Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Thursday, June 09, 2005

hump day

ok when i first heard this expression, i thought that it meant hump as in pelvic thrusting. i was quite disappointed to learn the actual meaning of the phrase. like when i found out about the whole santa thing. its only wednesday!!!!! arrrrrrrggggggggg. well now it is thursday but still. it felt like a friday at least. oh and i saw napoleon dynomite and it wasnt all that great. when i was done i was like wow that killed some time and lowered my IQ 10 points. the only good part was the dancing. but yeah anyways... im pooped. babysitting 4 days a week for a total of about 28 hours a week with little kids. it doesnt sound like much but they are wearing me out. not to mention that im getting about 4 or 5 hours asleep on average each night. lol all my own fault though and im enjoying it. so la la la

"hey mickey you're so fine you're so fine you blow my mind. hey mickey hey mickey" ~ wow that was random


Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

It's not cool to like Napolean Dynamite anymore. If you would have seen it when the re-released it in theaters with the special ending you would have found it funny. Or maybe you are just bitter and suck at watching movies. I feel like more and more people are turning against this movie. Don't worry, it can be cool to be Anti-scene. *rolleyes and dies*

8:18 AM  
Blogger Reine said...

um about the babysitting me i understand. i spend like 24/7 watching kids. well not when they are asleep. but trus me it is tiring but i am so happy that i have kids in the family. i would not be able to stand my life if i was an only child or only had older siblings. having little kids in the family is the most amazing thing ever and i wouldnt trade it for the world.

12:46 PM  
Blogger Ponyboy Got Goosed said...

jeff, what crawled up your ass? dont pass judgements on me based on me seeing, and lack of seeing, a movie. im sure you dont mean half the things yoy say to come out the way they do, so seriously stop the fuckwittage and be cool. please :)

5:39 PM  
Blogger cmptrnrd16 said...

If I were cool, I probably would be hanging out with friends instead of posting here at all. As for passing judgement, I feel I am merely stating my opinions out loud. I could ramble on about free speech and my rights, but no one wants to hear that and it's a dodge a lot of times.

You guys always seem to attack me on what I say, yet no one seems to realize that is the whole point of my posts. If you stop replying to my comments I will leave, and you will all be meany heads. Or you could just write a complaint report to your moderator asking for complete banination of my account from this site.

Until then I am here to stay. Oh and I have no idea what fuckwittage means. Is it like qudditch and sex mixed together, because honestly(since harry potter is on HBO or something and my family is watching it) that is the first thing that popped in my head.

6:39 PM  
Blogger etepetete said...

Ok did you really just say that we always attack what you say? I admit, we do, but a lot of it is in defense of our friends. For example, you just attacked my dear friend Ponyboy, so I am sorry that I find it hard to be nice to you seeing as how I don't really know you and you seem to like attacking me or my friends.

7:35 PM  
Blogger justsuckit said...

children...ugh. too fucking noisy, dirty, annoying,etc. reminds me of myself. i don't really like that. of course if they don't talk, thats a different story. i like those ones.

9:53 PM  

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