Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Sunday, May 08, 2005

I have no comment on this picture, but if i don't type something, it won't let me post it. so....yeah. Posted by Hello


Blogger puc said...

here's a comment- these really cool people are sitting a table with three large glass containers holding water with a lit candle floating in them. the places are set and forks and stuff is around. there's the couples- awww, aren't mrm and becvar cute? and hovis and sardi�a! look at precious paul and m�rge. what about amanda and george. how sweet. and then there's missy and......what'shisname.What a perfect picture to symbolize what prom is about. peope. fashion. food.

(if that seemed like a weird comment to be made by me, it's just that i'm on ambien right now, which makes me really high. and loopy. and crazy. and .....)

11:13 PM  
Blogger Reine said...

i love all the spelling errors coming from missy. i look pretyt natural in that picture.

11:58 PM  
Blogger pipsqueak said...

you know what? table 9 was definitely the best table at prom, i don't know what you're smoking, sir.

10:17 PM  

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