
Don't know if you can see the massiveness of that pile, but these are all my uniform clothes from the past four years. Collared shirts, shorts, pants, skirts, sweaters, etc. I did the math and apparently I had enough to make 184 different outfits. Yikes. What am I supposed to do with all this crap now? I wouldn't be caught dead wearing some of that stuff. Anyone want to buy some hideous blue pants that are fireproof?
my mom is making a quilt out of all of my t-shirts that i like. i think she is using some of my skirt and a polo shirt too.
thats a really cute idea rebecca. i would suggest it to my mom but she would laugh at me cause shes so busy all day everyday taking care of the kids.
missy if u want i could use some more collared shirts b/c i have 2 more years at this school so if u want to get rid of them just call me or something
~katie jackson
the sad thing here, missy, is not the amount of clothing, but the fact that you worked out mathematically the possible number of outfits. man. got time on your hands?
depressingly enough, the pants, although flame retardent, wear through pretty damn easily. and i'm pretty sure that the flame retardency doesn't work one the fabric gets all soft and fuzzy and hole-y.
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