Marker Splotches
Ramblings of the markers
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
stupid facebook
it is such a bad thing that we can be friends with high schoolers now... i'm addicted again... i hate that
on a side note: this means that i can also be friends with my brother who is a man whore in all his pics!!!! i love having dirt on that kid
Sunday, February 26, 2006
I will be at truman!!!! I am driving up on tues and i am staying till sometime on wednesday!! So... call me and come find me and give me lots of hugs and such! hehehe :):)
Friday, February 24, 2006
excitement time
ok... so i just had a week of good news and wanted to share it with you all
1. i'm going to be an RA next year, in the best dorm (it's the newest and biggest) and that makes me happy b/c they are going to pay for me to live there which is awesome! and i really wanted this position so it all worked out
2. i made the nursing program here! it's really competitive and we all stress out for like seven months but i just foudn out that i made it!
so there you go.. i'm all hyped up on happiness!
anyone else have anything really exciting going on?
Thursday, February 23, 2006
1000 posts! craziness!
happy 1000 posts everybody.
and i just want to say that boys are gross. all they want to do is jack off. if you don't believe me, just read chuck palahniuk's short story "guts" or book "choke".
anyway, yay for girls!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
college as i expected it would be

these are only about 1500 of the approximate 7500 boxes we ordered for free from usps and dhl. luckily there is an empty unlocked room on the floor to put the rest in until they get used. these pics show us in the process of making a couch. we now have a couch, trash can, coffee table, and we also made a coffee table for the RA on that floor.
and then they made me their chief...
so i was looking through my pictures and i just wanted to say that you guys never fail to make me laugh and smile. i was in a good mood and now im in a spantafic mood thanks to you guys. ah you are awesome; the best friends in the world and i love you all. keep rockin', ladies... and the dudes of course! smooches!!!
So who's got the greatest roommate ever?
Right so Friday night I go out and we party and stuff. I'm drinking but don't let the alcohol hit me since I'm with a friend that doesn't drink. Anyway, so we got back to the dorms and we have a market right next door and the alcohol smacked me like a pimp slaps a bitch. I feel the need to buy food, so I buy a pack of Oscar Meyer Salami (sickenating, it tastes like shitty bologna) a jar of Nutella, cinnamon rolls, a half pound chimichanga and I think something else, but I don't remember. Anyway, I get back and a bunch of us get in a food fight with the salami and cinnamon rolls. My friend Julie has a few friends from North Carolina, one of which is a boy. He and Catherine hit it off, and before I knew it, I was locked out of my room and I could hear the bed rocking. Fabulous. I pounded on the door for 10 minutes until they opened it, grabbed my phone, keys, pillow and comforter and slept in the lounge. Fast forward to last night. Catherine decides to drink, which is fine, but she drinks a little too much. Half a bottle of vodka, 6 cups of wine, and a few beers later, she comes stumbling back into our room. She's spitting on the floor, on her clothes and everywhere. I ask if she's gonna harf, she says no, and climbs onto the top bunk (her bed). Alright so I get up to turn off the light and lock the door. I climb into bed, get situated and then I hear her characteristic burping/hiccuping noise that she makes right before she pukes. I sit up to run and grab the paper towels; too late. She projectile vomits all over the floor, on my bed, over my comforter, and makes it into an open drawer of her clothes, as well as a pile of clothes that she has on the floor. I crawl out of bed, flip the lights and basically just watch her puke all over the floor. I climb up to her bed to see if I can get her off the bunk and into the bathroom, and wham! guess who's not wearing clothes? Vag right out there in the open. Wonderful. So I pour her dead weight into pants and a shirt, and pull her off the bed, shove her into the bathroom. I start cleaning up, move my computer, a blanket, pillow and other essentials into the lounge and make myself a bed on the couch, AGAIN. Anyway, I'm in the lounge, pretty pissed and I decide to go check on her to make sure she didn't choke on her own puke. I walk in and it reeks, but I realize it's not the smell of puke. I walk closer to the beds, and I realize that she SHIT HER PANTS. Yes, my roommate shit her pants. And no little shit- it was one that had to have been brewing for days. And it smelled to high heaven. And now I need to go eat. I want to hear other people's stories about their roomies.
not as good as anna's story...

