Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

come on, people, fill my lonely existence

since there hasn't been a post in a while (or what i consider a while), here's some lively updates on my personage. interesting things:

1. this weekend we have one-act performances. i'm directing one, and i wrote one about a girl who discovers that her grandmother writes romance novels (port hole anyone? ewww), which my friend wesley is directing (he made the third character a bookish lesbian). anyone (*cough* truman-ians *cough*) is welcome to come up and see the show. i promise (as always) a place to sleep and some food, and overall a good time.

2. in my theatrical design (costumes) class, guess what play we're designing for???? that's right, much ado about nothing. good thing i know this play very well. but you know, i was reading through the play and i realized that all the lines that mags cut out do not deserve to be cut out. they weren't even bawdy. freak.

3. the other weekend i went to visit carolyn and it was fun. i keep meaning to put pictures up, but i'm delinquent and not in my room right now, so i'll do that eventually. mmmm squeeze-its.

4. i just got into the musical "floyd collins" about a miner that gets stuck and there's a huge media fiasco. i will play a sleazy reporter who dances (including the charleston, with which i'm sure i dazzled the director at try-outs).

aaaaanywho, it's almost spring break! woot! so, keep updating so i have something to read when i'm trying to waste time!
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    Blogger Stephanie said...

    congrats on all the good stuff going on right now! and thanks for the updates... makes me feel less lonely...

    11:11 AM  
    Blogger jacquelyn said...

    aw i would totally come visit cause spring break starts this weekend but i'm going snowboarding. sorry : (

    5:43 PM  

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