Ramblings of the markers
Marker of the Week!
Introducing the Marker of the Week!

Margareti love margaret/marge/merge/hey, uh... (i never know what to call her...). this is one of the best pictures i took at prom, just a spontaenous shot of margaret with paul's jacket. she looks absolutely adorable so i wanted to share it with everyone. ummm, what else? ah, i could go on for quite a while about her amazing acting abilities, but i think we all saw her beautiful performance as "humpty dumpty" in alice in wonderland. she knows she awesome. she's also supersweet and got a great sense of style. i really like the cargo and tank top trend she's started.
Margaret Edith Virginia Murphy!!! (I know there's more names than that, but I don't remember them.) You are definitely one of my most favoritest people in the whole wide world. Every moment I spend with you, I love you more and more. You always make me laugh and smile. I could probably write a book about all the good times we've had together, but I guess nobody wants to read that. For your eyes only, my sweet. You have such a big heart and such a silly self; we make a great team. I will miss you sooooo much next year! Always remember that it is better to be truthful and good than to not!! I love you!!!!
And you're so adorable.
And you're so adorable.
And you are kind to furry animals.
miryam, i have one thing to say to you: he'll love oklahoma's wide open spaces..he likes to run and run and run!
Remember that one time? When you were trying to do something funky with your eyebrows in choir? I watched that video today and couldn't stop smiling.
Plus I have awesome pictures of you attempting to work out. Yay. I'll bring my computer tonight so I can steal all your music and show you pictures!!!!
thank you missy!!! i love you!!! although, i must make one correction. at is not, as many believe, paul's coat. it's another boy's! mwuahahahaha....i was freezing at dinner and dropped some hints to paul but he kept going on about how much he loves his tux, how he looks SO good in it, how he wants his own to wear everyday, blah blah blah...fortunately eric understood me and gave me his coat. thanks eric.
thanks again missy! this is wonderful, such a confidence booster.
i do remember the eyebrow wave in choir! god i'm going to miss you...
sorry to crash this little party, but i would also like to gush about merge. ahem. darling, you are fabulous, charming, friendly, hi-larious, talented, quirky, good-looking, and fun to be around. you always made me feel very very sad when mike dumped you in the play, and you were the best damn humpty dumpty i've ever seen (i'm sorry you didn't get the part you wanted (she only got it because she's short!) but you were unbelievably great).
someday i want to actually come inside your house, no matter how big a piece of crap it may be.
Anna I love you! Miryam, I love you even more!!!
marge, if i weren't so heavy, you'd be the wind beneath my wings. i'm gonna miss you so much in college since those loyola bastards didn't give you that scholarship thing. what am i gonna do without your quirky humor? oh yeah, we still need to go on our date. to sum it all up:
"And you're so adorable"
Merge. Well i figured i would start with that because i believe i am the one who came up with the merge nickname. yep that was me.
anyways you are so much fun. like lots of it. you are the cutest person in the entire world and no one who has met you can ever say anything bad about you...cause theres nothing to say. seriously no one can ever find anything wrong with you. besides your feet.
and you can act better than anyone i know. so wheee! im gonna be visiting sluh a lot next year so i will see you! a lot! stay sweet hot stuff.
Margaret Edith Virginia Elizabeth Ann Seton Murphy! (isn't that it? i can't remember..... but i did spell margaret right - ever since that time in grade school when you yelled at me for spelling it wrong ;)) How long have I know you now? 13 years? oh geez. I have had sooooo many amazing times with you that I don't even know where to begin. You always brighten my day with your random spontaneity and sweetness. One thing I think everyone can agree with is that you never follow margaret if she walks away suddenly, especially if she starts spinning in circles. ;)
I love you babe!
thirteen amazing years and counting! (oh and I would like to say that at Ella's party in kindergarten or whenever when everyone hid from you - i have no memory of this and am therefore convinced that I came later than you and was therefore not a part of the margaret-shunning.... just had to clear my name on that one. :))
margaret, do I really have to put in words how much you mean to me? We've been friends for so long, tighter than david bowie's pants in labyrinth. We have so many memories; good ones, effing hilarious ones (do i look like a pigeon?), and even some bad ones.
But i love you so much, and i'm never gonna forget those moments in my life when we laughed and cried together.
It seems impossible to me that we won't be in school together next year. I'm going to miss you so much, margaret.
tulio and miguel, miguel and tulio: mighty and powerful gods.
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