Marker Splotches

Ramblings of the markers

Monday, May 09, 2005

complete waste of time

so here i am in another free period and what am i doing? this... writing a blog instead of doing any of the work that is due this week (it isnt much work but still i should be doing it). oh weeekend went by way too fast.. it was like saturday and i was disappointed because it felt like a saturday. i mean i had a three day weekend and saturday is supposed to feel like sunday so i can feel happy when i realize that i have another entire day to watse! but no, it fuckin felt like saturday...piss it...oh oh oh oh oh go to and see the new hp trailer! ahhhhhh! im way too excited for this. but yeah go to one of the links it gives you... the best for me was the one to but yeah it is so cute. la la la... hey hey, what do ya'll wanna do this weekend, besides sluh's prom? ok so it early but i want something else to look forward to so give it to me!!! now!!

"take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty..." oh yeah... take me home!


Blogger etepetete said...

i was so confused for the rest of the weekend. on saturday i was so tired and messed up from my not sleeping all night and then random naps in the day that i had no idea even what year it was. sunday felt kinda shitty cause i was still so tired but i had realized what day it was and i knew what was coming on the next day (school blah). next weekend - i dunno, whatever ppl want to do. chorus has the spring concert on sunday - 2:00 at St. Peters in K-wood. it'll be fun. yep.... done posting.

2:17 PM  

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