heh, so i really wanted to go to this freak show extravaganza at a local club. so i went with some friends, but what i didn't realize was that last night was also "goth" night. heh. my friends were all wearing black, and i was wearing this bright pink tutu with crazy hair. needless to say, i didn't get lost. i wish i had taken better makeup pictures, but you get the general idea. KISSES!
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
sketchiest thing ever
i feel like i've said that before, possibly about fetish ball...
well, grinnell also has this party every year called "chains" in which you send the names of two people in and if they say they want to go for it, the two people get chained together at the party.
sound weird enough yet? well, i got chained to someone i had never met before. nobody owned up on chaining us, either. so i was pretty awkward. then i woke up in a bathtub full of ice lying next to a monkey with a scar on my side and my liver missing. and then i ate nick's children (way to be prompt on the response, man).
Monday, February 20, 2006
Pink Panther
So Saturday night I watched the Pink Panther with Bono, Allyson, Emily, Rachel, Rob, and Kevey-poo. Anyway, the whole time I was trying to remember what commercial used the Pink Panther in their commercials. And don't say the insulation crap cause that is not what I'm talking about. I'm thinking about like a cereal or something that had Pink Panther commercials a long time ago when I was little. So, if anyone else can remember what they were please let me know because this is one of those things that will bug me until I find out.
waaaaasting time
so i was thinking, hey! i'll go post because no one has for a while. but then i go and look! there are several posts that i have not yet seen. oh well. here's a fun quote or two:
Helena: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Valentine: "Absolutely. If we put little wheels on our shoes we could just roll all over the place..."
"He's so in the closest he's found Narnia."
-quoteboard. uncredited.
well, now back to costume design. then latin.
go here:
dave gregg
so i was eating breakfast yesterday, and all of a sudden someone sits next to me and i'm assumming that its one of matt or brian's friends so i don't even look over. but when i did look over i saw that it was dave gregg! i had to do a double take because i was like wait.. why are you in oklahoma? so he told me why he was down here, sat with me and a few others at brunch for a bit and then went back to dave king and joe lorenz's table. it just made me smile b/c i haven't seen dave in awhile
Sunday, February 19, 2006
oh the russians...
jax, can i just say that i think you are the most weird fucked up individual and for that i love you so much...
i totally know what you are talking about as far as live music goes... i went to a concert in denver on friday... it pretty much kicked some serious ass... we went for less than jake but it was like a 4 hour mosh pit and the only escape was -14 degree weather we didn't... but snaps on the theory on live music...
agreed with the born again thing too...ya know i'd like to think i learn from my mistakes but sometimes...sometimes...
so i'm having a lot of conversations lately about how i feel about alcohol...and people are beginning to piss me off...
so in colorado right now its a really big debate: weed vs. alcohol...what with all the pending legislative actions going i was in denver last night at a party with my room mate, hannah, and her friend, mike...and hannah is friends with a lot of russian immigrants...18-20 yr old...thick russian names like vladamir, nison, and sergei...just huge freakin (might i add attractive) guys...and by the by what these kids like to do is drink revolves around vodka...and the purpose of this party just so happened to be drinking vodka, toasting, to this guy named steve who, next week, would be shipped out to iraq...a noble cause if you ask hannah, mike and i were all staying at the house cause it was ludacris to drive (2 hours) back to the fort that not needing a dd we all decided to drink...personally i see nothing wrong with, despite the law, taking a shot of vodka with a guy named nison and drinking a beer... hannah slammed like 8 shots...mike did 4 or so...after a few hours of partying, dancing, smoking (no i still don't smoke), carrying on with 200lb bulgarian guys with nipple rings named terry that really wanna dance with you (that just makes for a funny college story) needless to say due to the blasting of "shake your bon bon" (you should hear it sung-slurred- with a russian accent in order to fully appreciate it) and a girl trampling the neighbor's flowers the party got busted, the cops were called...we were driven around by people from around denver that we know randomly from school and whathaveyou until i was sober enough (i failed the f-ing sobreity test...ya know the one where the cop waves his finger in front of your face..."ya wanna try again or do you want to just be a dear and start dumping all the alcohol out?"...on a side note hannah passed the stupid must be her quick asian reaction time) to drive us back to the fort (we arrived home at about 5am)...
