Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Monday, August 01, 2005

hella vacas and skeet bills

So I'm just sitting here...doin nothin...wondering why everyone chose to go on vacation on this particular week...there is nothing all THAT exciting goin on...therefore my parents feel that since i'm not going anywhere or doing anything i should get stuff together for college...i don't like that...not in the slightest...having to sift through all my belongings....catalog everything into a mental database and figure out exactly what i won't be able to live without cause theres no fucking way all my shit is fitting into my dorm room...

another depressign thing is i can't seem to figure out how to access my college email account...i have attempted every link that would seem like it might lead me to it but nothing...all i get to is a screen that asks for a username and password...and i have typed in every combination of usernames and passwords i can think of... but nothing...*login failed*

heres another first bill came in the mail owe colorado state university $11,004.10....due august could i possibly owe so much money when i haven't been there or done anything there....thats rediculous....i think maybe i should get through my first semester and then they should charge me according to how much i think i've learned....if i haven't learned anything...then i shouldn't have to pay for more than the food i put on my meal plan account....sound good to anyone else?...i would love to know where they get off charging $11,004.10 for intro to theatre, anthropology, current world problems, health and fitness, global and environmental systems, and what we know and why we know it....i'd love to know where the fuck that is going to get me in life and why it has to cost so f-ing much...

sorry for the ranting but honestly....this college bullshit is getting to better be (prepare yourself for a obscene word usages) hella fun cause right now it seems like they are skeeting me...


Blogger kylester said...

im so glad you posted. my depression is just getting started i think, and i dont like it. well of course i dont like. ive tried to somewhat think about what im going to take and leave behind, but i never get farther than im taking my guitar and i dont know if im taking my tv. and then i just space out because i have no idea whats going to happen. knowing me ill forget something because ive waited till the last minute like i always do to do everthing. enjoying my summer isnt working too well for me currently

10:30 PM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

Why didn't you just go to a cheap college? I assume your first bill is for a semester, in which case your paying twice as much per year as I am. I just hope you can make twice as much when you graduate(which could probably be 90k seeing as I hope to make between 30-45k)

10:32 PM  
Blogger Cajackster said...

well i'm trying to convince myself that money doesn't mean anything to me...and that it doesn't matter what i do or how much debt i rack up as long as i have a good time and am all set for life...or some such bullshit...

11:03 PM  
Blogger Cajackster said...

i coulda gone to truman for next to nothing....but what fun is that?...i have a sense of adventure...

11:03 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

i agree... i just went from paying 8000 a year to 19000 a year... thats an adventure in itself.. and if you're driven enough you'll make it work

12:53 AM  
Blogger puc said...

um, 40,000. yeah.... but luckily my plan to inherit money from a rich uncle who suddenly dies is working out very well- i just need the uncle.

10:10 AM  
Blogger Anna said...

carolyn, you should be able to contact your technology people at school. you may have locked yourself out by putting in the wrong password too much. so call your school, and tell them you can't get into your e-mail.

i'm working at the arch to make lots of money, but it's not working. so next summer i'm going back to camp. and i'm hoping that the peace corps will forgive my student loans...

1:52 PM  
Blogger Keegan said...

They better fucking forgive student loans, or I'm screwed four ways from Sunday!

2:47 PM  
Blogger etepetete said...

i like how its however much money ..... and 10 cents. does the 10 cents really matter? it just makes me laugh.

I am not looking forward to packing at all. holy shit. I have so much stuff in my room - partially because i am a pack rat and partially because i am the youngest and therefore all of my sister's belongings that they did not want have been stuffed into my room. I feel bad throwing or giving some of these things away (thus my immense pile of stuffed animals - i just can't part with them and i feel bad throwing them away because i know my sisters liked some of them a lot). argh! so much random shit and i don't wanna sort through it all and figure out what i need and not. blech!!!

4:30 PM  
Blogger pipsqueak said...

I believe that I am almost finished packing. I've got all the clothes done, besides the ones I'll be wearing the rest of the week. I still have to decide what books to take with me. And of course the stuff like CD player, phone, yada, yada, yada. But, by the horrid state of my room, one could tell that I have been tearing through it trying to decide what I can't live without until Christmas.

2:37 AM  

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