Winter Wonderland
We got like four inches at Truman. It was really pretty.

thought it was cool to see the ice on the tree
My snowman that Nick destroyed
Anyway it was hard to get good pictures because it was so dark out and if I used the flash it reflected off the snow. But it was really really pretty.
Apparently it's snowing on the rest of the world. Weird.
Current Boston Temp: 43
Oh, wait, snow tomorrow. Woot
its too windy here for the weather to think of anything such as snow
oklahoma- no snow ever... booo
Those are really cool photos. i wish it wasn't all dirty street slush or ice here.
yesterday in new orleans: 80deg, bright and sunny :)
today is cold's only like 65 right now...but still bright and sunny
i'm on spring break and it's snowy! *bursts into tears*
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