so when we got back we were confronted with multiple people questioning our morals and standards due to the incident...many people were "disappointed" in us...hannah even broke up with her bf over the incident (long story short: he's straightedged and continually sets ultimatums for her "standards" like drinking and smoking and broke up with her over myspace...but hes a dick so i think its for the best...she doesn't see that so much right now)...
lately theres been so many people trying to convince me that pot is not as bad as alcohol and alcohol is this horrible horrible thing...and i gotta say that personally, under the right circumstances and in a safe environment i see nothing wrong with drinking...or pot for that matter...especially if it is not to get drunk...which...that was no one's goal last night (hannah just achieved it)...and it was just great to come home tired and smelly after such a crazy weekend only to have a million and two people berrate you about your morals with "how could you do such a thing" attitudes when they are just as guilty as if my weekend could even get worse than seeing a grown russian man with a thick accent come up to me with tears streaming down his face because the cops had asked him to pour out the liquor mumbling "I'm Russian! I can't pour out Vodka!"...yea right...they are going to have to be a bit more creative if they wanna top that...
in conclusion: yea for live music. russians kick ass. drinking can be okay. city of thornton cops suck.
{editor's note: upon furthur investigation, hannah passed the sobreity test because she was in fact, asian...her eyes are too squinty to see so the cops couldn't tell if she was drunk...cute huh? i see that as racial bias...}
o o
i feel bad for checking this at least once a day, being disappointed whenever there isn't anything new, and then going to check something else without writing anything.
god, so many things are happening right now... except it's all just in my mind, so i can't even put it into words for myself much less for you all.
well, i have two essays to write for this week. and a drawing, which i already attempted. the drawing was for my figure class, aka, my draw people naked class. that's fun. we were supposed to draw a person with non-local color, meaning, color it any the fuck way you want to. luke posed for me. it turned out... eenteresting. and no he was not naked. drawing him was distracting enough as it was.
we're going to the sigur ros concert in st. louis on tuesday (!!!) which will be amazing. i LOVE live music. friday night bands were playing at the norml party at the red room (a non-frat apartment in "downtown kirksville") and for some reason i just realized how futile it is to try to capture that energy in a recording. there was one really good band in particular, happy ass. picture three young-ish professors in miniskirts screaming with guitars and a long-haired guy on drums. i don't even remember what the music sounded like. it was loud and i could see it happening. actually, that whole night was amazing. i was just separate enough from the world to really... watch myself in the world, instead of watching the world through myself.
yeah... so friday night, awesome party with a lot of people. saturday day, hang out with luke and play music and explore with a camera. saturday night, another awesome party but this time just friends at someone's house. that was cool too. well, more than cool, but i have no words. sarah was there, with torin, and nick corich and his friends from mizzou. and me and luke. (bad grammar is my friend.) then this morning we woke up early to go shovel food compost at the farm, and i slept all afternoon.
god... i think i've only reconstructed my entire world in the last couple of weeks, and the last two days particularly. all i know anymore is that i exist. it's like descartes, who started his understanding of the world from the single statement, i think, therefore i exist. except that my brain is doing this on its own.
huh. maybe descartes' was too, maybe his philosophy isn't as intentionally calculated as i assumed. maybe every once in a while, we're just born over, and are babies again. it happens when the world is too new for who you were before.
o o <---- Jacquelyn tries to open her eyes. I wonder if I'll see mother first or the doctor.
Actually, I think I already know who I saw.
Friday, February 17, 2006
new display name
my new display name is going to be penguin (it goes with my picture!) b/c having to see the word feet with my name everytime was starting to weird me out... enjoy
nh stuff
um... i just got a random email from my cousin. apparently next year at nh they are offering statistics (which i am currently taking and can go die.. anywho) and you have to take it with pre-calc. i just found that to be amusing and weird. also, my froshie cousin already broke her laptop. just had to laugh about that one.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Okay, did you write that report on emo culture for your class last semester? Cuz on the way back to Columbia this past weekend I was trying to tell Dave what emo was. My friend Michelle is obsessed with emo boys, so we decided to make a collage and give it to Dave cuz we're going to STL for a concert this weekend. Anywho, could I possibly get a copy of that report that you wrote? Suhweet. Athankya. Love.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
I just found out last night that you know that guy I have liked since June, Matt Fister....well he has a girlfriend. you all will never believe who it is though. I will give you ten guesses. wait no I won't....
