Marker of the Week!
Introducing the Marker of this Week!

Okay, so here's the deal. Since we all love our friends so much (see posts "I Love Anna Werner" and "I Love Ella") I and a few others decided to start a Marker of the Week, where we just gush about how much we love the selected person. This will also help to take back our blog. So, Steph is our first own. Let the compliments begin!
steph is an antelope freak and thats cool...
yea for herbies the world over!
i love steph because she had ring pops at her party in addition to laffy taffys and a hot tub. she also always pays attention in class, so i could always get humanities or psychology notes.
on a more serious note... steph has an amazing spirit that has really shown through this year (at least to me). she's overcome and will overcome a lot. seriously, taking care of three brothers? i would've killed them. it's easier. go steph.
What would i do without you????? You are the cutest person ever! I love you laugh. hehe, you make me giggle.
YOU MAKE AWESOME DIP! And I will forever worship you for it.
Your fear of feet makes me laugh so hard.
Our alpaca pictures should be friends, I think they are. They should hang out in pastures together.
you are awesome, steph. i will never forget the awesomeness of junior year free! you have one of the most resilient (sp?) spirits i know of. i know you can survive anything and i have so much respect for you.
steph is so much fun to hang around with! she's got this cool smile and i love it when she laughs.
steph, i am sorry i did not make it to your party. there were issues with rides and i was very very tired. but i would have liked to come and i miss you. i'm glad you're better now.
yay! thanks guys... and missy wonderful idea.. wonder where it came from.. hehe
but carolyn.. no yay-ing herbies all over the world b/c that involves herbie reloaded... and i just can't handle that...
but yay.. thanks guys.. i feel the love...
you are all awesome!
So there's this chick. Her name's Steph. She's going to the same school as me next year. She may be cool, but her luck with schoolmates sure is lacking (to a small extent, at least).
I kid, I kid.
yay for going to the same school.. you better be like my best friend next year...
steph, whoever you are, you get a Good Morning from me. thats how i say hello no matter what time it is.
first of all, steph you don't want to be best friends with him. trust me he'd say the same.
now for the praise.
ok, i'm done
i'm just kidding ya. steph, you have and always will rock my socks, you lemay hoosier you!
Steph, you are the sprinkles on my ice cream! Remember soph year when we had chem together, and you used to draw my pictures off all my "stuff" (like ella's notebook, ella's pencil, ella's birthday) and label them and pass them to me? I still have all of them, and i found them recently and had a good, heart felt moment (followed by a fit of laughter). I love you.
I really don't know where to start. French would never be the same, nor would Psychology without you. I nearly died when you decided to leave us to go to honors. I love you because you always have school supplies (like tape, whenever I put notes on everyone's lockers) and because you always look for the positive in others. A compliment from you goes further than you know. Now I have to go shelve sleeves, but I will be back later. Blah, work sucks (...I know. She left me roses by the stairs...surprises let me know she cares. Say it ain't so, I will not go, turn the lights off, carry me home...)
well steph. i think it goes back to history class with kemner frosh year. and gym. you always make me chuckle and you always have something good to say about someone. i love you!!!
LOCKER BUDDY! im totally gonna miss being by you all the time. we had some good times together. remember all those times i dropped heavy books on kristen houses head?
thats what happens when you have a lcoker by laura dont ever get one by me. anyways i lvoe ya steph.
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