Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Thursday, February 15, 2007

So there was this big chicken. she was unfortunate

Okay. There are things we need to talk about.
  1. Yes I am coming down this weekend for Mardi Gras. There are some problems.
  2. I am coming down with a bunch of friends from Mizzou.

some groups don't mix. we're weird fuckers and we revel in our fuckedupness!

Originally i thought i'd be seeing some STL bitchasses, but the more I look at it realize that it's not gonna work out. We can't have too mcuh drama, right? you sell that excess on the streats

What I'm saying that it's unlikely that i'll be able to see anyone at all! Hopefully we can see eachother at the parade. The Mizzou crowd rented a hotel out by the airport so we can jsut take tthe metrolink downtown. i think that introducing new people would agitate some of the guys.

blah blah blah, come kid's let's finish this up,

Keegan (+8/12) will be coming home for Mardi Gras with 10 or so people. we're getting a hotel out by the airport so we can take the metrolink downtown to soulard.

I won't even see my parents on this trip. And originally I was going to say you guys could come out to the hotel and chill with us, but that would be a bad idea. Qho's going to Soulard for the parade!!!!


Blogger Cajackster said...


12:38 PM  
Blogger Reine said...

Hey freak. Why don't your friends want to meet us?? Oh well, I WAS planning on hanging out with you.

Anyone else from Saint Louis wanna let me tag a long with them? I don't really have many friends at SLU and of the friends I do have none of them are doing anything.

This is Laura by the way

1:00 PM  
Blogger etepetete said...

yeah keegs, that was an odd post.
and sadly, I am missing mardi gras for the first time in my life. I am really really sad, I don't want to talk about it anymore.
I am going to attempt making jambalaya this weekend in my apartment - this is gonna be funny. :-D

6:04 PM  

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