Ramblings of the markers
""Without friends no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods." - Aristotle"
Introducing the Marker of the Week!

Hovisi can only say this laura- guarjila called- they're running out of papusas! adios basketball court where laura first forgot about kyle! good times in el salvador.
holla at that jogga
Wheeeeeee!!!!! I heart you!!! Like alot. Let's get ready to look sooo good! And Tom eats weeds. Even though his favorite food is Laura Hovis with Miryam sauce. Grrrrrlll, you know I'm gonna miss you so freakin much. Like, a whole lot. You know. Wait. I don't understand. I don't get it. Hold on, wait. Time. Out. Start over. I don't think I'm understanding you correctly. Come visit me at SMC (hehe, that rhymes).
you forgot about me? and i didnt even know it?!?!? hmmm. ok.
your the bigegest shmovis i've ever seen, world record breaking
hey locker buddy! what am i gonna do without you and your never ending mess next year?
Hovis? More like Whorevis, AM I RITE!?
P.S.: FiestaCat says you're cool.
Hovis you are one of the funniest people I know. A lot of the time we are all laughing at something you have done - but the awesome thing is that you laugh right along with us. :) hehehe
oh hovis, i wish i could write a lovely poem about you. and then put it to music and create a song. but alas, i cannot. you are cool because you are quirky and funny, full of energy and fun to be around, and there's more to you than meets the eye. sure, some of the time you act pretty blond (nothing against blonds), but there are times when i really talk to you and we've had good conversations. so basically, you rock.
thank goodness you came up with 'werndawg'! where would i be without it???
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