
and the dad Kokomo.

Here are the two babies. The one closer is named Maeta and the
other father away one is named Fuji. Aren't they adorable?

It's really funny because sometimes when I'm sitting at my desk
all I can see are the birds eyes and top of her head. It's creepy
but funny. Also, sometimes a baby will randomly stick their
head out from underneath Kia and it just looks like Kia
has a third head. Cute huh? I think its so adorable.

Here is another time the baby just stuck its head out randomly
through Kia's feathers. Kia sometimes gets agressive when
me and Rachel are just walking around the room and we
hear this loud thumping coming from the window. It's
Kia pounding her wings against the window to scare
us away or something. She also pecks at the glass
sometimes. Kokomo is much more relaxed and
doesn't mind if we take pictures or put our
faces cloes to the glass to see the babies.

to tell them apart) tries to escape. Here is a picture
of Kia trying to pick up Maeta and put her back
in the nest. It's weird, the babies just sit on
Kia's feet and then when she decides to
moves them or pull them back into
the nest she just lifts up her feet
and shuffles around the nest
so the babies can't get out
or anything. It's really
funny to watch or
at least I think
it is. Haha.
Sorry for all the ha's, I just wanted to make a pyramid with my words.
Shut up they are cute!
I am overseeing the maintance crew removal of the air conditioner to make sure the birds are safe. I have no idea how that is going to happen, but it will.
I want one.
awww are they outside your window?
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