Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

WARNING: Males...This Is About Periods...Read At Your Own Discretion

I am so pissed off right now. Life is so fucking unfair. I wish I could write what happened to me but I can't cause it's too personal. I'll just say this much. I fucking HATE how unfair nature is to women. Over 70% of women do not orgasm during sex (the other 30% probably had some sort of help), guys get off nearly every single time, usually (at least in my experiences) the guys just want to lay down and then the girl just has to sit around unsatisfied or satisfy herself, and then on top of it if something goes wrong the girl has to deal with it. Girls spend a week every month in pain dealing with one of the most embarassing things (I've heard guys try to compare getting boners in public as being as embarassing as getting blood on your pants when your period starts unexpectedly, but let me say this...boners can be hidden and getting a boner is not considered as bad as periods...but if your period starts unexpectedly you are stuck wearing that outfit until you can get an opportunity to change and everyone thinks periods are gross, which they are, but that just makes it even more embarrassing).

Every month I have to deal with horrible horrible cramps, extreme nausea without ever being able to relieve it by actually puking, bloating, extreme uncomfortability, paranoia that you might have accidentally gotten something on your clothes, etc. Then someone else goes and fucks something up right after your period ends, and you have to start it all over again. Has anyone else here had to deal with a three week long period due to stress doing something to benefit someone else, who is pretty unappreciative of all you went through (even the long fucking period) just for their benefit? Has anyone else had to have two extremely painful and heavy periods in a row for someone else's pleasure. Why can't guys be the ones who spend a fourth of their life dealing with periods? Why can't it at least be equal? I would not mind having periods if I knew that guys had something physically similar to a period. That way it would at least be fair and equal. But no, everything is so unfair and so unequal and that, more than anything, pisses me off.

So am I wrong for at least expecting a guy to treat me extra nicely while I am sick and in pain, especially in instances where it could be caused by an error the guy made? I don't think I am. But lots of guys do. I swear if guys could just experience one period maybe they would understand and be nicer to us girls when we get cranky. Guys always say girls can control if they PMS or not. Well let me ask you this. How can you control the level of serotonin in your body? Before periods, estrogen levels go down which decreases serotonin levels and they have an effect on emotions. Would you tell someone with depression that they can control their emotions? Then why in God's name would you tell a pmsing woman that she can control it and doesn't have to feel/act that way. But let me clarify, that does NOT mean that anytime a girl feels an emotion, it is because of her period. So don't make that assumption, or I might slap you.

And how about childbirth? What do guys have to do for childbirth? Oh yeah, they only have to orgasm. Wow, that must be really hard for you guys. What do girls have to do? Well I don't feel like listing everything, so the most important ones are morning sickness (which contrary to it's name often happens all day and not just in the morning), the pain of carrying around a baby in your stomach, the pain of childbirth, the estrogen levels messing with your emotions, and on top of it women still have to go about their lives as usual. No one considers periods a valid sick excuse, even though often times the sickest I ever feel is when I am on my period.

Man sorry for that long rant, I think I have been ranting a lot lately. But come on, wouldn't you all be pissed if you have had fevers, nausea, cramps, back pain, tender boobs, mood swings, headaches, and blood coming out of you for two weeks? Right when you think you are finally finished and you can leave the hell that is a period, you get sucked right back in and it's not even your fault!!!!!!!!!!! Well, if you guys wouldn't be pissed about that, I certainly am.


Blogger Cajackster said...

hov, just keep in mind that women are endowed with better sense and a better perspective on life because they put up with all of that shit...sometimes we just don't know how to go about using that sense cause we can't feel our legs through the blinding pain...

8:20 PM  
Blogger pipsqueak said...

I consider myself extremely lucky to have relatively light periods, no problem with tampons, and rare cramps. And I also haven't given birth yet. I know, I know, you alllll thought I'd be preggo by now, but believe it or not I am still a virgin.

It was too nice of you to warn the men about your post. Let them suffer through at least reading about it!

11:07 PM  
Blogger Reine said...

I have tons of problems with tampons. I can only wear them when I absolutely have to, aka at work when teaching swim lessons. Each period I lose like three pairs of underwear because its so hard not to roll over on your back while sleeping. If I lay on my back, it's bye bye to that pair of underwear.

I figured if I didn't warn, there would have been all mean guys comments.

11:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The female reproductive system: Uterus. An organ seemingly alive. We can rebuild it. We have the technology. We can make it better than it was.


The world's first 6 million dollar Vadge.

7:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry...just wanted to try the name rex out. It's overated.

7:41 AM  
Blogger etepetete said...

ouch. sorry hov! My period isn't that bad, but its not as easy as pip's. I have got to say though (you have probably heard this a million times) tampons are gifts from the gods. I had problems with them for a while, but now i am addicted.... I would say give em another shot....

2:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live by spray 'n' wash for that reason, Hovis. And if you rinse everything out with cold water (I think that's what you're supposed to do) you can salvage a lot from blood.

Yours in solidarity,

7:55 PM  

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