Marker Splotches
Ramblings of the markers
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
good idea/bad idea time!
it's time for another round of good idea/bad idea
1. dropping my statistics class (it will take me down to only 12 hours)
2. start looking at new colleges now in case i don't make the nursing program here and have to go somewhere else next year
3. rushing for a sorority in the fall
gimme your thoughts
Monday, January 30, 2006
An explanation?
So I went and asked about the fate of my painting. My teacher last semester was just a sub for the real teacher, Priya, who was on pregnancy leave, and had taken over her office while teaching. Priya came back over winter break to move back in, found our paintings there, and threw them away. Apparently "she didn't know why they were there." Personally, if I found a bunch of paintings somewhere, I would assume that someone had painted them. And thus would not want them in the trash. But whatever.
Girl Scout Cookies. AAHHHH!!!!!!!!!
I'm craving some girl scout cookies and i wanted to know when they went on sale so i could look out for some little girls in uniform. i think that may sound a little creepy but oh well.
Click on this link to see pictures on the Burlington Free Press website of MEEE fighting a freakin' fire!!! Go to the bottom of the page, and click on the slide show link. In the second picture, I am the one on the right. In the third picture, it kinda looks like there's only one person, but it's me and my fire chief. The helmet you can see is mine. YESSSSSS!!!!!
Last night, I put out a house fire. I helped hook up the hydrant. I went around to the back of the house and knocked down the fire on the back porch with the blitzgun hose with my chief. Then I helped put out more fire with this guy Sandy from another department. My gear was completely soaked, all the way through. I was being rained upon with water, smoke, ashes, glass, and chunks of slate roof. There were times I couldn't see two inches in front of my face because of all the smoke. It was the most intense 7 hours of my life. My body aches and I'm running on 90 minutes of sleep, but I don't care. It was like a movie, or a dream. Am I even here?
Ok so I get to go back to St Louis this weekend and see Tom! I can't wait!! I know I will have a good week no matter what because I know I'll get to leave at the end of it!
Oh and my phone broke. I thought my dad would kill me. But he offered to pay to get it fixed.
"Dear mom and dad, please send money. I'm so broke that it ain't funny. Well I don't need much, just enough to get me through."
(I bet no one knows what song that is from cause everyone here listens to crap music but its pretty much the story of my life)
This is a really random post. Sorry. Can't wait for St Louis and Tom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
done with classes for the day. i need to do something with my time. here are the following options (if you have a suggestion please post them): do homework, sleep, eat, read, return torin's bandana and give caleb HP3 book, and yoga. dont know which one to do. help.
p.s. your mom's a quail
Saturday, January 28, 2006
happy chinese new year!
just felt like sharing. today i feel kind of different because it's saturday, but i was feeling slightly overwhelmed recently because it's only been one week of classes and:
1. i have loads of homework
2. latin is HARD
3. i dyed my hair
4. i have projects to do
5. i have worked 5 shifts
6. a boy has invited me to an activity
7. i tried for a play, got called back, and didn't get in (mrm, merge, sarah, remember that play we almost did a scene from, about the girl who's getting stalked by this guy, and he basically destroys her apartment? that one)
8. i tried out for a singing group and didn't get in
9. wesley tried to convince me that i should ask some guy out because he gave me an extra enter-for-a-prize form (because you got one if you were wearing red, and i had just dyed my hair that color).
10. later today we are teaching wesley how to swim. and after that i shall be attending a concert with a boy.
in other news, chinese new year was fun because they gave out chopsticks little envelopes with money (mine had a dime), and there was good food like veggie egg rolls and loads of fortune cookies.
i did it!!!
i made it through my first flight!!!
granted, it was a short one (just tulsa to stl)
but i'll do it again on sunday morning and hopefully i won't freak out as much this time around
it was funny b/c matt kept asking the fligh attendants if they still gave out wings for first time fliers, and after that comment the guy to our right started laughing at me... he was a pretty cool guy in the end though (on his way to wash dc.. exciting)
anywho, i'm just excited that i made it through my first flight
not a fan of take off or landing but being above the clouds and everything (esp. at night is amazing!)
already afraid of sunday's flight.. but at least i know what to expect this time
Friday, January 27, 2006
You are now splattered with remnants of the bubble of doom.
