yea i'm not wearing pants right now...and i don't plan on putting any on...
I am many moods right now. And I can’t concentrate on my Spanish reading. So if you are bored as well. Or can’t think straight, like me, then read this. And laugh at how much I think everything out. And laugh at how much I care about random stupid crap. Crap that is not a big deal. And should be treated as such. I miss everyone and love you all! Happy venting!
Mood #1: Apathy
I understand that this a typical mood towards the end of the semester but really, I do not care. I don’t care about attending lectures. Or doing labs which don’t really teach me anything. Or filling out scantrons which supposedly measure my intelligence on a particular subject. Or write essays in a language where I am far from fluent.

Mood #2: Anti-judging
Don’t judge me. Please. It’s driving me crazy. So my roommates and I had some people over last night. Drank a little. Smoked some hookah. Listened to some music. Peed in the snow apparently. Then ate the snow. (Don’t ask.) All in all a wonderful time. And I understand that there is an unspoken consent that there is going to be some mess involved with all of that.

Mood #3: Anti-cramming
Didn’t anyone ever tell you that too much of a good thing is still bad? Learning is good. Studying is good. You go to class. You do the homework. You read the chapters in the goddamn text. Now its time for finals and you psych yourself out. You stay up all night drinking coffee. You rewrite your notes a good 7 times to work them into your brain. You already know the material. You just don’t know that you do. You don’t sleep or eat. You laugh at me cause I’m staying up late as well but it’s to play board games with my friends. I’m having a good time and you are jealous but you mask those feelings with the feeling of pride of accomplishment. But then you freak cause there is so much you don’t know. So you keep studying. You show up to the test tired and hungry. You can’t concentrate cause the caffeine is making you shake. And then you wonder why you do so poorly. And then you wonder what I’m thinking. Well friend, I’m thinking about how happy my friend looked when they kicked my ass in Monopoly last night. Thanks so much for losing at Life.

Mood #4: Reflective
So you have the extremely good memories. And you have the extremely bad memories. And you have the kind of good memories like walking into that movie theatre holding hands with someone. Or that text message to tell you that you are missed. But does anyone ever have those memories that are kind of bad? Like a fight with a boyfriend that didn’t really amount to much. It wasn’t about anything in particular. You just remember the make up sex afterward. So forget all the shitty stuff. It doesn’t matter. It won’t matter. Digging up those memories only brings you down anyway. And that’s no fun.
Mood #5: Dirty
Haven’t showered in awhile. Enough said.
Mood #6: Lonely
Not really. It’s more like I just want someone to play with. I need a playmate more than anything. I’m not talking like a boyfriend or anything. Not necessarily. Although that might do the trick. I’m talking about someone who would want to stay up after dinner and watch movies with me. I’m talking about someone who likes to do things in moderation. Someone to hang out with. Someone to talk to. Someone who will go eat something with me even if they just ate but because they know that there is nothing more depressing than eating alone. Someone who is driven crazy by my roommates half as much as I am. Someone who realizes that I spent all day cleaning my apartment and comments that it looks good but also realizes that I only did it because it makes my roommates happy. And when they are happy then they are more fun to live with. Well. Bearable to live with. They can be fun every now and then. Usually when they are either drunk, high, or smitten. But whatever. Maybe I'll just get a gerbil. They are cute.

Mood #7: Naked
I just don’t want to wear clothes. But its freezing outside. And its impossible to heat this damn apartment. So it’s constantly cold. And turning on the heat is expensive. And wearing clothes is not. But this is all just a metaphor for how I feel about life right now. Oh yea. I’m so deep.
Wednesday night, I went to my Religion in America lecture and left before the teacher even showed up because I decided that it would be more fun to sit in on the Intro to Religion class going on next door which is taught by the same guy I took that class from last semester. Honestly, watching groups give presentations on the religious symbolism in Seven, The Truman Show, and Fight Club (all while heckling them along with the teacher) was a lot more fun than hearing about the religious aspects of the civil rights movement could have ever been.
Today I went sledding and finally figured out just what the fuck is going on in Mulholland Drive instead of writing the papers that I should really have done by tomorrow.
I've only gone to two classes this week. One of them because I love it and the other because I put too much work into the project that was due that day not to turn the damn thing in (it has emo Hitler and hipster Saddam on it and is therefore awesome).
I still haven't registered for classes because I'm not allowed to because I owe the university somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 or 4 grand due to a fuckup with my financial aid that wasn't realized until about a week ago. I don't really care since I'll most likely be taking bullshit GenEd courses next semester to put off taking classes within my major because I hate a good portion of the people in my major, despite loving the subject material.
Carolyn...that girl in the picture you posted all the way on the left looks a lot like the twins from America's Next Top Model.
hov, those girls are my roommates...left to right its shannon, dillon (not my roommate), alicia, and megan (pronounced mEEEgan)...
i freetranslated my french paper last year. got an A- too
lets hope i get half of that...
Why must there be an imbalance between having fun and studying? Most people don't just pay thousands of dollars for classes they won't be going to. And while I'm all for living in the moment I also know how unrealistic it really is. I have an aunt who cannot afford to feed her children so my family does it for her. The reason being that she spend too much time goofing around in college, didn't get the grades she needed, and now has shitty job.
Planning for the future is just as important as having a good time in the present.
i get that...and i agree..but you can't spend your whole life every second of it worrying about the future ... thats far more unrealistic...and way too you'll go crazy...
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