Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Saturday, April 29, 2006


So, here is a little story for you, and it does involve some backstory. When I was a small child, I had some awesome luck. I won stuff at raffles all the time! Then one sad day (i dunno which one, don't ask), I became unlucky. I haven't won a raffle in years. I felt like I wasn't living up to my name! And then... tonight happened.
Tonight my school had a "deal or no deal" game thingy. The prizes were gift certificates to all kinds of different places, pf changs, target, bp, the apple store, visa gift cards etc etc. They had three rounds of the game (if you don't know the game, i am to lazy to explain, basically it involves briefcases with money amounts in them and the people eliminate them not knowing what is in them, and then they can either take a deal that the show offers them or take a risk and see if they can eliminate boxes with lower money amounts etc... thus makin the deal higher and their chance of getting a good briefcase better etc etc.) so anyway, I didn't get to play any of those games - but I actually came out better because they didn't get very good prizes - they gambled too much and got very small amounts (75 cents, 75 cents, and 35 dollars). So, in between these rounds they had a raffle - in one of them I WON!! I won an adidas sports bag. It is nice, not fantastic, probably something I will use a few times. I wasn't all that excited about that one, oh well.
So then my roomie, Ashley, gets tired and decides to leave, and she gives me her raffle ticket. She also said that if it won, I could keep the prize. So after the rounds of deal or no deal, the hosts (i think it was the res life people) decide to raffle off the rest of their budget for the year with gift cards. After the first few raffles, they called 928041. AND I WON!!! AGAIN!! This time I got $50 to target! I am quite excited. :) Shopping spree in my future. :-D


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