Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Thursday, April 27, 2006

hair hair everywhere

so the horrible mono is over. finally. well that is enough of that. anyhoo my wonderful friend michele was feeling a bit self conscience about her mohawk (i have no idea why) so i offered to give her some pinch braided extensions. i had never done them on a human head before because i couldn't find people who would let me practice on them (minus erica of course) she chose the colors and i got to work. i started her extensions assuming i was only going to add some color for highlights, but i ended up doing her entire head. i think she wears them beautifully!

ps it took around 9 hours to do


Blogger justsuckit said...

i like 'em

6:57 PM  
Blogger pipsqueak said...


7:30 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

very nice :)

8:36 PM  
Blogger Psyche1231 said...

they're awesome. hey, weren't we going to do that to my hair? if you have time this summer, i'd love it if you would do it for me.
do it for me, dailee, do it! ;)
love to you.

8:59 PM  
Blogger Cajackster said...

thats pretty f-ing sweet..

3:24 PM  

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