It is Mo Martz.
I almost died when he told me that. I could not believe it. This is the weirdest match I have ever heard about in my life. The poor bastard does not know what he is missing on this end if you know what I mean.... It will never last. Apparently they have been on and off for the last 6 years or something. She is all businessy and sporty and he is like this fun nature loving confucian or something. oh well.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
just wanted to say happy valentine's day to all and happy anti-valentine's day to all who believe it is the root of all that is evil. but i still hope you can and will eat chocolate num-nums today because thats what this day is all about right? chocoalte. and johnny depp. and johnny depp covered in chocolate... anyhoo, have a spantafic day, ladies! love you all!!!
Michael: Sweet love, renew thy force.
Patrick: Don't say shit like that to me. People can hear you.
name it, bitches!
Monday, February 13, 2006
Oh! Porn!
WILL SOMEONE PLEASE SEND ME PIRATES I'M DYING. AMANDA, YOU FUCKTARD, IF I DON'T GET THAT IN THE MAIL BY SPRING BREAK YOUR HEAD IS GOING ON A STAKE . Oh, if anyone else has it, please send it. Ah-thank ya. Oh, PS, happy valentine's day. Love to everyone, I wish I could send everyone their favorite flowers. I'm thinking of all of you!
speaking of porn...
what? no one said anything about porn? fine then. i will.
sooooo we've been watching this movie, pirates, which is the highest budget porno ever. there's cgi skeletons and all sorts of crap. and it's hilarious. if you can find the trailer, i suggest you watch it. it's quite a movie.
oh, and of course the best way to watch it is with a bunch of people and the movie projected very big onto the wall. woot.
although, the biggest thing i think about while watching this is how weird the music is. like, they're going at it like dogs or whatever, and there's a violin playing sweetly in the background. honestly. why?
so i must say that this past week has been crazy
monday night/early tuesday- emergency room
tuesday- bed all day b/c of stupid pain from kidney stones
wed- realize i have lots to make up from the previous two days (most of my classes are mon-wed i only have one class on both thurs and fri)
thursday- go to work for the first time in the week, later that night fly to St. Louis
friday- spend all day in doctor's appoints. (i think i was asked about 30 times if i had an std or was pregnant.. i was tempted to make up an answer), later that night fly back to tulsa.
weekend- spend time catching up from last week
sunday- shoot me! it's midterms week, i'm a week behind, and everything is practically eating me
so there you go people, i'm beyond stressed, haven't slept more than 8 hours combined in the last couple days, still feeling pretty sick, and i'm writing on markersplotches instead of doing anything productive.. what a good way to relax!
ps- i'm reading microbiology right now and none of you are allowed to get legionelle's disease or Q fever, deal?
Sunday, February 12, 2006
You Will All Be Proud
Ok, I finally saw Episodes 4, 5, and 6 of Star Wars. Now I just have to see 1, 2, and 3 although everyone tells me the only one worth seeing is 3. But I still want to see all of them just because.
was this weekend really necessary?
so lets start off with friday: a flat tire...where, due to the make of my car, i have to buy 4 new tires cause they don't make my old tires anymore...get rejected by a real estate agent at looking at a house for next fall...lost my keys to my room so i get to pay the $80 to get new ones...get mashed potatos shoved in my face at dinner...saturday: felt like shit all saturday but for some godforsaken reason decided to drink a little with some people in my room which resulted in $75 worth of booze down the drain, getting written up for alcohol posession, having my favorite RA be "disappointed" in my choices, my RA laughin at the fact that i had finally gotten caught breaking the rules, and concluded with me trying despretely to pass out on my rank smelling bed next to zach, who would later be kicked out of the university, and greg, who being a minor would have gotten an MIP if he had given the RAs his actual name or social security...luckily i had the sense to take out the puke filled trash bag the night before and drank 3 bottles of water before bed so i woke up with only a minor headache which turned into a major one when i realized i had to clean my entire room and rid it of puke and stench and nastiness that filled every crevice i'm so tired that i want to just crash but i have a lot of homework to do so i can't....not yet...
