back by popular demand
if you weren't at the truman people send-off, this makes little sense to you. but it's my "hit list", or how i kept track of who was in college. there were more people on the real paper, but i got bored of scanning in stuff. so yah, if you're not pictured below, you're on the real sheet. so, yah, whatever.

only half of dan is at college? ;)
Until I actually read the text to go along with it, I was thinking "I feel horribly underrepresented."
Then I actually read it and now I'm curious as to what my picture looks like.
as am i...
Moi aussi!
well, i felt bad so i tried to scan in the rest, but then it wouldn't post. so i tried again. but, as i am leaving for the airport in 5 hours, i gave up. here's a summary:
conman- you were bald and had glasses.
rodent- you were wearing your sunglasses.
keegs- you had curly hair. by the way, ran into your mom today.
and all of you (and some others) i mailed your dvd's today. expect them soon. hope you enjoy....
darn, i wanted to see my picture
Hah! Your assassins have yet to kill me! Booya!
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