So me and Tom were watching America's Funniest Video and there were two funny ones. One was this little baby boy and he tried to eat a lightning bug. But the bug was just flying around in his mouth and he had his mouth a little bit open so you could see the lightning bug lighting up in his mouth. It was really cute and funny.
The other funny video had orangutans in it. There was a mommy orangutan with her baby on her back. She was just minding her own business. Then this boy orangutan was sneaking up behind her (he was doing a good job being sneaky). He like tiptoed up behind her and pushed her over. It was hilarious. It reminded me of in first grade when little boys have crushes on little girls but they at mean to them just to cover up the fact they have a crush. It was funny.
In Saint Louis its been really warm recently. Not REALLY warm but too warm for December weather. Anyway me and Tom went on a walk one day around campus. We took tons of pcitures. Here's some of the cool pictures:
Just a picture of the lake at SLU

Me getting eaten by a crocodile
Tom rescuing me and wrestling the crocodile
Tommy climbing a tree
A pretty sunset over the city - kinda blurry though
Me and Jamie Kennedy
This is how close I was to Rihanna - I literally did not zoom in at all. I was right in front of the stage when she came to SLU
i didn't know sluh had a lake. where is it?
Down by the Olive Compton Garage
nice photos hovis
cool pics :-D
who's rihanna?
Dailee and Katie - guys thanks so much!!
Anna - she is a singer...I don't know if you are familiar with any of her work thought. She did S.O.S. and Pon de Replay and Unfaithful. I'm not a huge fan but my sister loves her so I figured I would get pictures and videos of her.
i really do love your photo posts. you take really nice pictures, and i do like pretty things :-)
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