Marker of the Week!
Introducing the Marker of this Week!
i like jax because she's such an amazing artist and she doesn't care about deadlines or anything like that (surprising that i admire that, huh, jax?) she's a super friend with a trampoline. oh, and she's awesome because she wore her mom's wedding dress to spring fling (see below).

editor's note: don't get pissy if you're not marker of the week. it's based on who i have a decent picture of. so just be photogenic the next time i'm around and you may be lucky.
good morning jax and congrats... youve just won a brand new...(insert anything you may desire here)
How i love thee...let me count the ways...Jack, i love you because you are so quirky. i love the fact that you always have a new perspective of looking at things that i have never thought of before. you are such a creative and original individual. i just plain love and adore you.
i love jax! here's why:
1)parties at midnight...
2)she can draw awesomely
3)we share great literature(the enemy's gate is down)
4)her puffy blue vest
5)her incestuous relationship with reba... (remember...)
that's all for now. happy marker of the week!
jax you make me giggle. i am so jealous of your art (oooooo jealous)*. you have an amazing appreciation for literature. you are also so freaking laid back and that makes me laugh. deadlines - what deadlines. hehe. ok so yeah i don't really know what else to say besides - all the classes i had with you were wonderful because you were in em (lets see, soph yr religion, politics, humanities, what else - i don't know, school was too long ago) and YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!
*warning, i was slightly hyper while writing this so don't be scared
jax- you are awesome! you've made it through hopkins jr. year history with me and i'll never forget our back row and how we were never prepared for presentations and hopkins quilt show! you are always so much fun and you always show an interest in no matter what anyone is doing... we love you jax!
Um, can you say ski trip? You are quite possibly one of the funniest people I know, and you don't even realize how humorous you truly are. I love how you seet hings differently from other people, and I love our picture wars (I forgot what I decided to call them. Balls).
Kweelie, you are pretty much my favorite person ever. You're hilarious, you don't say mean things about people, you're gorgeous, totally gorgeous, and you drive me places cause I'm a loser. I. Love. You. Even if you didn't have that totally swell trampoline, I would still spend the rest of my life with you if we were lezzie. Unfortunately, I prefer the weaker sex. Oh well. Love you!
jax...well you are most likely my favorite person in the world. except for emmy rossum. and mike. but other than that you are.
p.s. missy you can get pictures of every single person in the group its not like they dont exist.
im gonna add more reasons to like jax:
-shes hot
-shes funny
-she laughs at my stupid thigns when no one else will
-she has a sweet trampoline
-she has to walk up a hill to get signals for her phone
-she reads and sings and draws and stuff
well theres lots more stuff but ive already commented three times in a row...and so thats enough
I've been watching. You will not mysteriously disappear or perish anytime soon. Congratulations.
two words. rice back.
nice rodent freak.
and jax, sorry you're outta town and missed this. whoops. didn't think that through
jacquelyn, I admire your wicked organization skills and your eagerness to meet deadlines that often compels you to finish projects weeks in advance.
But really i love you cuz you make me laugh (a lot) and because you laugh at everything. you're cool cuz you just don't give a shit, which means that i can pour coffee creamer on your skirt, and put powdered sugar in your hair, and we're still friends.
oh yeah. you are also my favorite artist.
jax jax jax, where to begin? well i guess it all began when our moms started talking cause they knew eachother and we thought that was weird so we started talking and that wasnt weird...anyhoo, through musicals and michigan, you have priovided laughter and joy to my life and i love you. i am thrilled that we are going to college together because i get to spend four more years with the wonderfully talented, funny, and goofy jax!
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