america! i love america! (the band)(and sometimes the country)
so i'm in a real conundrum about how i feel about this holiday. between the lies and the glorified patriotism and the drunk guy in a wifebeater at the parade shouting "u-s-a! u-s-a! i love america!", it's hard to find a reason to like this day. then you see something like this.

or this

and then this.

so i figure a holiday that gives an opportunity for little kids to decorate their bikes with streamers and dress in only red, white, and blue can't be that bad.
happy july 4th everyone.
um, yeah, except for the fact that the government has used the flag to lull us all into a sense of patriotism, forgetting the issues and the free discourse that our country was founded on.
This holiday also gives us an excuse to make sparkler bombs that cost only $6 to make and create a 5-food-wide fireball in the middle of an Illinois soybean field.
Then again, it also leads to us getting burns from holding bottle rockets by the end of the stick as they launch. But the sparkler bomb made up for it, so I don't care.
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