Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

So I am going to get killed for saying this...but,

I am so damn sick of liberals being closeminded and hypocritical. I had to deal with it all through highschool and now I am having to deal with the same damn shit. People need to learn to accept that other people have different opinions and I do not think I have met one liberal person who has really shown me they are openminded. That is all.


Blogger puc said...

"I do not think I have met one liberal person who has really shown me they are openminded."

maybe that's because you're WRONG.

haha, kidding. people are jackasses and stubborn and whatnot no matter what they believe. but for serious, you're wrong.

7:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with puc on the "you are wrong" part. Also, as I do recall you weren't very openminded yourself.

8:11 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

don't you think it's rather liberal saying that statement anyway?
if you were "conservative" as you say you are, you wouldn't be voicing strong opinions.
i support you in voicing your opinions, everyone should do it. but what you just did was what you were complaining about. you voiced your opinion on liberals being closed-minded but you just voiced an opinion and are being closed minded by stereotyping
(ps- none of that was meant to be mean.. just want you to realize what you just said, cause it didn't make sense)

8:21 PM  
Blogger jacquelyn said...

conservatives don't have opinions?

but i agree about stereotyping being close-minded.

9:51 PM  
Blogger pipsqueak said...

what brought this on, you mongoose?

word verification: ohldrkn....just made me think of my last name + dork + nerd

10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well hey that's not very open-minded?

10:08 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

hey, i thought we agreed "anonymous" sucks.

and can you give an example, hovis? (like, what exactly spurred the post?) i like to think that among us there is a good deal of open-mindedness.

10:11 PM  
Blogger porgie said...

i think that people have become more and more close-midned on both ends of the political spectrum. that is why nothing is achieved in congress. people do need to respect other's opinions even though they may not agree with them. i had a super conservative friend first semester and we still get along even though she likes ronald regan and anne coulter. i definitely don't agree with her, but i respect her opinion.

this coming from a very liberal person

10:14 PM  
Blogger Ponyboy Got Goosed said...

just because someone isnt open minded a about one or two issues doesnt mean that she isnt an openminded person. everybody has a cause or an issue that she is really passionate about so she will argue to no end over that issue. and just because she disagrees doesnt mean that she isnt openminded. im with anna in saying that there is a fair amount of openmindedness in our group. just because we voice differeing opinions and argue sometimes doesnt mean that we arent openminded (i already kind of said that but oh well).

11:13 PM  
Blogger Psyche1231 said...

whoa, whoa whoa, i very much agree with porgie. people can be just as close-minded and hypocritical on both ends. For a conservative example, let's take pro-life. most people who are pro-life mean that they are anti-abortion however, they still support the death penalty. but that means you aren't prolife completely then (a good example of this is George Bush). For a liberal example, many liberals have these liberal ideals but (including myself) i don't live up to all of them. I don't agree with the treatment of animals, but I eat meat. In a small town, if target doesn't have what I want, then I will go to WalMart. You can find multiple examples on either side. these are just a couple examples. people need to just need to be more accepting off all people. why can't we all just get along?

11:21 PM  
Blogger Cajackster said...

AH politics!!! its my birthday lets celebrate! talk politics tomorrow!

word verification: zsnqc
which stands for carolyn's birthday kicks ass...

12:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just applied your own definition of 'pro-life' to lump a group of people under the category of hyppocrites. Disagreement on semantics (the usual attack against the pro-life movement) doesn't connote hyppocrisy.
I do however agree that your inability to refrain from eating meat nor the subjection of yourself to Wal-Mart's low low prices and wide selection do seem to carry with them an air of disloyalty to your (what I assume are genuine) beliefs.
Now this isn't intended as a character attack but rather an oppurtunity for learning. I think this is an example of how liberal thought (while well intentioned) does often fall into the traps of laziness, self-righteousness, and hypocrisy.
Maybe this level of hypocrisy exists because it is in fact easier to live in a society whose values reflect your own(barring some environments, where people pretend they own knowledge because they have a piece of paper that says so). But let's face it, whether one view is 'right' or 'wrong', it is much easier to live life eating meat, driving cars, and subjecting yourself to Wal-Mart's unmatched prices. So maybe liberals an be afforded some hyppocrisy, it's harder regardless of supporting community.
If that last statement caused a small uproar in the depths of whatever you perceive yourself to be, you're on the right track. Anyone consenting to apathy, or hypocrisy as a necessary evil has just bought into the mindset they were originally against. Reine, is right in many regards, so take this as an oppurtunity not to defy her, not to identify with her, nor assert just how right you are (after what I'm assuming can't be much more than two decades of living). But rather let her statement stand, stand as a personal challenge to look inward and to consciously shake loose these steretypes that have all too easily rested on the backs of any movement that seeks change.

12:36 AM  
Blogger Reine said...

Yes I agree that anyone can be close minded. But because I sometimes talk to people who share the same beliefs as me they have nothing to be close minded to.

