Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

why?? WHY???

Why in the world do teachers attempt to give 4th quarter seniors projects?? We don't have the attention span for projects anymore! I would much rather do random busywork than work on stupid ass projects and papers that i am too lazy to write and do. For example - my homework for the night - Math love story thing, read Prodigal Summer for Religion and write the paper, Humanities take home test, and the big humanities presentation paper. I was all like - "I will go home during my free period and get some work done... blah blah blah" haha! Yeah right!! I just opened my planner, read my homework and started laughing. I was like - hmmmm nothing i can easily do in five minutes. crap. then procrastination hit and then i had the brilliant idea to blog about it. haha. wow. i need a spurt of energy so i can get all these projects done so then i can sit back on my ass and do nothing. that will be amazing but unfortunately it probably won't happen for at least another week. blah..........
why why why??? what are teachers thinking??? geez. i swear - they complain about how seniors procrastinate and don't care but they kinda bring it on themselves with these stupid projects that now all have the threat of "if you don't do this you don't graduate" instead of the good old "if you don't do this you will fail." anyone else notice that? everything now has the consequence of not graduating instead of just a bad grade. that's annoying. I feel like saying "well then why the hell did I work so hard these last 3 and a half years if all i had to do to graduate were these last few projects?" grrr ..... ok, i feel a spurt of energy coming on... maybe i will get a chapter of a book read or something....


Blogger pipsqueak said...

i completely agree. what happened to senior year being easy?

3:36 PM  
Blogger etepetete said...

i have no idea. It was easy - and then suddenly all the deadlines crept up on me....

4:15 PM  

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