i hate to burst the bubble of doom...but i can't really seem to relate to the whole "life blows" mentality...not right now anyway...i know i should...i'm coming down with a formiddable cold. my classes are either rediculously hard or unimaginably easy. i don't have internet cause my comp is a piece so i have to either borrow my room mate's or (like today) use the comps in the student center...i constantly seem to be walking in on my room mate and her new bf havin sex or just walk in on him laying ass naked in her bed while she is at work (even though he has his own room with no room mates that is like 200 yds away from ours but whatever)...the food is awful...girls here are petty and gossipy and continualously pissed at me for no reason whatsoever...things just suck and my mood should reflect that but it doesn't...
weird stuff...i guess i'm just dead set on focusing on the good things that i make happen in my life...i choose to ignore the fact that i don't have anywhere to live next year and the deadline is next week...i replace all that anxiety with popsicles...and easy mac...and pbj sandwhiches...which in turn makes the dorm food less nasty...then at dinner i get more creative with the food i'm given...instead of baked potatos for the 3rd night in a row, i make nachos out of the condiments...not too shabby...i ignore the fact that i have to write a 3 page comp paper that will kick my ass and then i laugh about the fact that my comp teacher used the following words in class: 'dipshit' 'ass fuck' 'Churchhill is an asshole' and my personal favorite: 'like we used to say back in Nam, better you than me, mother fucker'. i use my spanish assignment (2 pages in spanish on the occupations of your rents and grents using vocab from chapter 7) as an excuse to create elaborate stories about how my dad is a spy and my mom works in a laundromat. apparnetly one grandmother housed orphans during the cold war and the other was a stenographer for the courts of massachusets. one grandfather was an executive with the CIA and the other was a garbage man (...none of these are, by the by, even remotely true). instead of stressing about a test the next day, i take time out to convince other people in my dorm to partake in what i see as one of the greatest and most comedic movies of all time, american psycho (no one out here has seen it but has that kind of sense of humor...wacky...) i talk to the stoner in astronomy because he knows more about seeing stars then any professor...i make endless jokes about my room mate's 'late night excurisions which culminate in the ever awful walk of shames' (ya know? when you have to walk back from some one else's room the morning after havin sex or getting drunk and everyone knows that you stayed out all night cause you look like hell froze over in your face and your clothes are all stretched out and mangled not to mention you have make-up smeared all over your face and your breath is absolutely rank? ya know what i'm talkin about...)... instead of stressing about the 3 chapters of astronomy i didn't read last night cause it was boring i'm typing this lovely post and then i'm going to not go back to the dorm to eat their funkass hot dogs but instead i'm going to treat myself to either a bagel sandwhich or panda express here at the student center...and a smoothie...cause 'cram a latte' has the best smoothies in the world...manic mango is what its all about... so thats my rant... keep in mind that college is as good as life gets and to make the most of it or as Tom Petty once said: "You have four years to be irresponsible here. Relax. Work is for people with jobs. You'll never remember class time, but you'll remember time you wasted hanging out with your friends. So, stay out late. Go out on a Tuesday with your friends when you have a paper due Wednesday. Spend money you don't have. Drink 'til sunrise. The work never ends, but college does..."
rant off of jax's post
so as i read on jax's post and some of the comments that follow, some people are just not having the best of luck right now. well i felt like adding to that with a rant.
so i was sick of my roommate, and i moved out. only to find myself owing an extra 250 dollars to the university since i live by myself. well i just picked up my office job here again, so i have little to no money. so i pay the university (it's either pay or get out of our space) and i end up in the red. i have to borrow money from someone and now that's hanging over my head. i can't eat anything in our stupid caf b/c it's either breaded or in bread, that makes me feel like i'm wasting even more money. the nusring program acceptance letters are going out a month later b/c they have to "rethink their decisions" so i dunno if i'm even at this place for a good reason yet or not. i have to go home this weekend for various doctor related things, and i'm flying for the first time ever. this is my biggest fear! i've passed up many many trips in the past b/c they've involved planes. well these doctor things aren't optional and my only way back to stl is by plane, and people keep complaining that i'm such a baby and i don't think they understand, this is my biggest fear people.. it has been my entire life.
so to sum this all up, i'm sick of money, food, doctors, health issues, planes, and people who don't listen or understand anything at all... oh also, i've decided that i'm sick of doing nice things for people.. no more! it's only proven to be a disappointment lately
sorry for the rant, besides those things... things are great.. still love this school, excited about seeing my family this weekend.. its just a few key things that can ruin everything though
Thursday, January 26, 2006
whee! okay folks, i got a cell phone. and a real one this time, not that stupid pay-as-you-go, kiss-my-ass excuse for a phone. the number is(314) 495-7445. so feel free giving me a call anytime you want to! yay!
and anna, i got your last message that you left for me at school, but i got it too late to respond. i'm sorry! but i'm glad you got back to school safely. bye!
life momentarily sucks.
