Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Monday, February 19, 2007

What's sketchier than a Fetish ball?

Chains of Love, of course. Someone suggests two people, and if they both agree (without knowing who), they get handcuffed together for the evening. Fun, sketchy times all around. This year was fun and not awkward, though, because I was just chained to one of my best friends. Last year... another story.

This changing of Blogger confused me a good deal. At least now I understand why my name wasn't on the list of users on the side. New format and all. What a pain.

Ah; another exciting tidbit. I'm going to be in a musical about sex! Thrilling. It's called Hello Again, and contains 10 scenes of sex of some sort; in each, one person is satisfied and the other is left in a lurch. I play the young wife who has an affair with a college student (in a movie theater) and is in a boring marriage to a closeted gay man. So in the second of my scenes, I sing a song fantasizing about what might have been while I dance with my mirror image, the whore. I'm excited because this is like nothing I've done before and if nothing else, it will be a lot of fun.


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Blogger pipsqueak said...

Uh. You're weird.

3:41 PM  
Blogger justsuckit said...

i'm jealous. i wanna go to a fetish ball

12:39 AM  

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