Introducing the Marker of this Week!

i like amanda because she's always willing to share her pool and big screen tv. my fondest memory of her is sitting in busch stadium at a cards game (well, duh) and filling out 70 of those all-star ballots. good times. also good times, spring break. "these pictures aren't going to leave the room, are they?" oh amanda. you were one of the first friends at nerinx i made. and many bruises, copied homework, unreturned phonecalls, and embarassing photos later, it's good to know we're still friends.
Amanda's brutal honesty, soft hair, generosity, good humor, and techie skills have earned her an A++ in my book. Thank you for helping me to memorize the Chicago soundtrack before I even saw the movie. I will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever forget Kevin Bamber and Phil shimmying out of their hotel room to come to ours. Good times, my friend, good times. I would lend my room to you to make out with a hot guy any day (although, as I am currently taken, I do not think I will be needing your services, thank you).
i love amanda! she really used to scare me in the early nerinx years but then i got over that and realized how cool she was. i'll never forget the day she came to softball tryouts, i was amazed and then the day she quit was hilarious too.. jess b. was crying and amanda was just like ok bye! oh i love that girl, the hair, the honesty, the nonchalant attitude, the numerous parties at her house, oh and the fact that her amazing house that makes my dip in 5 mins and 30 secs as opposed to the 7 mins that it normally takes...
mandy mandy mandy. i know you arent too fond of that name but i sure am fond of you (dripping with cheese). er... uh... so amanda, you are quite possibly one of the wierdest people i know. you swear (god forbitd), you like star trek, you are quite the tom boy, you oogly openly over george clooney, and you tolerate all of your friends' weird personalities and embassasing moments because you are just like us and you probably were somehow involved in those kodak and blogworthy shinanigans. amanda, i love you and i'll never stop! smooches!!!
I like amanda because she doesn't molest me...wait, i get molested almost every single time i see her. Sheesh.
Amanda, where do I even begin? You are so hilarious. Hehee, you have made my years at nerinx hilarious and filled with random memories. Religion class sophomore year (geez that seems like forever ago) and anatomy wouldn't have been bearable without you. Thanks for being my hero and breaking Jesus Jr's bones for me and cutting things open etc... when I couldn't. You are freaking amazing and I love you! :)
oh and I think we need to go to JT's again sometime soon for another lesson in relaxing/awkwardness etc...
You so crazy.
amanda...two words...french class. we would have a test in french and amanda would bitch about how she didnt study and she doesnt know anything and swear she is going to do awful. and then...she had the highest score in the class. and she always shares her house.
yep...i think we should keep her around.
I have no idea who Amanda is other than the poorly shoot photograph of what seems to be a mildly attractive girl. Well I did hear her voice in the background when I was talking to someone else on the phone, and she told me to leave a mean/rude comment in this thread(well i suppose it isn't really a thread, but whose counting?).
faux...yea thats enough...
amandamoo, we love you
and your little dog too
you rocked on the crew
you're just a bit lew(d)
and undoubtably ru(de)
but one thing is true
you're most of all coo(l).
this rhyme su(cks).
oh amanda, i love you mucho much. shall i count the ways? 1)pretty much my only trekkie buddy 2)you always find my ring when i leave it at your house 3)we both share rear-area defects (you and keegan know what i mean...) 4)you're hot 5)you helped me with my prom dress 6)you let us make pancakes at your house 7)you almost drove my car backwards through a taco bell drive thru! well, that's enough for now. i wouldn't want you to get a big head.
good morning amanda!... you have not a clue who i am, but be assured that the knowledge runs both ways. you sound like the person to know by the sounds of these persons... congrats.. i guess thats what could say. im not really sure
woah, fellow trekkies? It's nearly impossible to find people who chat about jordie, picard and data these days. I love the next generation, but the original not so much. I want to be assimilated!
Jeff, can't you follow directions?
No, I am actually bad with directions, I usually forget unless I write it down, but then I forget to read what I wrote down.
ah, i do so love levar burton. but my fav of all star trek characters is data. and then the doctor from voyager. and them probably spock. i think it's funny that he's half human. and that the original movies are so very horrible.
You were on markersplotches while you were on the phone with me. Please tell me you aren't that lacking in brain cells.
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