i think its cute that on the first time i drink since getting back to the fort they catch us... they are all treating us like alcoholics... i don't think they realize that if we were alcoholics then we wouldn't have any alcohol for them to drain...stupid people....
so lesson is: no drinking. its bad for you. gets you into trouble. makes you do things you will regret. also causes you to clean your room. maybe its not all bad. wait. don't drink. its bad for you.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
spring break
hey, all!
i was just wondering when everyone was going to get home for spring break. i get out March 11 and will be out for ten days. will anyone else be home then???? love to you all.
Don't you hate when you're in a perfectly snippy mood, and then someone has to say something sweet or nice and ruins it? I hate that. Oh, and I nearly got attacked by a hawk this morning while I was walking to work. Apparently I resemble a small rodent. Just thought you guys would find that amusing. Cheerio.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
remember (or not) my friend wesley? well, i mentioned "a new hope" to him, and he stared at me. just stared. it was even in context, too. i said, the sci-fi club is watching "a new hope" tonight. and he said (after the staring), what's "a new hope?"
honestly. i kid you not. and HE THINKS HE'S A GEEK!!!!! i am ashamed by association.
WHAT THE FUCK??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, so I may be a little behind the times, but did you know they now make hybrid SUVs?? what the fuck is the point??? So now when you drive an SUV you only use as much gas as a regular car? Jesus!!!
Your New Year's Resolutions |
![]() 2) Eat less stale popcorn 3) Travel to Greece 4) Study abnormal psychology 5) Get in shape with belly dancing |
What Should Your New Year's Resoluton Be?
that is crazy because i am taking belly dancing right now.
Time To Start Planning
Who for sure wants to go on a trip to the beach? I really need to know who can go so we can start making a list. We need to know who can positively go so please please if you are interested find out and let me know by in like two weeks.
Also, I need ideas of where everyone wants to go, how long people want to stay (maybe a week), and around what time people can go. We aren't having a chaperone so whoever cannot go without a chaperone, sucks for you.
I think it would be fun to go late July, cause my birthday is in July and I really haven't had a party or done anything for my birthday in years. Ok well I will probably end up calling a ton of you guys anyway to try and make people go because it will be soo much fun. And we could find people to drive and find a cheap hotel so it will be a very inexpensive trip. Cause right now I have negative money in my bank account so I promise it will be very very cheap. It should only cost a couple pay checks to go.
And no one can say they won't have enough money. My advice to them would be "Get off your asses and get a job."
loooooong night
so last night i was eating dinner when all of a sudden i started feeling sick and i was like oh great something's wrong with the food. i went back to my room and laid down hoping that it would just pass. well i did just fine for about 20 mins after that and then i started feeling this excruciating pain down my entire right side. i tried walking around to see if it were some funky muscle thing that needed to be worked out but that didn't work. so i put up with this for two hours before i called matt to come over and help me because by this time i was scared.. i was feeling extremely sick and i couldn't move without feeling a stabbing pain on my right side. so he came over and laid in bed with me trying to rub my back, really doing anything to help it but i just curled up in a ball and was crying b/c nothing was working. so finally around 10.00p i decided that we needed to go to the emergency room. brian drove me and matt and my friend kelli met us up there later, group affair.. yay! so we get to the er and wait forever (you all know how that goes) i had about 30 people ask to verify the spelling of hrbacek.. so that at least made me laugh.
well i go in get some blood drawn, give a urine sample and have a cat-scan done. after waiting for awhile and having two doses of morphine for the stupid pain the doctor came back in and told me that i have kidney stones! the one that is causing me so much pain (even know as i write) has completely blocked off the right side of my urinary tract and that is why there is so much pain on my right side b/c my muscles are, in essence, working against each other. so now i get to wait for this stone to pass and they said that there is another one following closely behind. they gave me pain meds, which is good and all but they make me extremely sick and if i'm not on them it's obvious b/c it hurts to move and basically do anything.
so last night this ordeal started around 7pm and ended around 5am when we finally got home from the hospital. as for now, there is nothing for me to do but drink excessive amounts of water, take pain meds and take it easy.
i'm going home this weekend b/c they told me that i am goign to need to see a specialist about this b/c they don't know if this kidney stone did permanent damage on its way out of the kidney and into the urinary
so that's it... sorry for rambling but it's been a long last 15 or so hours...
