Gatorade Fishtank
Hehe. Ok so my roomate and suitemate hang out with these ones guys, Tim and Mason, who live four floors above us. They are pretty cool and rather funny. Today they decided to make what the call a Gatorade Fishtank. So they go to Meijer (its like a walmart but with more food and less clothes and stuff) and they buy the following items - a 10 gallon fishtank, enough Gatorade drink mix to make 6 gallons, swedish fish, 4 big boxes of nerds, winnie the pooh figurines, and two packages of 25 foot long rubber tubing.
They get back and invite a million people over to watch them make their creation. They filled the fishtank with 6 gallons of water, mixed in the gatorade (blue by the way - to look like water). They mix it with a mini cutting board thing they have. Then they pour in all the nerds (rocks at the bottom of a fishtank). At first it looked cool but then all the coloring started coming off and floating to the top - oh so appetizing. they then taped the swedish fish to the outside of the tank so they are swimming. They then took the mini ice cube tray from their fridge, put tigger on top (like a sunbather) and he now floats on top. They then stuck the tubes in the tank and those are their straws. Their plan is to tape the tubes from the fishtank, up the wall, across the ceiling, and then down to each of their beds (with clamps to close them), so they can have gatorade whenever they want. It was absolutely hilarious. hehehehe
here is one pic of the tank (more pics on my blog)

OMG! that is so funny. i am actually in meghan leaders and ella huelmans dorm room and its me ella meghan sarah and jax and i was reading this and started laughing so hard. well eveyrone wanted me to read what it was and they were all cracking up too. its amazing!
...I could so go for a Mountain Dew toxic waste aquarium.
I don't see how that is funny. It is very genious actually. I think it is a very bitching and creative idea, a very good meld of the practical and the artistic.
still not funny though.
you have to see how excited these guys were about it though. and who the hell comes up with an idea like that?? i mean seriously. it was so fucking hilarious watching them make this thing.
i hope those guys realize that once they start drinking the flow of gatorade will not stop. I assume thats what the clamps is for however.
yeah they realized that. that is what the clamps are for and they were holding them above the tank so that nothing would come out.
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