So basically I'm pretty bored and decided to post some pictures about what has been going on lately with me. Ya know, who I'm hangin out with and the like...

So this picture is from forever ago. Its from a party I went to with Hannah awhile back, the one where it got busted up by the cops if you remember me tellin you. Anyway, I just found this picture on Hannah's comp and decided to share with you the amazingness that is the Russians that I occasionally hang out with. The one on the left is Nissan and the one Hannah is hugging is Vlad. They are pretty much adorable. Especially when they sing Shake Your Bom Bom at the top of their lungs in their thick Russian accents. I'm in love.

Okay so Friday night a whole whole bunch of the people I hang out with out here ( like all of them) went out to the local bowling alley for a little bit of cosmic bowling to celebrate my friend dillon's birthday (sun). They set up like a little birthday room for him and everything. The kind of thing you would get if you were five. It was pretty cute...This is Pat and Kin. They are pretty much my favorite people here. Pat is like 260 lb and 6'6". Kin is like 120 lb and 4'14" (at least thats what he tell me). The funny thing is that I'm pretty sure that Kin and kick Pat's ass. But they are both the biggest pushovers ever and I love them both.

So anyway...this is a picture of my friend Kin, the only pure asian in my dorm who used to be a gymnast. Earlier that night he also performed all of his tricks which include the back flip, the front flip, the back flip + 360, the 3 clap pushups, the pommel horse dealio, and his break dancing moves. Basically you all have to come visit cause Kin is amazing and everytime theres a newbie here he shows off all of his tricks like a dancing monkey. So you have that to look forward to.

This next pic is of as many people as we could get to stand still for long enough to take a pic. Basically it goes Peter, Brady, me, Courtney, Dillon, Caitlin, Shannon, Mike, Pat, Nic, Megan, and Hannah. Other people that were there were Kin, Eric, Ishmael, Jamin (I don't know his real name), Ryan, Jamie, Brecca, Eric, Smiley, Dan, and some other girls. (I know you probably don't care but I'll just trying to illustrate just how absolutely insane such an event was.)
So this would be Alex, Hannah (my roommate)'s boy friend. He is humping a light pole. We decided to go on this humping photo adventure around Old Town which is kind of like the Central West End or the Loop. It was pretty goofy and reminded me of the scavenger hunts from home.

So this would be one of those humping pictures. Alex thought it was funny cause the sign says "Towed" and see what he is doing to my foot? Yea...its...funny...or something...not really...but it amused him...and thats what mattered...

This is a super cool picture of Hannah, Eric, and I surfing in California.
aw cute friends
we should definitely give that a go when we come back for the summer
hehe nice pics carolyn. :)
it's true, you know. kin really will do tricks for a newbie.
told ya so...
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