Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Video Games

Does anyone else get so frustrated when other people cannot beat a video game and you can and you just sit and watch and get frustrated that the person you are watching sucks. It really bugs me. My little sister and brother are playing video games and I can't stand watching them because they can't beat anything. Of course they are little kids but all of my siblings are awful at video games (Michelle is alright). Anyways I can't watch tv (at least on the good tv) because they are in there stinking it up on video games and so I was forced to retreat and check Marker Splotches so I did not start pulling my hair out in frustration.


Blogger kylester said...

ive never had a game console in my life, and neither has the house im in... so the answer is, not really. sorry i cant support you in that.

10:00 PM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

I totally know how you feel on the video games. Except i never play with little kids, its mostly girls who have never played before. I mean they have played tetris and could kick my ass, but they get mad when you run circles around them in Halo and only use the plasma pistol to wack them in the back of the head for a more humiliating kill.

and kylester, go to your nearest EB or Gamestop and buy a super nintendo, and any 5 games(should be about 50 bucks or so) and educate yourself.(i say super nintendo because that is what most of our generation started playing on seriously. I understand that people had NES and Master system, or atari or any of that, but when we were 10 supernintendo was the dominate platform(unless you were a sega nut))

10:30 PM  
Blogger Kacki said...

I don't have any siblings, so I can't comment on the whole sibling thing, but when my friends come over they get all pissy that they can't win and can't figure out how I'm getting them through the level so quickly. I try to explain it's because I'm more experianced, but then they get even more pissy. It's like they think there has to be some sort of trick to beating me they they can't see. THATS the REALLY frustrating part. When you can't even teach them.

10:57 PM  
Blogger puc said...

all i can say is be patient with those who were not as fortunate to have grown up plopped in front of a tv screen and a game console. especially when one of those is forced into playing an enormous amounts of mariokart in three days and is made fun of because of her inability to pass the rainbow level.

yeah, so the point of that was.... make your own

11:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no, jeff. nintendo was more important than super nintendo.

11:50 PM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

anonymous, your missing my point. I choose super nintendo because that is what was popuular when we were starting to play games. in 1991 most of us were 4 or 5 years old(thats when snes came to the States). So I am just saying that is why i choose it.

i never said anything about snes being more important, so I really can't be wrong about that can I?

12:16 AM  
Blogger eat_this_corley said...

just give them katamari damacy. even if they lose, you will still have so much fun watching them. that game is like a therapy session in a joystick.

12:24 AM  
Blogger kylester said...

amen missy... and id rather spend 50 bucks on anything music than videos games. ive played them at other peoples house, and even though they are entertaining, the whole mindnumbing experience wasnt too enthralling. ive had more fun wrecking my bike.

1:06 AM  
Blogger Kacki said...

Oh Jeff, you just can't be wrong, can you?

Don't get me wrong. I grew up with a console, that doesn't mean I've sat in front of it my entire life. I'm more apt to sit in front of my computer then my Playstation.

Sony pwns.

1:15 AM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

I cant dispute sony's current market pwnage except to say I own 2 xboxes and no playstations.

and kyle your wrong about video games being mind numbing. Studies have shown that you use nearly as much brain power playing video games as you do solving complex math problems. Over the long term, those who grow up playing video games use a greater percentage of their brain. Your post should have therefore said Brain enhancing games, rather than mind numbing.

music is a good hobby, but listening to music, and even writing it to a certain degree does not challenge your problem solving logic center in the same way a video game does. Notice I did NOT say playing music is not as challenging as video games, but rather that they use different areas of the mind, and I think(and can probably suppor through evidence if you want and I am not lazy) that video games use a fuller spectrum of the mind than does music.

people who are bad at video games lack the dexterity and braing power to multi-task. Video games consists now adays at least of complex controlls and menus that much be memorized in order to accomplish multiple goals each with rapidly changing priorites and require, timing, strategy, evironmental awareness, and the ability to alter a plan rapidly given only a very short notice.

Music on the other hand is like playing tetris without the time limits. You must arrange and adapt to complex patterns that some people(like me) have difficulty understanding and following(aka I have a very difficult time trying to play music of any kind). Finger dexterity is required, but it is often a repeating pattern. I suppose the closest thing music has to a video game is a solo, which usually only sound good when played by a greatly expierenced person and only lasts for a few minutes as opposed to a few hours(with video games).

10:11 AM  
Blogger Reine said...

personally i love music and video games. so maybe that means that i am using more of my brain than jeff.

11:29 AM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

For your sake, i hope so.

1:03 PM  
Blogger Kacki said...

I don't care how many x-boxes you own. Sony still pwns. They now pwn the world of handhelds as well which means that as soon as they perfect the satilite radio they will control us. The Japanese are definatly getting us back for Hiroshima and the fact that we forced them to have no military.

So wait... that means since I play piano, beat FFX-2, AND am a woman I use more of my brain then Kyle.... So how come he's still smarter then me?

Jeff, where do you get these facts? Are majoring in brain chemestry or sommat?

3:25 PM  
Blogger puc said...

no, he just knows everything

4:23 PM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

Sony does not have market share over nintendo in the handheld market(yet at least) although that does not really matter because you are very right about japan holding a very tight grip across the board in most technology sectors.

My information comes from what I have read in numerous news stories and gaming magazines as well as other various stuides I have looked into. Plus common sense and carefull observation helps as well.

Plus I have been studying the art of dianetics which deals with the science of the mind and is backed by labratory and field studies.

I don't claim to know everything, I just claim to be very well informed on the subjects I take interest in.

And yes you could infer that based on the facts you have previously mentioned that you would in theory use more of your brain. The analytical mind always preforms exact corrections with the information it has, however you(may) have access to more of your standard memory bank, and thus your proccessing of information draws on a greater database which (again may) aid in an increased potential for IQ and critical interpretation of facts.

