Ramblings of the markers
Marker of the Week
Introducing the Marker of the Week!

meuh, yah, well, i ran out of pictures of other people and i think i got most everyone (i know i forgot mrm and dailee, and i have pictures, but they need to be scanned in and i don't have one, so if you guys want to send me your picts, that's cool). so, uh, yah. marker of the week had a nice run. but i'll probably kill it. so, anyway, i like missy because ... uh, she does my homework? i dunno. whatever.
melissa ford! you make me extremely happy. what would this year have been without you? you helped me through all the fun of being sick and we shared all of our fun stories. don't ever forget psych class and you should be just fine.
missy ive never seen you give anybody the finger. you do it well. but yeah i love missy because i know missy and its simple logic that anyone who knows missy loves missy. and because you'd be really good at writing books like david sedaris does -both funny and meaningful. please don't disappear into the dark hole that is politics. don't worry though i'd still vote for you for president.
missy that looks so unnatural...
Missy, you are so fantastically funny. And witty. And just downright brilliant. I'm not sure I would vote for you for president, because you might attempt world domination. Then again, that might not be so bad. As long as I remain on your good side......
Missy, that's one of the most effective Middle Fingers I've seen in a good long while. I'm impressed.
MELIS!! My beloved locker buddy!! You are so amazing! I always loved your overflowing locker - it always gave me a laugh. Where would i be without you?? um... without my two lovely dvds that you worked tirelessly on!! Yay for macs! hehe. how is dory? and um.... i cant think of your ipod's name... damn. oh well. have fun at wellesly sweetie! Call me if you ever need me!
and that picture of you does look very unnatural but it is a fantastic finger. i think it should go in some kind of hall of fame or something...
missy. el salvador. good times. "adios basketball court where laura first forgot about kyle" (aka basketball court where laura met a cute el salvadorian boy). "hey laura. el salvador called. they want their pupusas back." you are so witty. it kills me. literally.
oh, jesus, we have had such good times. from gym class frosh year, to religion class soph (you carpet!) to lit class junior year (lord of the pies--i can't remember any other ones) to... what did we do senior year? who knows...
um... there's only so many people that would agree to work on a lotr musical, or agree to read wot, or understand my problem of agreeing to everything... man. such times. remember alice in wonderland where we both nearly had nervous breakdowns? oh yeah. and you're HOT.
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