Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Sunday, May 08, 2005

SLUH's dance concert/Prom rambling

Revenge of the different colored posts! Muah hahaha! Who's evil? That's me! Anyway, so I loved prom, even though the DJ sucked shriveled little monkey balls/nuts/testicles/berries/whatever you want to call them. Shiyat, I forgot what I was going to write about. You know what's funny? When people ask to use the phone (I'm working) and it's normally to call their parents or something and then they feel the need to tell me "oh yeah, they're going to pick me up at 5". I'm sorry, does it look like I care? But I have to be all nice and cheery. Wow it's already almost 4, and that means I only have an hour to go. No one is here, but for some reason the time is flying by. Oh, the dance concert. It was amazing. I was so proud to see our boys in the concert! Amanda and I were wondering if it was sad that we knew so many people in the concert. Oh well, I love our guys! And yes, they belong to us. I don't know why I feel so possessive about them, but I guess it just stems from my whole obsession with taking care of my friends. You know, the whole, if you make them cry, I'll beat the shit out of you thing. Yeah...anyway. Prom was amazing, everyone looked absolutely gorgeous. And Amanda's was a blast. After the dance concert Amanda and I went to Ted Drewe's with Pat Ivers (who walked home because he hates crowds...hehe, he's so awkward) and met up with Stu and Joe Hejlek (spelling?) and it turned out that Tom Parker, Mikey Bono, Peter Herman, and Nick Sousi were there as well. How fun! Anywho, Amanda locked her keys in the car, and she was supposed to pick her lovely parents up from the airport so she asked Joe to drive her around. Hehe, she just found out that he likes her...she was extremely surprised about that fact, and then was flabbergasted (ha, I love that word) to know that everyone else in our social cirlcle/square/rectangle/rhombus/octagon already knew that he liked her. Oh, Amanda, you are so oblivious. Now I'm going to go and read a book. I already read People magazine. Balls. Ciao.


Blogger Fleaboy of the Night said...

(sp) It's Susi...

6:55 PM  
Blogger puc said...

damn. i got left out of the octagan again. or, at least, i'm oblivious as amanda. which doesn't make me feel any better. but this does: amanda and potato sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-.........etc.

11:28 PM  
Blogger etepetete said...

i didnt know that either! hmm....

2:07 PM  

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