (i buy it in bulk) and it's sooo goood....*homer drool/gargle*....
Carolyn, I'm glad you liked that. Now read it as if it's a Word War Two-style newsreel like they played before movies. It just gets so much more awesome when you do that.
don't fret, merge...i just used ketchup which by the by, alicia saw it this morning and got all kinds of weirded out by it...and she told megan and shannon...who also thought it was weird and random...hazzah! mission successful! shannon confronted me at lunch and was like wtf mate? and i chuckled and said i was bored...she didn't get it...
stu, i love my head it shows like a black and white newsreel kinda dealie with quick random shots of my fireplace and bedroom and nazis taking over poland...I LOVE IT!
Stu, I think you have found your calling in life. Quit the whole fashion industry thing and become a war time reporter.
yea stu, all you need a time machine... besides i think the fashion of the 30s and 40s would be much more up your alley anyway...
i pranked Austin by doing that spideweb thing to his doorway... it was great!!!!!
you can have my dog...he's been a pain lately...apparently one of my roomies threw away a bad steak into his trash can in his room, and came back and it was gone...and the dog was in the room...and he shat, pissed, and threw up all day yesterday while i as in stl they got to clean up...but yeah, dogs are work. they're fun, but they're a lot of work...stick to fish.
the anonymis is matt spaeth btw
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