Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


So I was talking to Carolyn and she was talking about how she keeps getting distracted from writing her humanities crap. I asked what was distracting her and a few minutes later this idea was born........ a list of senioritis symptoms:
for those who don't know what senioritis is (i don't know how you couldn't but for those that live in caves all their lives and have decided to crawl out just to check our blog) - Senioritis - n. seeing as how this is impossible for me to articulate, i will steal a quote from conglomoblog (don't worry i will cite it!!) one hears the inner desperation of my mind trying in vain to pull back its last train of thought from the tar pit it has so recently drowned in. All that lasts is a shadow of a memory cast by the dim florescent lights that light a classroom filled with students of equal brilliance. There is nothing to do now but wait for inspiration or memory induced destruction. Uneasily, I let the shadow go and let it slip into the nether regions. - Parker, Tom. "Tangential Memories ." Online posting. 10 May 2005. Conglomoblog. 11 May 2005. . (and yes, that would be MLA form - thank you citation machine. hehehe)
ANYWAY! On to the list!
You know you have senioritis when....... (editors note - the line "instead of doing homework" can be added to many of the following statements)
- you are entranced by smudges on a wall
- you post pictures of random crap (literally and nonliterally) on your blog
- you have 3 papers, 2 projects, and 3 subjects worth of homework to do but instead you look at prom pictures online, google yourself, play free cell, etc etc etc
- you have officially broken the record of one of the following computer games (solitaire, spider solitaire, free cell, hearts, or minesweeper)
- you have broken other pointless personal records (length of time it takes to _______, how many _______ you can _______, etc etc....)
- when you hear your parents coming you hastily bring up some random essay you wrote months ago hoping that it will look like you are doing your homework
- you don't even bother to bring home your bookbag anymore
- you don't even write down your assignments
- you calculate EXACTLY how many hours/minutes/seconds of classes you have left
- you spend time grumbling about how we get out later than other schools and the injustice of it all
- you spend time thinking up senior pranks that will probably never happen
- you make lists of symptoms of senioritis
- you are sleepy all day, not from staying up doing homework, but from staying up all night chatting with friends about how bad your senioritis has gotten
- you can't remember the last time you actually paid attention for an entire 1.5 hour class
- you can't remember the last time you took notes
- you can no longer form simple sentences in whatever foreign language you are currently taking
- you can't remember what language you are supposed to be learning
- you go get snocones daily after school
- you laugh at the little underclassmen who still do their homework
- you have begun to forget math - 2+2 is what now?
- you are constantly checking blogs to read comments and/or new posts and comment on them even if you really have nothing to say
- you can't remember what kind of day it was today (it was a D day for all those that had to stop and think about it - and yes i did have to. hehe)
- you can't remember what day it is in general (amanda and erica on the morning show this morning?? it is the 11th girls)
- you can't remember the last time you actually got up the FIRST time your alarm goes off
- your english grammer has slowly begun to regress
- your days all seem to run together (i.e. now was it yesterday that i did that or the day before?)
- deadlines no longer matter
- you have forgotten the definition of deadline
- you hear teachers use the line "please just turn this in before summer, you know before you leave....
- you can't remember the last time you touched your bookbag
- you spend free periods playing cards (etc) or doing other mindless activities

ok i am done for now. I am creativity and wit drained. (yes those all came from my brain! woo hoo!!)
post more on comments! hahaha :)


Blogger Fleaboy of the Night said...

sweet, my first actual written quote.

10:53 PM  
Blogger puc said...

- you watch the nba playoffs
- you realize you're hungry, but don't want to eat because that takes "too much effort"
- you can't remember what classes you're taking
- you calculate how many minutes of sleep you can get in each class so it adds up to an eventual 10 hours
- you contemplate committing numerous felonies just so you don't have to go to class
- you count tiles on the e room's floors
- you leave class 10 minutes early and arrive 10 minutes late (no wait, that's just a characteristic of any senior)
- you talk to your parents about class day instead of doing homework
- you mow the lawn instead of doing homework
- your dog (who is the original dog in the "dog-days" of summer laziness) is depressed and disgusted by the level of your inactivity
- you plan out what you're not going to do
- it's one week until exams and you haven't made your exam binder yet- oh wait, that's just me. wait, i haven't made my exam binder? holy shit! i really do have senioritis. huh. go figure. and i thought those pills i am taking for it were just placebos...

(i'm not sure if the preceding made sense. i'd attempt to explain it but

11:01 PM  
Blogger Cajackster said...

no explanation necessary i totally agree...i also have not made up my exam hasn't really dawned on me that exams are next week...

11:08 PM  
Blogger Reine said...

i have not done one of those things. ever. is there such a thing as kindergardenitis? because im pretty sure i had that. and exam binders...i am very proud to say i have never studied more than fifteen minutes (total) for any exam in my entire life. slackers for life.

11:12 PM  

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