It's summer! Christ almighty it's summer!
....and it's 7:38am and I stayed up all night attempting to write two papers. One of them was due on the 20th and the other is due today. Some of us never change from high school, do we? So I definitely heard the damn birds chirping. I got some laundry done. And I sorta cleaned my desk off. I went through facebook pictures. I decided on an outfit to wear today. Basically, I'm a huge piece of shit. But summer's almost here, and I have a dumbass dog to come home to. We haven't decided on a name, it's current name is Roscoe, but we all hate it. He's just a little bugger, only 40 pounds or so. My dad brought him home from the shop downtown. Apparently some kid was trying to sell the pup, so the kid could have money for food. Dave bought the dog, and brought him home. Originally my mom wanted to give the dog to an animal shelter, but he slowly worked his way into a spot in our household. Rosey hates him, bites him constantly when he tries to play with her. It's hysterical.

Lol Keegan I know that feeling. I literally went an entire week on 8 hours of sleep because I had saved all my homework til the night before it was due. And everything just happened to be due the same week. I was actually seeing spots and things out of the corner of my eyes which were constantly twitching lol.
"He's kinda dumb, really happy, eats rocks, loves to cuddle, is a bit needy..." I feel like you were describing me, not that dog. Especially the "eating rocks" part.
Name him Hovis. or Laura. Or Laura Hovis.
That's all I have.
Ps. Your dad is hysterical.
Pps. You could name him gywsgfvi, like the word verificaiton for this comment!
I think the name Lincoln has a nice ring to it, but i name everything after dead presidents.
Pip? George, are you just a LITTLE obsessed with me. :)
Name him Tomorrow.
Or possibly My Asshole. Then, if he runs away, I think it would be a pretty good joke to tell people, "My Asshole ran away."
i like ping
or qwerk
THAT dog is by far the best puppy ever...
absolutely adorable but doesn't bark, chew, or lick excessively...he'll jump up in your arms and cuddle with you...and his attention span is so much longer than most puppies...i love him and i'm extremely happy that i got to see him before all of you bitches...i also kinda had plans to kidnap him but jimmy yelled at me...
Carlton, Waldorf, Twerp, Jones, Professor X, Pippin, Chicken, Laser, Aardvark, Moscow, Martin, Quigley.
You should call him Ration. Or Stamp. (Short for Food Stamp, of course.)
i'm seconding Quigley.... named after the character from Blank Check...ya know the stereotypical black guy that does the dirty work for the uptight rich white guy...
I think you should call him Moscow.
Blank check? Is that the movie where the guy runs over a kid's bike?
yes...yes it is...
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