pretty in pink

so everyone keeps changing hair styles, colors, getting tattoos, so here's what i did with my hair! just kidding! heehee, there was an awesome pink party at one of the frats, and my friends and i went all out. i just thought i would show you what i would look like if i was a cross between josie and the pussycats and the girl from pulp fiction (as kit described it). oh, and just so you know, guys are extremely attracted to pink hair and cat ears. so if you're looking for a little bit of extra attention from people of the male sex, this is my advice from me to you--buy a wild wig with cat ears (or maybe just cat ears...)
YOU'RE HOTT! and i totally agree with the analogy, because i just saw pulp fiction for the first time a couple weekends ago.
whoa reba you're definitely asking for some action in that pic
you are sunburnt.
sunburntedly gorgeous!
actually, i'm not sunburnt. it's just bronzer. my friend emma knows how to make your boobs look bigger than they really are with only a bit of bronzer! (i've learned her secrets, so i'll pass on the trade!)
i want my boobs to look bigger. and more male attraction. you know not that i need any of it or anything ;)
damn you're gorgeous. and that bronzer thing must work because you certainly look ENDOWED. wowee. i love you.
guys are different out here...theres a girl who her thing is to wear cat ears the whole freakin time...all day every day...its kinda bizarre...but yea...guys just think shes really weird...but i talk to her...cause she is like the obby of csu...and one day she'll thank me for candy...
nice dane reference carolyn. :)
thanks...i thought it was a good one...i laughed about it...hoped someone would catch it...
Lipstick should be pink
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