Monday, February 06, 2006
cool cool
Your 2005 Song Is |
![]() Don't Phunk With My Heart by the Black Eyed Peas "I always want you with me I'll play Bobby and you?ll play Whitney" You were insanely in love in 2005 - and still might be! |
Relay for Life
hey all!
i know that you hate being asked for money, and trust me i hate asking for it but i am participating in the relay for life here in tulsa. any donations would be greatly appreciated, even a dollar! if you can't donate but would like me to walk in memory of someone i would definitely do that for you. visit my relay for life website :
Stephanie's Relay for Life Website
thanks guys, this cause means alot to me.. so thanks for helping out
don't you just hate it when you just can't sleep. i was soooo nice and sleepy - perfect timing for falling asleep and such. so i got all ready for bed, got under my covers, closed my eyes...... and my brain decided to just keep on going. i started thinking about all kinds of stuff i have to do, spring break, check up on it (that song was in my head), ummmm sex in the city (cause my roomie and i had just watched an episode before i got so deliciously sleepy).... and before you know it, a half hour has gone by and i am suddenly wide awake. sooo what do i do? grab my computer and blog about my new found insomiacism (is that a word? it should be. i just decided that it is. ok....)
sooooo i think i am gonna go waste some brain cells and time playing random computer games that will hopefully make me sleepy.
goodnight ya'll (thats what i get for going to a school so close to kentucky) and sweet dreams my loves. :)
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Got hammered
I got hammered for the first time ever in my life last night. It was amazing for the most part.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Your New Year's Resolutions |
![]() 2) Eat less lard 3) Travel to Argentina 4) Study warrior dancing 5) Get in shape with rock climbing |
What'>">What Should Your New Year's Resoluton Be?
i really should cut down on the lard-munching....
oh my fellow thespians....sound familiar?
Your 2005 Song Is |
![]() "My shadow's the only one that walks beside meMy shallow heart's the only thing that's beating" In 2005, you bummed everyone out. Like you care. |
What'>">What Hit Song of 2005 Are You?
Friday, February 03, 2006
my face
is this what you think when you see my face?
At first glance, people see you as warm and well-balanced.
Overall, your true self is passionate and physical.
With friends, you seem dramatic, lively, and quick to react.
In love, you seem like a huge flirt.
In stressful situations, you seem cheerful and optimistic.
i'm not sure well-balanced is a good phrase to describe me
PS: I pretty much hate you katie because i've been taking all these stupid little quiz thingys instead of doing my paper. i spent about 45 min doing them last night and now i'm doing more. all my love!
ok heres mine
Your Superhero Name is The Android Shogun
Your Superpower is Super Speed
Your Weakness is 80s Music
Your Weapon is Your Gas Crossbow
Your Mode of Transportation is Dinosaur
i think mine is pretty sweet!
Alright, I guess I'll join the population and do my superhero profile, especially since I don't wanna do my homework, and some of it is accurate.
Your Superhero Profile |
![]() |
***Your Superhero Profile***
Your Superhero Name is The Wombat Skier
Your Superpower is Demonic
Your Weakness is Men
Your Weapon is Your Water Stinger
Your Mode of Transportation is Tricycle
I'M A FREAKIN WOMBAT!!! i love my profile.. it's basically true too... weakness is men, i have a kick butt water gun here, and i really really want a tricycle
Thursday, February 02, 2006
My secret identity...
