Marker of the Week!
Introducing the Marker of this Week!
(sorry it's a little late)
i absolutely live and die for reba (in a non-creepy sense). we've had our good times (freshman lunch in the courtyard) to the bad times (arwen trying to take over middle-earth), but we always pull through. i love reba to death because she wore a peasant-ish dress to prom and will read and book you give her. she listens when you talk and is very fair.
oh yes...she was one of the only reasons i got through waiting for godot rehearsals. PIG!
well rebecca...we enjoyed slimmetry this year dancing to napolean dynomite and watching richard simmons. those were great memories. "its my party i can cry if i want to"...i got more of a work out laughing at him than i did doing his exercise video.
REBA! i will never forget free period last year, that's when we really got a chance to finally get to know each other. you are such an amazing person with a huge heart. you always make sure that everyone is ok.. i mean you even called to tell me that you were sorry for scaring me on this very blog about wisdom teeth removal. you are amazing beyond words!
rebecca!! just a few words: junior lit (heck yes, dr. bartz), king lear, and Howl. awww, Howl. :)
good morning!
that is a really hot picture.
reba, darling, i love you for many reasons. such as:
monopoly commune (jax too)
ear piercing
monster cookies
books books books!
co-suag, you!
those talks we have
the way you listen to my dreams even if it takes a looooooooong time to do so and is just very confusing
anywho, you're the kind of person that i can really talk to and i know you will listen. you're always there for me and i'm going to miiiiiiiiiiissss you!
much love!
all i can say is really just: you are know what a carp is? its a fish with lips. you get thrown into a tub of those, you get hickeyed to death...and...HEY! YOU! WITH THE CHAINSAW! snap!!
Aw, Carolyn! I remember that guy. Whew. Comical as fuck. Anywho, Reba, you are so wonderfully unique and kind. Fry's class would not have been the same without you. I know I already told you, but I always thought what you had to say was so interesting and thoughtful. You have such a big heart, and you aren't afraid to share it. I'm glad I got to spend four of the best years of my life with you!
reba, what a cutie you are. we've had so many good times... you're the only person whom i've ever hung out with by reading a book. in the same room, of course, so it counts as being social : ) (hey, we know what we like.) i forsee many cookie-making afternoons in our future.
reba- we've certainly had our downs but we've had so many memorable ups. like michigan, and michigan, and monster cookies, and colin firth, and rent, and ice storms that prevetn us from seeing rent but watching a bunch of movies and sleeping alot instead, and bridget jones, and bum... the list goes on. you have such a glorious personality and blodness that makes you magnetic. and adictive. you hold a special place in my heart and you always will.
Reba! Where do I begin? We had some fun times in german - both being hated by Ady and then both of us being frustrated by both Ady and Turk. Germany trip was amazing too...... ah.... deutsch. Du bist sehr suess - bleib wie dass.... (did I say that right? ah who cares...)
oh lordy. i don't even know how to begin this. you have the privilege of being my longest known friend and one of the best friends i've had in st. louis. i don't know how we became so close when our personalities were so fucking different but i'm glad we did. there are so many good memories that it would take pages upon pages to write them all. so i'll make a short list of the best(meaning the ones i remember right now)
1. you introducing me to the wonders of mr. darcy and colin firth.
2. all those damn fantasy books you own that we read (i would like to point out keladry. the ending of the last book leaves something to be desired)
3. colonial cleaners. oh wow. what a trip. do you still have that office space tape that we got out of the tv that we took apart?
4. your father. huh. yeah.
5. coming home from school and playing sims on your computer for hours. sick.
6. you're still my favorite person for taking me to see les miz
7. we will still be pretty damn close to each other next year. i predict weekend visits.
8. math class. how i loathed those classes all four years. but lucky me, three of them were with you!
9. oh yeah, i would like to thank you for all the mountain dew, chippies, and other assorted food you have donated to my stomach over the years. my body has greatly appreciated it.
that is where i stop b/c i'm sitting under a vent and its really cold. plus i'm falling asleep sitting here. ugh. well, love ya bunches
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