Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Thursday, April 14, 2005

happy update-

I just thought that I should update everyone. Crew made me feel much better and I am no longer in the shitty mood that I was in previously. YAY!!

Headache is still around but not as bothersome.
Photo essay went well - until it wouldn't burn on a cd for me - grrr. After a minor mental breakdown I realized that I could probably just email it to my teacher. Good thinking, Katie. Why thank you. *pat on back*.

So yeah, now I am pretending to do other homework. I really don't know why I am doing it now since it isn't due until MONDAY because we DON'T HAVE SCHOOL FRIDAY!! YAY!!! I don't think I have ever been so excited about not having school. EEE!! Ok, enough of that.

Crew was fun. Laura and I built a wall - or part of a wall - and stabilized it. We are pretty darn proud, we did all the measuring and everything (sure there is a gap in one of the corners, but that is ok, we will fix it later), and we did have to redo part of it at one point, but hey, at least we did it! WOO HOO!! Crew is going to be insane the next week because we have a lot of building to do, and the play is what - two weeks away?? uh oh. hmmmm... that would be a problemo.

Yeah, back to homework now. Tschuess! (that's bye in german for all you other-language-speaking people...)


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