Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


ok, so this is the third time in two weeks that we have been hit by the "soaring eagle" pranksters
so basically there is a group of kids who go around and leave these little eagle statues with a note that says "the eagle soars again" and then they knock on the door and leave... then later that night they call alot really late at night (which is the only really annoying part.. the rest is harmless)
so they came by again tonight.. but it was actually pretty funny
so since my doorbell doesn't work their only option is to knock on my door so, we heard the knock... looked outside, saw the eagle, and my brother steve jolts out the door (shirtless and shoeless, mind you) and runs down the street yelling who knows what..
so, me, my mom, my dad, rob and jeff all go outside to watch steve make a fool of himself while chasing these kids around and through backyards
well rob took the eagle statue and smashed it to pieces and left a note saying "hmm.. can the eagle soar now" (they also come back for their statue later that night)
so all in all, it was a pretty funny night... just thought i'd share


Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

with 18 members and 8 hours since the last time I visited, this is the best you gals could come up with?

12:16 AM  
Blogger Cajackster said...

firstly, thats amazing...tell steve that i'm proud of his witty comeback...and secondly, jeff, you'll have to excuse our lack of posts...most of the members of this particular blog either don't post or are currently out of town away from for the rest of us...fuck off we've got other things to do...

1:41 AM  
Blogger puc said...

stef- that's great. how hilarious and yet sad at the same time. but you gotta give them props for being "clever". in my day it was just ring and run. no statues.

7:28 AM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

Somehow I manage to get a post up every single day without fail, even when I was out of town. I really don't see why 18 people can't accomplish one decent post per day sometimes.

Oh and when i posted, the only thing this post said was "Blah". It has since been edited so my first comment makes less sense. Thanks for putting EDIT: in your post butthead. *rolleyes*

9:21 AM  
Blogger etepetete said...

It is impossible for some people to post for a few days becuase they are on vacation - you know away from computers and internet, there is no possible internet connection. The internet wires don't run like their veins through their bodies. They don't live off the fake human contact that is the internet.

11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wtf man? do you have no life whatsoever? you are criticizing a group of friends' musings to each other because they don't amuse you. get a life, man. if you're so disappointed in the splotches, stop reading it.

12:11 PM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

The entire globe is covered by a nice array of sattelites, so unless you take a vacation somewhere deep underground you are always within range of the internet.

and matt. I have no life. but you should have already known that.

12:42 PM  
Blogger etepetete said...

ok let me restate my comment - maybe people are taking a vacation and therefore aren't connecting to the internet - on purpose. imagine that. secondly, some people may not have the technology to connect to the internet in some places.

2:07 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

i didn't put edit just to annoy you

4:29 PM  
Blogger Cajackster said...

i have dial up...tryin connecting to the internet...i think you should applaud how often i actually get on the internet as it is...

7:57 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

actually with me, i haven't been out of town or anything. i just don't have anything that's really worth posting about, so i've decided to wait until i do. maybe you should try it, jeff.

here's what's been occupying me and keeping me away from the blog: sleeping till 1, oblivious that my mom wanted me to pick up the co-op order at 11, going at 2 to no one there, reading, doing chores my mom left a note for me to do, getting yelled at for not getting the co-op, especially because "if you sleep till 1 there's something wrong with you" (as if my brothers didn't do that when they were teenagers), getting the co-op order (none of the yogurt got spoiled as my mom feared), and finally, going to a party.

12:32 AM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

I believe you just said that you have nothing to talk about, but yet somehow managed to fill a whole paragraph of oh wait for it....things to talk about.

Am I missing something here?

12:52 AM  
Blogger kylester said...

where should we start, hmmm?

2:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea a social existance that most people call a life...

2:17 AM  
Blogger etepetete said...

but you see, if she did make a whole blog about that you would comment on it saying how no one really cares and it is a boring post and she shouldn't have even posted it.

3:48 PM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...


4:44 PM  
Blogger kylester said...

give up... its no use. he's lost to the world.

7:16 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

awww... i'll still hold out hope for you jeff

9:16 PM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

kylester do you judge all people you have never met? And what the fuck does "lost to the world" mean. Are you implying that "the world" is an aware creature that is somehow searching for me? Does that make any sense?

