Anna, ever since you posted that cartoon I've been completely obsessed. God they're hilarious. In what fit of brilliancy could one come up with a cartooon like that?

Just look at those little processed chicken goods! They're just so cuuute vnoanewov whimper
And THEN the guy goes and makes ANOTHER site which is EVEN BETTER which I didn't even think was POSSIBLE Jesus Christ.

Please. Eat my heart instead. I hear heart willingly given has much more flavor.
Oh and I think I just violated some major internet etiquette by linking those pictures straight to the source. But look... the little pointer that looks nothing close to mouselike just will go click that publish button, won't it...
well, i don't remember, but i believe you.
oh, p.s. i met someone who knows you! it would certainly help if i remembered her name... anyway, you tripped with her, apparently, and she dated luke. and now she goes to grinnell.
KATIE BATTANI! that's funny. she's a funny girl. and a smart one... she wasn't at truman for long...
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