So I was having a good morning. I'm not just saying that as background; I can feel myself slowly seeping into a place I like to be. A hard feeling to explain. But I woke up early and took my time getting ready for my 9:00 writing class (wact). Wact always makes me feel very... unashamed of being who I am. It's basically a discussion class and the way the dynamics worked out, I usually get to say whatever I want to and it's seen as a good thing because no one else is talking. After wact I walked really slowly back through campus, lePod playing, one of many college students walking by themselves along the paths we all walk on millions of times. I really like having music then. It makes me feel a degree removed from the awkwardness of social contact, letting me just watch people. Instead of finding things in them that I wish I was, I noticed them doing the exact things I do while being their own little people. I really like living in a city (our tiny city of the young), at least at this age when I'm still relating who I am to how I see other people.
Did anyone enjoy my extreme digression? Did anyone read it? It's a context for the suckiness.
I got back to my room to open the worst email ever. Okay, no one died. Only a little part of my soul. Last semester for my design final I painted a portrait of myself in color. I really liked it. Really really liked it. As in I thought it was the best painting I'd done yet. Well, I actually turned it in before it was finished but even unfinished it was the best. (Wait, none of the other paintings are finished either...) My teacher liked it too though, it was the only project I got full marks on and she asked to keep it so she could put it in the student art show.
It got fucking destroyed. I don't even know how.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Hey all! I finally got invited officially to this blog. yay! thanks katie! Anywayz...I am leaving in one week exactly for Greece. If you all have not given me your addresses from school and would like a postcard you better send them now. I promise that if you send me your mail address you will get a postcard. Talk to you all later!
New Name
My new thing is going to be Reine. In French today I realized how much I miss my old French name.
Spaghetti-O's are fifty cents at Walmart!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Hey, guys! Peter sent me a file with some music in it - its rent and mean girls soundtracks. He told me to post the link here so you guys can grab it if you would like. so here ya go:
it is only good for 7 days, i think, so grab it while you can. :)
are YOU still alive. please say yes. because i had a dream the other night that you died. and if in fact you do die, i hope that someone will actually tell us so that i won't just hear it as a rumor from jacquelyn that you passed out and died several days later, and eventually have carolyn look at my like i'm an idiot and say that you passed away.
as you can imagine, a little rough of a dream. you were just gone. and among my grief i realized that i would never take another picture of you again (which would be a great loss, because you take fabulous pictures).
nick anglim
are you still alive? cause you died last night in my dream. so not cool. well, the point i'm getting at is, if you are still alive, please don't go to your families non-existant car lot and allow anyone to kill you cause carolyn really doesn't want to tell your mother that you're dead. and i don't think you want to look the way you did in your state of deadness. toodles!
Monday, January 23, 2006
I am going to go to Mizzou next year! I'm really excited. I will get to meet all new people (I haven't met that many new people at Truman just cause I know so many people already) and party with Keegan and Tommy can come visit me more often and there is a mall and it's going to be sooooo awesome!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Friday, January 20, 2006
so i dunno what made me think about this but what is everyone majoring in?
i know i could just look at facebook, but i really don't wanna go through and look at that many people.. and this is just easier
mine is nursing
k thanx bye!
Thursday, January 19, 2006
*sigh* more pictures of dailee...

ok, im sure you are all sick of seeing my mug, and i promise this will be the last one for a while! these are the photos that my friend took of me for her color photography class (the ones i did the pink and green makeup for). my favorite is the picture where i am walking into the field... sorry for the so-so quality, but they are scans.