The reason that Kyle may be smarter than you(based on what I must ask) is because the data his brain contains is more acurate and better stored than yours. He may also have have less problem with his reactive mind taking over analytical proccessing power. Then again it could just be because you interpret intellegence different than someone else(who would think you are smarter). OR you are just humble and are trying to get on his good side. Because remember you can not know when the reactive mind is taking over mental proccess, and therefore your explanations of the intellegence differential is the result of your analytical mind trying to explain what it does not realize your reactive mind is producing.

I dont really desire a flame war, but I would appreciate you explaining how sony pwns, and who exactly they are pwning.

5:45 PM  
Blogger kylester said...

i think ill just sit back and listen

7:32 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

wow. what a life-changing conversation this has been. i think i'll go waste money on a super nintendo, because, after all, jeff thinks it's a good idea.

better yet, i'll go back in time to my childhood, replace books with video games, and then maybe i'll laugh because my lacking adolescent social skills could no longer be made up for with intellectualism. hey, at least i could have beaten amanda trimble at virtual basketball, without even randomly pressing buttons (doesn't matter that she would still destroy me in real basketball).

9:47 PM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

I don't understand the point of your sarcasm. I have merely been stating facts. No sarcasm is needed to interpret them. Surely you can understand facts. If you feel I have described them wrongly or inadequetly, please say so. But your childish sarcasm is very out of place and distracting to a discussion that until now did not involve you.

10:00 PM  
Blogger Kacki said...

No, he's just smarter than me.

Sony pwns us all. One day we will all need to bow down to the superior techno geeks that Sony employs.

I actually just really like their products, and their marketing is (I think) superior to anything that Nintendo or Microsoft can come up with, mostly because I think they have better end results to work with. I'm actually pretty biased towards Japan when it comes to technowlogy(SP?!), economics, and education. I mean, look at Toyota!

And isn't Dianetics that Scientology magazine?

11:11 PM  
Blogger Kacki said...

Plus, there are songs about Playstations, and they were endorsed by the Spice Girls. They must pwn.

11:12 PM  
Blogger puc said...

(watch out, my naivety is showing)

what does "pwn" mean?

11:27 PM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

Diantetic is a science of the mind that has been in development for 50 years and is now based in factual evidence and tested results.

I know nothing about the magazine of the same name.

Scientology is a religon not a science. The two should not be confused. Scientology does draw heavily on the need to become Clear, although I don't know much more than that. I am not a scientologist.

12:51 AM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

oh and pwn is the l337 spelling for own. as in you got owned. or defeated in a rather embarrasing and berating manner.

example: l337 haxxours Pwn teh n00bs like om6 Fragzor fest.

12:52 AM  
Blogger kylester said...

gosh dangit! now sarcasm has to have a point?!?!

and i formally invite cake!i love cake! to this conversation. being the one who's at the top anyways. and i dont think she needs an invite, but she can have one anyways.

unfortunatley i was also exposed to books as a kid. and look what it did to me.

1:40 AM  
Blogger kylester said...

i shouldnt have said anyways twice. that bugs me.

1:41 AM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

"i shouldnt have said anyways twice. that bugs me. "

especially because anyways isn't a word. It is anyway.

10:06 AM  
Blogger Anna said...

gee, thanks for the invite.

hmmm... just a thought to consider--which seems more reasonable as actual language?

a) anyways

b) l337 haxxours Pwn teh n00bs like om6 Fragzor fest

12:41 PM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

anyways is bad english

what I said was perfectly normal l337.

So i choose B.

2:06 PM  
Blogger kylester said...

yet it is language

5:32 PM  
Blogger Kacki said...

I know scientology is a religion. I just was wondering about the mag, and if it was a mag.

6:18 PM  
Blogger Why'sTheRumGone? said...

playstation (sony) kicks ass, and will continue to kick ass (heck yes ps3) no matter what age, sex, or amount of experience one might have.
and jeff:
"its mostly girls who have never played before. I mean they have played tetris and could kick my ass, but they get mad when you run circles around them in Halo." you obviously don't know the right girls. and, anyway, why do you think it's better to kick someone's ass in halo than in tetris? are both games not exercising the same skills and areas of the brain?

6:35 PM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

no they quite simply arent. tetris requires only 3 buttons(although i suppose it does use 4 occasionaly). Halo uses 8 plus requires the dexterity of both thumbs moving at once. that is an entirely different skill all together. Also FPS require a much deeper knowledge of the levels and assets then puzzle games.

just remember though ps3 isnt a gaming console. That and it wont be out till 2007.

7:58 PM  
Blogger Kacki said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:23 PM  
Blogger Kacki said...

Dude, accept it. Sony just pwns.

So wait. I can kick someone's ass when it comes to Halo, but I can't beat tetris. So that makes me smarter even if I can't solve basic logic puzzles?

10:23 PM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

Smarter is misleading. I am saying it takes a wider range of skill to be good at Halo then it does to be good at tetris.

why do i feel i have to keep repeating myself for you?

11:04 PM  
Blogger Kacki said...

Because I don't agree with you so I choose to make my points by belittleing yours. Well, maybe "belittling" isn't the right word, but nothing else is coming to me right now. Is there anything about people like me in those magazines you read?

Don't you agree that it takes a different type of skill to succeed in tetris then it does to succeed in Halo? I mean, I grew up playing games like Halo, but I can't play tetris to save my life. My Aunt can whup ass at Tetris, but she couldn't beat Halo if she wanted to. So you're saying she's not as skilled or talented as me, even though she's older, more experianced, and more acomplished then me?

12:04 AM  

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