baby turtle!!

okay. there haven't been any posts in i thought i would let everyone know that Thuy gave me two baby turtles for my birthday!! sooo adorable. however one of them died due to unknown causes. :( i haven't even named them yet......not even the one that is still alive because i was trying to come up with clever names for a pair, not un solo tortuga.
so my surviving turtle is pretty much the cutest thing ever! he/she/it is about the size of a quarter! itty bitty little thing. i bought it a little tank and a sweet turtle landing dock thing (it's an aquatic turtle so it loves to swim and is cute when doing so ^__^).
that's all.
i'm so jealous. you have a turtle, sarah has a snail. i want an animal. i'm at my dad's and there is this little that keeps running back and forth across the porch, and it is the cutest thing ever. i want to catch it and keep it. oh well
omg i just LOOOOOOOOVE littles!!!
a little? you don't say...i heard they were posionous...
shut up. i forgot to put in the word gopher
dude i hope they aren't poisonous cuz i just ate one.
gopher? you don't say. we have one of those at work. but i think it is against company policy to eat him.
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