Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Two snow days in a row is amazing. Its like the weekend in the middle of the week. FANTASTIC!!!
So weather in cinci has been really bad recently - we had snow from last week, and then 2 more inches decided to fall, and then it decided to sleet/rain. Yesterday was miserable - it was cold and really really wet. Then it got colder and it all froze, so they called off school again.
Its still snowing, so we shall see what happens, but I kinda doubt that we will have three days in a row. *cross my fingers and turn my pajamas inside out* (supposedly that makes you have a snow day. i dunno, a friend of mine was running around in inside out pajamas last night, even though we already knew school was cancelled. I was laughing at him. Good times.
I don't really know what the point of this whole post was, except to brag that we had two snow days.... gonna go play in the snow, or maybe not cause it is really hard since its covered in ice (as some other friends of mine found out when they decided to go sledding last night without shirts on... they came back with their arms all cut up). So sledding is out...
ok this is rambling way too much.
love you guys!


Blogger eat_this_corley said...

there is like 10 inches on the ground now. they are expecting at least 4 more. i tried to drive today, and quickly realized that i am stupid. but it is sure fun to play in!

4:49 PM  
Blogger pipsqueak said...

Yahhh snow days! Blizzard warning pretty much all day today lasting until 7am tomorrow. I've never seen it snow for 12 hours straight before. Awesome opposum.

8:45 PM  

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