Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Friday, February 16, 2007

Fat chicken part 2. Fat chicken does south beach diet.

Okay, my apologies for the previous post. I haven't been sleeping well, so my doctor prescribed me sleeping medication, which basically makes me drunk. As for Mardi Gras, I hope to see you guys down at Soulard for the parade! I won't be able to hang out with anyone because we'll be in a hotel...I don'tnormally get to see two of my friends cuz they don't go to Mizzou anymore, so I'm really looking forward to hanging out with them. I'm not trying to ignore anyone, it's just that it'll be a ton of people from Mizzou and then my crowd from back home....and it seems like some groups just don't mix. I don't know. I'm not even going to see my parents- and if any of you know me at all, you will understand how big that is. If I don't see Susan and Dave, I don't see anyone. I'll be in town the weekend of March 9th, so you better clear your calendars so we can hang out then. That way I can be selfish and have you all to myself. Sorry if I pissed anyone off...

P.S. If it makes anyone feel better, I bought $45 worth of salon shampoo and conditioner and it gave me dandruff and made me break out on my forehead hardcore. I can't breathe, and the entire area between my upper lips and nose are bright red from going through a box of kleenex in the past week. Plus I have an awful cough and I basically just wanna curl up under the covers and sleep for 3 days. You have permission to knock at my door, and if I don't answer, leave a plate of food and orange juice outside.


Blogger pipsqueak said...

Haha, I thought you seemed just a little bit weird in that last post. Get better soon!

7:29 AM  
Blogger porgie said...

I guess the shampoo incident makes everything even out.

Next time you plan a visit to stl, don't be such a c u next tuesday.


9:20 AM  
Blogger etepetete said...

i will be in town march 9th!! yay!! you better hang out with me! ;)
Have fun this weekend at mardi gras. Everybody who is going to the parade - wave to my house for me. haha.

11:05 AM  

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