At 2:07am, I returned to my humble bunk room at the Robert E. Sutton Fire and Rescue Station after my FIRST OFFICIAL FIRE CALL!!! Someone in my dorm lit a flyer on fire. Thus, the smoke alarm went off. It happens all the time, and you'd think people would learn to stop lighting shit on fire, but c'est la vie. I got to go inside with Trevor (yes, he's cute) and we knocked on doors and made sure everybody was out of the building. I got to carry the thermal imaging camera. Fuck yeah. And then we stood around waiting to reset the alarm system while others investigated the scene of the crime. What the hell were they gonna do? Fingerprint the flyer? Anywho, it was quite exciting. Then we came back to the station and washed the truck. Soapy soapy soapy. And now. I sleep.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
everybody has a water buffalo
yours is fast, but mine is slow.
yesterday, 1 degree, snowy and sunny; today, 41 degrees, rainy and sloshy. oh how i lovermont.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Dailee I Need Your Opinion...And Anyone Else I Suppose
Ok, well I have big problems with my eyes and make-up. I hate my eyes. I wish I could gouge them out or something.
Anyway, I was wondering what colors make your eyes look more blue? My eyes are like gray blue but I want them to look really blue. I heard that brown works but I am just so bad at make-up and such that anything I try really never does much except look like crap.
Also, I really like wearing so little make up that it enhances features but you can barely tell there is make up on. Also, how do you make your eyes look bigger?
Just thought about all those things while I was looking at your pictures.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Saturday, January 14, 2006
BREAD! it's fake but i'll take it
so.. i just got my first loaf of wheat/flour free bread... and i am soooo excited
i haven't had anything with flour or starch since july so this is good good news
just had to share my excitement
k, bye
Friday, January 13, 2006
TRUMAN PEOPLE (esp Jax cause I haven't talked to her yet)
Is anyone going back to school Monday?? If so, let me know. Thanks.
one is the lonliest number
my dorm opens up on the 20th, so i'm going to be in town for a bit yet... will anyone else? and if you go to school in stl, will you already have classes or will you be able to hang out sometime?
p.s. is it snowing?!?! god, you'd think it's winter or something.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
ring ring ring ring ring
keegan - this one is for you ;-)
I'm leaving sat morning so everyone is gonna have to be out of my house by 8 cause i will be leaving shortly after. A demain!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
i remember my password. woo!!
ok ,so in light of the fact that we're all going back to college in a few days i've decided to have a party. its gonna be friday from 9 on. i'll buy some food and soda, but if you want anything (steph's dip, 3-way, etc.) bring it yourself. the hot tub will be open so bring the suits (or not if you prefer the keegan method). if you get here early enough to park near my house where there aren't permit signs, yippee for you. if not, you can park at the lot at the top of the street or the high school. don't make no matter to me. ummm... invite whoever you want, don't care if i don't know 'em. the bigger the better. and that should wrap it up, so if ya got any Q's, give me a ring-a-ling. luv y'all bunches!
PS: if my mothers new couches get anything on them, i will slowly kill whoever did it. keep that in mind when you come over and decide to drink and eat in the living room. tata
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
in regards to this pasta par-tay
how late can we attend, george? i have to work until about 10:45--perhaps i could come over after that. i expect the food will be all gone, but that's, k bye.
Since I'm stranded in Colorado with no phone service I've decided to just go all the way and become a hermit in the mountains. Send warm clothes.
rain.. and now snow... wooo
(yep, it's a big deal... oklahoma was kinda in a drought and had wildfires)
so last night was pretty fun... it started raining around 9pm and alot of us went outside to play in it just because it hasn't happened in a long time... good stuff
Monday, January 09, 2006
from alexis Alexis' blog "about [her] daily happenings and pics so if you all want to read about everything you can "
A Day At The Zoo
So I went to the zoo with my family for Michael's birthday. Me and Shelly had a picture contest to see who could get better pictures. Here's my pictures (the indoor ones look really bad sorry bout that). There are some really cool ones I think (not to toot my own horn or anything). Anyway sorry there are so many.

TikiBoomBoom of the Outback
Hey I felt like changing things up. So I changed my name and decided it was going to be a name Anne McC inspired like sophomore year.
And my new picture is sooooo cool.
Pasta Party
Pasta party, my house, 6ish, thursday. Whoever sees this first, please post it.
Thats what George wanted someone to post.
And I assume that this is another party people will not get called and invited to. Got that anonymous?
Sunday, January 08, 2006
if you were at my house...
and you came with two lovely presents wrapped in christmas wrapping paper and didn't leave with them, then you should come by and pick them up. or the dog gets them.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
a moment of vanity

hey guys, sorry to post pictures of myself, but i am really excited about the makeup i have been doing lately. i am back up at school (have been since the 2nd) and wanted to try out some new looks. please let me know what you think constructively. thanks ladies. i was nice to see everyone (well, almost) during break!