new clothes!
Whee!! I love new clothes!!
Today, I bought a new pairs of pants and a shirt....

(sorry for the awkward posture, i was attempting to look cute?). Anyway, no this isn't a post just to show off my new clothes (which were only $30 by the way), its about my gallery show!!
So, about a month ago I saw signs posted up around the art department hallways about a gallery show - not a dinky one we are having in our gallery, but like a real one in a real gallery downtown. So I submit nine of my pieces, and ALL NINE get accepted! Woo hoo!! so yeah, the show opening is this friday. There are 8 other people with pieces in the show, and so we are having an artist's reception with food, music, and lots of people will hopefully come see the work. My rents are coming! Whee!
So yeah, I am really excited and I wanted to share that with everybody. I know people won't be able to come to the show (which stays up until Feb. 16th) so I am gonna post a couple pictures here. I don't have pictures of all of the work, but I will post what I can. There are two ceramic pieces, four photos, two digital images, and one painting.

This one is the painting - I did it last year. This one was actually one of the two pictures put on the invitation sent out by the owner of the gallery!!! Oh, and in the picture the right side looks a little funky (like darker) - thats because of the way it was photographed - the background is just a flat black and stuff.

Ok this one is modeled after the Winged Victory (aka the Nike of Samothrace). She is about 15 inches tall and 15 inches long. She is ceramic, I made her last semester.

This piece is also about 15 inches tall and 15 inches wide. It has two dragons, one on each side.

This is a photo I took - Its of blinds (in the morning when the light is coming through).

This is just a guy outside Target. He made me laugh. hehe
There are two more photos, which I don't have a picture of - one is a guy on his computer, but the lighting is really cool, and the other is these two really cute little boys at a soccer game.

I made this one last year. Its little bits from magazines all cut up and pasted on a piece of paper, then scanned and cleaned up in photoshop. Its supposed to be about dreams versus reality.

This one isn't actually in the show - but I wanted to post it cause its a tribute to you guys. I made it last year and its about the whole adjustment to the balance between new friends and old friends etc etc...

This one is also from last year and it is also little bits of paper cut up and pasted down then scanned and cleaned. Its about transformation.

Ok this isn't in the show either, but I am a very proud aunt and I am also going picture happy. I figured I have already posted like 10 other pictures, whats the harm in posting one more of my adorable nephew. Besides, I just got this one in an email today. Hehehe he makes me giggle.
Ok, sorry that post was so freakishly long. Love ya guys!!! Tschuess (German for bye bye!!)
i really like that first one. awesomeness. and the one of the kid. cute.
Holy cow Katie, I knew you were good at art but me and Tom were looking at your art and we were both completely blown away. You are more amazing than I remember.
Tom says he is jealous of your sweet art skillssssss.
p.s. I want that adorable baby. Seriously. I want him.
Word Verification: jtidatdw
Remember when we used to call Tom JT and he absolutely hated it?
(not reine's tom, btw)
katie, your stuff is awesome. i wish i could come to the show.
katie, those are amazing! awesome job! god, i wish i could go and support you! man oh man, keep it up, keep. it. up. (those are my wise words)
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