Just so many people don't accept my opinion. I am so sick of people who do not even want to listen to what I have to say.

And sorry for it being an attack on liberals but I've just been having bad experiences with people thinking I am a bad person because I want to for example stay at home with my children when I grow up because I do not believe in having children and then paying someone else to raise them. What is the point of having children if you are not going to care for them? I suppose there are cases where it is out of a parent's control like if a husband or wife dies and the other then has to work. But I don't like being told that I am undoing all that feminism has done and I don't like that a lot of time no one takes the time to listen to other points of view.

And whoever said I was close minded - I sat through all the assemblies and classes where teachers would preach things I did not agree with. I would say I learned pretty well how to be openminded because I had to be surrounded by everyone with different beliefs.

12:45 AM  
Blogger Reine said...

p.s. Rebecca, pro-life means for all life not just the lives of babies. In fact the pro-life club I ran at my gradeschool did all sorts of activites from working with shut-ins to talking about the death penalty and abortion and donating lots of money and toys and stuff.

12:49 AM  
Blogger matty said...

living here in new orleans has changed my outlook. coming in, i was a hardcore liberal. and i would say that i was quite closed-minded to the other side. i've found, though, that neither liberals or conservatives have the right idea. the saying "why can't we all just get along" is actually much more profound than it may seem on the surface. the thing is, as george said, liberals and conservatives do not want to reach across the aisle. our country has become completely polarized where one must either be liberal or conservative. the truth is, the only cure is to try to find a common ground in the middle of all of it. look at the economic system we have. when democrats are in power, there are still many poor people who are not being helped, though they claim to be catering to them. same goes for republicans. democrats want to cut the taxes for the lower class and give them more money to spend to boost the economy, while republicans want to give the cuts to the rich and create a trickle down effect. clearly, neither of these beliefs are very effective, and yet, our country still believes that we must have one or the other. if we could just look across the aisle and put the two together, maybe we could find another way to help the poor. here in new orleans, there are people who don't have enough money to wear shoes. and their situation is not getting any better at all.
hovis, i agree that i people should be more open minded. we need to learn to listen to other opinions and absorb them into our minds. we don't have to agree with them. but we need to hear their points and their logic before we tune them out. there are many many things i do not agree with about conservative politics, but the more i listen, the more i see at least where they are coming from. sometimes that's good, and sometimes it closes me off. for example, the current government refuses to help curb emissions, when studies are coming up showing that the polar ice caps will be GONE by the year 2063 because of how much we pollute. there is very little government money spent looking into alternative fuel sources. why? because the entire administration has huge amounts invested in oil, and because curbing emissions will hurt the US economy. when i hear that, i understand that a bad economy means a harder life. but it seems to stem from greed. on the liberal side, so many people say they want to help the environment, and yet they continue to drive SUVs and trucks that pollute the air horribly. i used to be one of them. i loved my SUV, but when it died, i knew i wanted a small car that didn't pollute as much. but so many people don't do that, and it really pisses me off. they're all talk.
so both sides need to come together and bring this country back to one. if we continue to be this polarized, the country will continue to split until we enter another civil war. way back when, there were only a few issues that caused look at everything that's ripping us apart. doesn't it scare anyone else?

1:08 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

i don't even see how this whole issue ivolves liberal vs. conservative, democrat vs. repulican. it's basically an issue of respect. you are mad at people who won't respect you enough to listen to you or respect what you want to do with life. this has nothing to do with people's views, political parties or way of life. respect is universal between everyone, and if you have a problem with how people are treating you, you have a problem with people who don't respect other people, not just people who are liberals or conservatives. its all about the respect people, don't make things so political.

1:25 AM  
Blogger jacquelyn said...

hey nice going steph.

1:41 AM  
Blogger Cajackster said...

i'm going to pull a pat-ivers and give steph some snaps...

4:13 AM  
Blogger Psyche1231 said...