Also you never seem to address me in your comments. You just make side remarks like well, the one you just made, that seem to me like an act of fear because you don't want to get into an argument with me. The only reason I can think is that you dont have faith you can win. Your only tool so far is to make it seem like I am an abstract object that you can only refer to in passing and never directly address. I suppose your strongest(which isnt saying much) argument against me is my poor gramar and spelling.

Also, I hope you take your own advice and give up, except make surer what you are giving up on, is your own life.

You are afraid to argue ideas kylester. And until you can own up to that, please stop trying to edge me out with your completely un-constructive comments.

2:07 AM  
Blogger kylester said...

dang it. im not constructive. and im sorry i dont find all of the joy in arguing that you seem to find... somehow though i tend to be able to irk people.

10:03 PM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

your presence irks me.

10:31 PM  
Blogger Kacki said...

Jeff, why don't you just crawl under a rock and die? It would make like so much easier for the rest of us. See, most people don't like to wast their time with self-righteous, limy, bastards like you. I have the time to waste, luckly, and I really do like to take the piss outta people. I'm sorry you feel superior to everyone else. You really should go take a vacation, leave the house, get laid, etc. You might relize there is more to life then a computer screen and idle insults that you throw at people from a saftey net of facelessness.

Good luck with that!

10:52 PM  
Blogger maggotsparklepow said...

okay, folks, let's remember something: we're all different. jeff, just because people have a blog doesn't mean they have to make a post or a comment every day. maybe that's what you like to do, and what you're used to on the other blogs you read and participate in, but you know what? on this blog, that just isn't our priority. we set this up so we can put stuff on it when we want to, and people can comment when they want to. enough said.
and to everyone else, stop ripping on jeff. god knows i've done my share of it. but we know that he loves to be on the internet and stuff, and he really likes to post and comment on blogs. it really is that simple. so let's just leave him alone, and maybe he can extend the same courtesy and will stop talking about how we don't post as often as he likes.
now i'm going to leave, or i'm going to be late to work. have a nice day ya'll.

10:45 AM  
Blogger Reine said...

i agree with marge. basically because the only thing anyone can say mean about jeff is his lack of a life. but after so many times of telling jeff he doesnt have a life no matter how we word it, it gets annoying. we know he has no life. he knows he has no life. everyone who meets him knows he has no life. so lets just get that out of the way.

this is kinda funny because i just commented on another post describing to jeff how he has no life. so im being a hypocrite right now.

but seriously, bashing jeff just isnt fun anymore. cause we do it way too much. like every other fucking thing this group does. i mean seriously when one of you goons gets a hold of something good you just keep pushing it and pushing it.

11:45 AM  
Blogger Anna said...

aw, merge, mediating becomes you.

i'll be nice, but, jeff, the reason we get into less head-on arguments with you than we could is because if we did, you would respond with these long comments that take quite a while to read and at the end we look back and say "what now?" (meaning, you could be a little more coherent (and concise)). also, you seem pretty firmly entrenched in your beliefs and i don't know that an argument that won't lead anywhere is worth the trouble.

9:54 PM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

kacki, the fact that you went out of your way in your own boredom to "take the piss out of people"(sorry if i misquoted) discredits your current and all future posts in my mind.

I applogize for the comment of this post which makes no sense now. When I comment the entire post consisted of one word. Blah. It was latter edited and I got a lot of flak for all of that. I was just saying a one word post was rather lame considering the circumstances.

and yes I do really like to read my blogs. Its a bit of an addiction and I slave over my RSS feeds waiting for any of my bookmarked websites to update.

I love commenting at this site for more reasons then I'll ever let any of you know. And I think your bashing is well warranted.

but like hovis said about the whole not having a life thing. that is so true.

I like all of you guys/gals(except for kyle and kacki they just try to hard to fit in and it doesnt seem to be working) and that is because I respect you. Thanks for respecting me.

1:03 AM  
Blogger maggotsparklepow said...

welcome jeff

1:20 AM  
Blogger kylester said...

hahahahahaha... now i try to fit in.... and what was it before, im not constructive? i think im gonna have to talk to my shrink about this, but he just flew out of the tree, so im screwed for a while.

1:11 PM  

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