Your Superhero Profile |
![]() Your Superhero Name is The Professor Specter Your Superpower is Super Speed Your Weakness is Stuttering Your Weapon is Your Fungal Lasso Your Mode of Transportation is Capsule |
double famous
sooo not only was my picture in the burlington free press as a firefighter, i was also in two pictures in the vermont catholic tribune because i went on the prolife march in washington, d.c. you all are welcome to my autograph. ha ha. in other news, i'm completely sucking at calculus II. i spend roughly 2 hours on homework every day, and pretty much never get the right answers. i've gone to the math homework help sessions, i've used the solution manuals on reserve in the library, i've done homework with my classmates, this really cute junior i met on the prolife march who's a math major helped me, i've gone to the teacher for help. basically, i understand all the methods, and the answers all make sense when shown to me, i just can't get to that point by myself. so i believe that today i am going to ask for a tutor. if that doesn't work, then fuck it. wooo. i also believe that this is the first time ever i've had noticeable pms, so this weekend is gonna be rather crap.
Two Crazy Hoes Get Pierced
So, today me and Rach (my roomie) went shopping for a cute top for me to go to a party at SLU tomorrow night. And then we decided we wanted piercings. So we got out belly buttons pierced. Can you guys believe I did that? Me, who faints when she cuts herself shaving in the shower and who is terrified of needles and blood. Ahh I'm so excited. The people there said not to put a bar in for 3-6 weeks to decrease the chances of getting an infection. Whee!!

things that make me glad:
1. having old friends visit--ie. dailee this weekend, amanda in march, hell even my brother who's coming in 2 weeks
2. actually sleeping enough before an 8 am class
3. going on dates
4. grocery shopping
5. sex and the city...hah, yes the show...but there could be an innuendo there ;)
6. chocolate
7. fuzzy sweaters
9. missing someone from very far away, but knowing they think of you too. the longing is good, cause it feels like living.
i'm just hanging out, enjoying reading your adventures, and i thought i'd drop a line. here are some pics of my gladness too:

ummm, so i missed 20,000 but i was pretty close. did anyone else notice that we had 20,000 visitors. i thought it was pretty spiffy. well, later.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Good Bye
Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you all know that I am leaving for Greece tomorrow at noon. Here is my blog if you forgot it and would like to read what I do and view pics:
I will most likely start posting on Friday or Saturday. I will miss you all. Au revior mes copines.
black studies and conservative orthodox jewish kid...ahhhhh
ok, these quotes are actually from this kid, richard, in my black studies class. and i want to preface these quotes by telling you that richard is honestly just this ignorant. he is honestly saying these things because he honestly thinks this. enjoy.
Teacher: what are some of the differences between living here and in Africa?
Richard: well, in Africa you just have all those tribes. (Class goes completely silent.)
Teacher: (who is from Africa) what do you mean by tribes?
Richard: well, you know, dressing up in face paint, dancing around fires, singing to the spirits...that kind of stuff. (In the dead silence of the classroom, you can hear someone whisper, "Oh, my god...")
Then we watched this movie about the student revolutions in Africa. In one scene, the gradeschool students had started chanting, "Freedom, Freedom" and they threw books at their teacher because the soldiers had already taken away and killed their favorite teacher who taught them to think for themselves. Then the soliders who were patrolling their campus with machine guns came over and started gunning down the little unarmed kids down.
Teacher: What are some of the reasons that the revolution failed for so long?
Richard: Well, the kids should have used better tactics against the soldiers. (Dead silence in the room.) I mean, they should have studied basic military tactics. They should have all rushed the soldiers with the guns so that some of them would die, but at least they would take out the soldier.
Student: The unarmed ten year olds should have had better tactics against a full grown man with a gun??? I'm sorry but when I was ten, I certainly wasn't plotting military tactics to take down men with machine guns. What ten year old is like, "Ok, guys, some of us are gonna die, but at least we'll take down one soldier!" I don't think so!
i hate liars! i seriously thought that petty drama was behind all of us now, but i was wrong. i just recently found out that a friend isn't telling me something b/c that friend thinks the info will make me sad b/c i am single right now. what kind of bs is that?!?!?!? the circumstance is really stupid too.
so in short; i hate liars, i strongly dislike this friend right now, and i can't believe that i keep putting up with this same stuff....