stupid nick
so apparently nick (from the play) infected a whole bunch of people with his damn cold. now i'm sniffling and coughing and hacking up all types of good stuff (ha ha, you had to read that). ironic, i tried for like an hour last night to convince my parents to call in sick for me for senior skip day and now i actually am kind of sick. ah poetic justice.... (i think)
so i'm thinking no on the senior skip day. it's not worth it at this point. and if i skip school, it's not like i can come back for strike. so farewell dear 05 05 05... we'll just have to have an awesome 06 05 05. (it should totally go day, month, year)
yeah i told my mom about the whole senior skip day thing and proposed the idea of her calling in sick for me and she started laughing. so i don't think it will happen for me. I also have my last math test that day and I don't feel like having to make that up, so yeah - i will be at school on thurs. blah.
yeah my mom said she would do it but i dont know if i really want to or not because i could get a lot of work done on my webpage that day...which is due wednesday and im no where near done...i dont know. i will probably end up going because of that. or maybe i will stay home. i dont know.
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