you're right, steph. it's not about politics at its core. i would like to second carolyn's snaps to you.
matt, thank you. it seems you got across what i had tried to say earlier much better than i did.
and, laura, i'm sorry that you chose to go to the most liberal girls school in st. louis. i'm sorry that you were a minority there and felt like no one would listen to you. and i'm sorry if you were personally attacked. but stereotyping is not an effective way to deal with anger. you talked about how you were considered a "bad person" by liberals if you wanted to stay home and care for your kids. i consider myself a liberal (not the best) but a liberal none the less. your choice to be a stay at home mom doesn't matter to me. personally, i don't care what you do, as long as you're happy and not hurting anyone else with your choice. and you're right. people definitely need to care for their kids more. our generation is mostly ("most" because this is a generalized statement) a latchkey kid generation. people do need to spend more time and responsiblity with thier kids.
however, my big problem is when the government doesn't seperate church and state. you cannot impress your morals or beliefs onto someone else. this would go against the respect that steph was talking about. yes, there are some basic moral laws like don't steal and don't kill. but i'm talking about more complex issues like gay marriage and abortion and the death penalty. isn't our country founded upon such ideals of freedom and "pursuit of happiness"? let's not get into the argument about whether or not someone's pursuit of happiness is killing someone (so i suppose we should leave abortion out because there are different fundamental beliefs about whether it is a person or not). but certainly gay marriage isn't hurting anyone. if two people are in love, who is the government to stop them from committing their lives to each other? earlier in the country's history we had a law that said that a black person and a white person couldn't be married. now we recognize how silly this was. i can understand if some religions want to be against gay marriage, because that's a belief system. but the government is decidedly not a religion. our government at least...and at least in theory.
the government should not restrict people's rights based on a moral code that all people don't agree on (which in this country is mainly christianity). people should have the choice though. for example (and this is directed to no one in particular), you may find abortion an abomination, but that doesn't mean that everyone does or that you should take that choice from everyone just because you feel that way. live your life according to your morals and be happy. but don't take away other's rights to happiness because you don't agree with them.
(and please let's not get into a morality debate too on top of this. if you really want to discuss morality with me, email me.)

11:35 AM  
Blogger eat_this_corley said...

i can burp the "abc"s backwards

11:42 AM  
Blogger justsuckit said...

very impressive dai. i can't even say them backwards

12:45 PM  
Blogger Reine said...

I have to say I made this post less out of frustration and more wanting to see how everyone reacted since this is basically a liberal group of people.

And I was getting bored of the normal posts everyone makes and thought it would be nice to spice things up.

1:09 PM  
Blogger pipsqueak said...

Laura, you're a goober.
Dailee, please put on a talent show.
Devil's Advocate, if the point of all of this is to accept other people's opinions, why don't you claim your opinions as your own?
Anywho Who Typed a Long Comment With No Capitalization, I basically skipped your posts cause they were too hard to take in; please be courteous to the grammatical geeks among us.

1:43 PM  
Blogger jacquelyn said...

aw we're cute when we fight.

5:10 PM  
Blogger Ponyboy Got Goosed said...

i agree with steph, you are one talented chica, dai, and not accepting someone's opinion and being closedminded are two completely different things.

8:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think you're all wrong and it's cute. also, i'm wrong too. we have no idea.


9:08 PM  
Blogger puc said...

snaps for luke. he speaks the truth.

9:39 PM  
Blogger Reine said...

What is the difference between not accepting someone's opinion and being closed minded?

Definition of close minded:

Intolerant of the beliefs and opinions of others; stubbornly unreceptive to new ideas

unreceptive to new ideas, aka, not accepting someone's opinion.

Stephanie I agree with you on average but in many particular instances for me (being conservative) it is conservative vs liberal because it is the liberal people who are not listening to me or taking the time to see where I am coming from. A lot of times I find I try to say something and it is obvious the person is just assuming I am wrong before I even say what I want to say.

The reason it is liberal vs conservative is because I am conservative and it is the liberal people I have been having problems with.

9:43 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

i still think that this whole thing was made political for no good reason at all...
liberals and conservatives alike can chose to listen and respect people or tune them out and be rude...
and how many people do you know that are conservative vs. how many people do you know that are liberal? that ratio right there could hold the answer as to why you think you are having problems with so many liberals b/c if there are alot of liberals in you life then yes, it will seem like they are always causing the issues because they are the most prevelent.

11:43 PM  
Blogger Reine said...

There are more fundamentalists than there are liberals that I am friends with.

2:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I drink mineral water and listen to coldplay on my ipod while i have an abortion. I'm tatooing "Unjust War" on my man-gina and i think i might shave just half of dreds off so more people look at me. Does that make me a liberal?

Fucking A!

-The world is only grey enough to let us see the black and white distinctions around us. Stereotypes are only an idiots truth but an idiots truth is truthful enough sometimes. In making an institution in direct response to another institution we forget the good things. We are an exclusive breed by nature, but with this in mind i've found the best way to live is in blissful social mediocracy. You liberals are just as fascist as anyone else including the conservatives, please don't kid yourself that your not.

Reine, atleast you say that your openminded. That's good i suppose. In talking to liberals, I suggest complenting their ikia furniture because anything else won't get through their head.

6:13 PM  
Blogger Anna said...

"I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it." Voltaire (roughly)

I don't know who you are, and you don't know who I am either. So I don't know how you feel you can judge me based on a political leaning. Do you have something against civil rights or tolerance? Because that is why I am a liberal. Not because I have dreadlocks, political tatoos, abortions, or ikia (is that even how it's spelled?) furniture. all of which happen to be true.

You don't need to be an asshole to share your views. Statements like yours just show me that you don't deserve my respect. However, I think you should continue to use your freedom of speech (which "liberals" have always been in support of); perhaps next time try being civil?

10:31 PM  
Blogger Psyche1231 said...

anna, you're my hero.

11:52 AM  

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